H. D. Kuffner

Prognose und Prognosefaktoren enossaler Implantate im bestrahlten Kiefer

Zusammenfassung Einleitung: Die kaufunktionelle Wiederherstellung nach Kopf-Hals-Bestrahlung ist gegenuber anderen Tumorpatienten durch Strahlenkaries, Radioxerostomie und Osteoradionekroserisiko zusatzlich limitiert. Es wurde der Frage der Implantatprognose und potentieller Prognosefaktoren im bestrahlten Kiefer nachgegangen. Material und Methode: Die retrospektive Studie erfaste von 1988–1997 197 Implantate (47 Patienten). Die Implantatprognose wurde durch Uberlebenszeitanalyse (Kaplan-Meier) bestimmt, wobei implantatunabhangige Verluste zensiert wurden. Auserdem erfolgte eine Gruppenbildung nach potentiell die Prognose beeinflussenden Parametern. Grupppenunterschiede in den Uberlebensrat…

research product

Die Rosai-Dorfman-Lymphadenopathie, eine seltene reaktive lymphoproliferative Erkrankung

Aim The established criteria for benignity or malignancy of lymph nodes when evaluated with B-mode ultrasound can be divided into quantitative measures (size, quantity, contour and density) and qualitative parameters (configuration and structure). The validity of these criteria is controversial. Methods Two cases of sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy (SHML) are presented; this is a rare benign reactive disorder in which massive enlargement of cervical lymph nodes often occurs. These enlarged nodes offer a chance to demonstrate and discuss the validity of the sonomorphological criteria. Results The enlarged lymph nodes in SHML fulfill most of the criteria for malignancy. The sa…

research product

Das basaloide Plattenepithelkarzinom (BSC) der Mundschleimhaut

The basaloid-squamous carcinoma (BSC) that was first described in 1986 by Wain et al. for the head and neck region is a rare distinct variant of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). The cardinal histopathologic feature is a biphasic cellular pattern of basaloid and squamous components. BSC has been confused with solid adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC). Although the number of reported cases is small, BSC appears biologically virulent, with a propensity to aggressive local behavior, early regional and distant metastasis, and subsequent poor survival. We report the clinicopathological characteristics of 4 new cases and compare their immunohistochemical features with those of solid ACC and conventional …

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