Marta Paliaga
Computational issues of an electromagnetics transient meshless method
In this paper we refer to the computational issues in solving Maxwell’ s curl equations without using any connectivity among the points in which the problem domain is discretized. The adopted procedure is able to approximate the electric and magnetic vector fields making use of the derivatives of a kernel function at points arranged in the computational domain. In order to improve the numerical accuracy, dealing with irregular data distribution or data located near the boundary, a suitable strategy is considered. The computational core of the overall process requires elementary linear algebra operations. In the paper the method is presented and the discussion is revolved to the computationa…
Highlighting numerical insights of an efficient SPH method
Abstract In this paper we focus on two sources of enhancement in accuracy and computational demanding in approximating a function and its derivatives by means of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method. The approximating power of the standard method is perceived to be poor and improvements can be gained making use of the Taylor series expansion of the kernel approximation of the function and its derivatives. The modified formulation is appealing providing more accurate results of the function and its derivatives simultaneously without changing the kernel function adopted in the computation. The request for greater accuracy needs kernel function derivatives with order up to the desidered …
On invariant manifolds of saddle points for 3D multistable models
In dynamical systems a particular solution is completely determined by the parameters considered and the initial conditions. Indeed, when the model shows a multistability, starting from different initial state, the trajectories can evolve towards different attractors. The invariant manifolds of the saddle points separate the vector field into the basins of attraction of different stable equilibria. The aim of this work is the reconstruction of these separation surfaces in order to know in advance the geometry of the basins. In this paper three-dimensional models with three or more stable fixed points is investigated. To this purpose a procedure for the detection of the scattered data lying …
Towards an Efficient Implementation of an Accurate SPH Method
A modified version of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method is considered in order to overcome the loss of accuracy of the standard formulation. The summation of Gaussian kernel functions is employed, using the Improved Fast Gauss Transform (IFGT) to reduce the computational cost, while tuning the desired accuracy in the SPH method. This technique, coupled with an algorithmic design for exploiting the performance of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), makes the method promising, as shown by numerical experiments.
The smoothed particle hydrodynamics method via residual iteration
Abstract In this paper we propose for the first time an iterative approach of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method. The method is widespread in many areas of science and engineering and despite its extensive application it suffers from several drawbacks due to inaccurate approximation at boundaries and at irregular interior regions. The presented iterative process improves the accuracy of the standard method by updating the initial estimates iterating on the residuals. It is appealing preserving the matrix-free nature of the method and avoiding to modify the kernel function . Moreover the process refines the SPH estimates and it is not affected by disordered data distribution. W…
Detecting tri‐stability of 3D models with complex attractors via meshfree reconstruction of invariant manifolds of saddle points
In mathematical modeling it is often required the analysis of the vector field topology in order to predict the evolution of the variables involved. When a dynamical system is multi-stable the trajectories approach different stable states, depending on the initialmconditions. The aim of this work is the detection of the invariant manifolds of thesaddle points to analyze the boundaries of the basins of attraction. Once that a sufficient number of separatrix points is found a Moving Least Squares meshfree method is involved to reconstruct the separatrix manifolds. Numerical results are presented to assess the method referring to tri-stable models with complex attractors such as limit cycles o…
A normalized iterative Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method
Abstract In this paper we investigate on a normalized iterative approach to improve the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) estimate of a function. The method iterates on the residuals of an initial SPH approximation to obtain a more accurate solution. The iterative strategy preserves the matrix-free nature of the method, does not require changes on the kernel function and it is not affected by disordered data distribution. The iterative refinement is further improved by ensuring linear approximation order to the starting iterative values. We analyze the accuracy and the convergence of the method with the standard and normalized formulation giving evidence of the enhancements obtained wit…
First Experiences on an Accurate SPH Method on GPUs
It is well known that the standard formulation of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics is usually poor when scattered data distribution is considered or when the approximation near the boundary occurs. Moreover, the method is computational demanding when a high number of data sites and evaluation points are employed. In this paper an enhanced version of the method is proposed improving the accuracy and the efficiency by using a HPC environment. Our implementation exploits the processing power of GPUs for the basic computational kernel resolution. The performance gain demonstrates the method to be accurate and suitable to deal with large sets of data.
An Efficient Numerical Method for Time Domain Computational Electromagnetic Simulation
In this paper an efficient numerical method in approximating the electric and magnetic fields is provided. The method is based on an implicit leapfrog arrangement in time and without mesh in space. Moreover, a projection scheme is introduced in order to improve the accuracy of the proposed approach and applied into the computational electromagnetic (CEM) framework. The PDEs governing the process are solved and some numerical results are reported to validate the numerical process.
