Henrik Johannesson
Kondo Resonance in a Mesoscopic Ring Coupled to a Quantum Dot: Exact Results for the Aharonov-Bohm/Casher Effects
We study the persistent currents induced by both the Aharonov-Bohm and Aharonov-Casher effects in a one-dimensional mesoscopic ring coupled to a side-branch quantum dot at Kondo resonance. For privileged values of the Aharonov-Bohm-Casher fluxes, the problem can be mapped onto an integrable model, exactly solvable by a Bethe ansatz. In the case of a pure magnetic Aharonov-Bohm flux, we find that the presence of the quantum dot has no effect on the persistent current. In contrast, the Kondo resonance interferes with the spin-dependent Aharonov-Casher effect to induce a current which, in the strong-coupling limit, is independent of the number of electrons in the ring.
Aharonov–Bohm/Casher effect in a Kondo ring
The in#uence of a magnetic impurity or ultrasmall quantum dot on the spin and charge persistent currents of a mesoscopic ring is investigated. The system consists of electrons in a one-dimensional ring threaded by spin-dependent Aharonov}Bohm/Casher #uxes, and coupled via an antiferromagnetic exchange interaction to a localized electron. The problem is mapped onto a Kondo model for the even-parity channel plus free electrons in the odd-parity channel. The twisted boundary conditions representing the #uxes couple states of opposite parity unless the twist angles / a satisfy / a "f a p, where f a are integers, with spin index a"C, B. For these special values of / a , the model is solvable by …
Nonequilibrium critical scaling in quantum thermodynamics
The emerging field of quantum thermodynamics is contributing important results and insights into archetypal many-body problems, including quantum phase transitions. Still, the question whether out-of-equilibrium quantities, such as fluctuations of work, exhibit critical scaling after a sudden quench in a closed system has remained elusive. Here, we take a novel approach to the problem by studying a quench across an impurity quantum critical point. By performing density matrix renormalization group computations on the two-impurity Kondo model, we are able to establish that the irreversible work produced in a quench exhibits finite-size scaling at quantum criticality. This scaling faithfully …