Höffken Gerd
CAT score single item analysis in patients with COPD: results from COSYCONET
Abstract The COPD Assessment Test (CAT) is in widespread use for the evaluation of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). We assessed whether the CAT items carry additional information beyond the sum score regarding COPD characteristics including emphysema. Patients of GOLD grades 1 to 4 from the COPD cohort COSYCONET (German COPD and Systemic Consequences - Comorbidities Network) with complete CAT data were included (n = 2270), of whom 493 had chest CT evaluated for the presence of emphysema. Comorbidities and lung function were assessed following standardised procedures. Cross-sectional data analysis was based on multiple regression analysis of the single CAT items ag…
Relationship between clinical and radiological signs of bronchiectasis in COPD patients: Results from COSYCONET.
Bronchiectasis (BE) might be frequently present in COPD but masked by COPD symptoms. We studied the relationship of clinical signs of bronchiectasis to the presence and extent of its radiological signs in patients of different COPD severity. Visit 4 data (GOLD grades 1-4) of the COSYCONET cohort was used. Chest CT scans were evaluated for bronchiectasis in 6 lobes using a 3-point scale (0: absence, 1: ≤50%, 2: >50% BE-involvement for each lobe). 1176 patients were included (61%male, age 67.3y), among them 38 (3.2%) with reported physicians' diagnosis of bronchiectasis and 76 (6.5%) with alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency (AA1D). CT scans were obtained in 429 patients. Within this group, any sign…