Analysis of the Allee threshold via moving least square approximation
Cooperation is a common behavior between the members of predators species, because it can improve theirs skill in hunt, especially in endangered eco-systems. This behavior it is well known to induce the Strong Allee effect, that can induce the extinction when the initial populations’ is under a critical density called ”Allee threshold ”. Here we investigate the impact of the pack hunting in a predator-prey system in which the predator suffers of an infectious disease with frequency and vertical transmission. The result is a three dimensional system with the predators population divided into susceptible and infected individuals. Studying the system dynamics a scenario was identified in which…
Improved fast Gauss transform for meshfree electromagnetic transients simulations
Abstract In this paper improved fast summations are introduced to enhance a meshfree solver for the evolution of the electromagnetic fields over time. The original method discretizes the time-domain Maxwell’s curl equations via Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics requiring many summations on the first derivatives of the kernel function and field vectors at each time step. The improved fast Gauss transform is properly adopted picking up the computational cost and the memory requirement at an acceptable level preserving the accuracy of the computation. Numerical simulations in two-dimensional domains are discussed giving evidence of improvements in the computation compared to the standard formula…
Towards an efficient meshfree solver
In this paper we focus on the enhancement in accuracy approximating a function and its derivatives via smoothed particle hydrodynamics. We discuss about improvements in the solution by reformulating the original method by means of the Taylor series expansion and by projecting with the kernel function and its derivatives. The accuracy of a function and its derivatives, up to a fixed order, can be simultaneously improved by assuming them as unknowns of a linear system. The improved formulation has been assessed with gridded and scattered data points distribution and the convergence has been analyzed referring to a case study in a 2D domain.
Energy Storage by using HVDC Power Cables
The development of HVDC (high voltage direct current) systems closely follow the growth of global energy requirements. In particular, HVDC cables are conveniently used for the interconnection of geographical areas which need a low environmental impact and/or when submarines interconnections have to be built up. The paper investigates the stored energy value in an HVDC cable during its normal duty and if it is possible to take advantage of this energy when the cable is disconnected for some reason. In particular, the idea is to store the cable energy, which would be dissipated uselessly, by using a dedicated system and then reuse it when favorable conditions hold, e.g a convenient economic s…
Some Numerical Remarks on a Meshless Approximation Method
In this paper we consider sources of enhancement for the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method in approximating a function and its derivatives. It is well known that the standard formulation is usually poor when scattered data distribution is considered or when the approximation near the boundary occurs. In this paper studies on the accuracy are provided and assessed with gridded and scattered data distribution in the problem domain. The improvements of the method are addressed and supporting numerical experiments are included.
On basins of attraction for a predator-prey model via meshless approximation
Abstract. In this work an epidemiological predator-prey model is studied. It analyzes the spread of an infectious disease with frequency-dependent and vertical transmission within the predator population. In particular we consider social predators, i.e. they cooperate in groups to hunt. The result is a three-dimensional system in which the predator population is divided into susceptible and infected individuals. Studying the dynamical system and bifurcation diagrams, a scenario was identified in which the model shows multistability but the domain of attraction of one equilibrium point can be so small that it is almost the point itself. From a biological point of view it is important to anal…
Advanced numerical treatment of an accurate SPH method
The summation of Gaussian kernel functions is an expensive operation frequently encountered in scientific simulation algorithms and several methods have been already proposed to reduce its computational cost. In this work, the Improved Fast Gauss Transform (IFGT) [1] is properly applied to the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method [2] in order to speed up its efficiency. A modified version of the SPH method is considered in order to overcome the loss of accuracy of the standard formulation [3]. A suitable use of the IFGT allows us to reduce the computational effort while tuning the desired accuracy into the SPH framework. This technique, coupled with an algorithmic design for exploit…
An advanced numerical treatment of EM absorption in human tissue
The numerical computation of local electromagnetic absorption at points within the human tissue is proposed by avoiding the mesh generation in the problem domain. Recently, meshless numerical methods have been introduced as an alter- native computational approach to mesh based methods. This is an important feature to generate competitive procedure able to provide final evaluations for large data amounts in real time. In this paper the smoothed particle hydrodynamics method is considered to compute the electromagnetic absorption. First experiments are performed in two dimension at single frequencies by considering incident TM plane wave on 2D cylinder simulating a simplified model of human t…
A brief overview on the numerical behavior of an implicit meshless method and an outlook to future challenges
In this paper recent results on a leapfrog ADI meshless formulation are reported and some future challenges are addressed. The method benefits from the elimination of the meshing task from the pre-processing stage in space and it is unconditionally stable in time. Further improvements come from the ease of implementation, which makes computer codes very flexible in contrast to mesh based solver ones. The method requires only nodes at scattered locations and a function and its derivatives are approximated by means of a kernel representation. A perceived obstacle in the implicit formulation is in the second order differentiations which sometimes are eccesively sensitive to the node configurat…
Separatrix reconstruction to identify tipping points in an eco-epidemiological model
Many ecological systems exhibit tipping points such that they suddenly shift from one state to another. These shifts can be devastating from an ecological point of view, and additionally have severe implications for the socio-economic system. They can be caused by overcritical perturbations of the state variables such as external shocks, disease emergence, or species removal. It is therefore important to be able to quantify the tipping points. Here we present a study of the tipping points by considering the basins of attraction of the stable equilibrium points. We address the question of finding the tipping points that lie on the separatrix surface, which partitions the space of system traj…
Studi sull’accuratezza numerica di un solutore meshfree per l’approssimazione di campi
L’attività di ricerca è stata finalizzata allo studio di metodologie numeriche avanzate senza reticolazioni per l’approssimazione di funzioni e sue derivate. In particolare si sono condotti studi sull’accuratezza e convergenza del metodo Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics riferendosi a campionamenti regolari e non