Concetta Polizzi
Functioning of family system in pediatric oncology during treatment phase.
The study focuses on parents’ psychological implications caused by the treatment of their children suffering from tumor. It investigates some specific mothers’ resource factors such as their strategies of coping and the perception of their own family functioning in terms of cohesion and adaptability. The study was performed with 34 mothers of children suffering from acute lymphoblastic leukemia(ALL),duringthetreatmentphase.TheusedtoolsweretheCopingOrientationtoProblem Experienced—New Italian Version, to investigate coping strategies, and the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale-III, to analyze both real and ideal perception of family functioning. The data related to coping, show h…
Le potenzialità evolutive della relazione nonni-nipoti in regime di affidamento
Non previsto dalla rivista
Background: A child’s chronic or oncological disease is a stressful condition for parents, that may affect the adaptive management helpful for warranting the child’s wellbeing to a disease. Particularly, this study focuses on the possible connections between the variable “culture” and parental strategies to cope with child’s severe disease, by a comparison between Italian and Portuguese mothers. Design and Methods: This research inquires differences and cross-cultural elements among the coping strategies used by Italian and Portuguese mothers of child with chronic or oncological disease. Participants are two mothers’ groups: 59 Italian mothers (M=37,7; SD=4,5) and 36 Portuguese mothers (M=3…
Perception of body self of children suffering from chronic heart disease and parent coping strategy
Coping strategies and locus of control in childhood leukemia: a multi-center research
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a very distressing experience for children and requires a special effort of adjustment. Therefore, it seems to be crucial to explore coping resources for the experienced risk condition. In this sense, the study focuses on coping strategies and locus of control in children with ALL during the treatment phase, and on their possible relation. The correlation between children and maternal coping strategies is also investigated. The participants involved were an experimental group of 40 children with ALL and their mothers, and 30 healthy children as the control group. The tools used were: the Child Behavioral Style Scale and the Monitor-Blunter Style Scale t…
Il processo educativo nell'ospedalizzazione pediatrica
Il servizio “scuola in ospedale”. Parte Prima: modelli e prospettive per l’attraversamento del rischio
The Relation Between Maternal Locus of Control And Coping Styles of Pediatric Leukemia Patients During Treatment
The present study focuses on the relation between coping strategies of children with leukemia during treatment and locus of control of their mothers. In particular, the study aims to determine whether maternal locus of control can influence sick children’s coping styles, and if this relation can be used to predict maladjustments. The study analyzed a cohort of 60 pediatric leukemia patients undergoing treatment and a group formed by their mothers. The participants were recruited from two Pediatric Onco- Hematology Units in Italy. The Child Behavioral Style Scale (CBSS) was used to assess children’s coping strategies, whereas the Parental Health Locus of Control Scale (PHLCS) was employed to…
Il servizio “scuola in ospedale”.Prima parte: modelli e prospettive per l’attraversamento del rischio
La percezione della competenza genitoriale nei luoghi di detenzione
non previsto dalla rivista
Sibling relationships as a resource for coping with traumatic events.
The study investigated the correlation between the perception of sibling relationship to cope an adverse occurrence – the partial collapse of a primary school – and the indicators related to the traumatic impact set off by the event, by soliciting the child’s reminiscence of the catastrophic experience. One hundred trauma-exposed children were recruited from a Sicilian primary school and were administered the following research instruments: the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children (TSCC-A), to investigate the traumatized response that can be triggered in the children involved; the Brother as a Resource Questionnaire (BRQ), to delve into the perception of sibling relationship as a resource.…
Precursori di Deficit dell'Attenzione e disturbi di iperattività (ADHD) in bambini moderatamente pretermine di età prescolare
Lo studio presentato ha voluto esplorare la possibile presenza in bambini di etŕ prescolare, nati moderatamente pretermine, di precursori del disturbo da deficit dell'attenzione e iperattivitŕ. La ricerca ha coinvolto un gruppo di 50 bambini (etŕ media = 5 anni e 2 mesi, ds = 4 mesi) nati moderatamente pretermine (etŕ gestazionale media = 34 settimane, ds = 2) senza complicanze mediche neonatali e con basso peso alla nascita (media = 2100 g., ds = 350 g.) e 50 bambini nati a ter - mine in assenza di complicanze pre e perinatali (etŕ gestazionale media = 40 settimane). Ai genitori e agli insegnanti delle scuole di riferimento dei bambini sono stati somministrati specifici questionari (Identi…
Sibling relationship as a resource to cope a traumatic event.
The study investigated the correlation between the perception of sibling relationship to cope an adverse occurrence – the partial collapse of a primary school – and the indicators related to the traumatic impact set off by the event, by soliciting the child’s reminiscence of the catastrophic experience. One hundred trauma-exposed children were recruited from a Sicilian primary school and were administered the following research instruments: the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children (TSCC-A), to investigate the traumatized response that can be triggered in the children involved; the Brother as a Resource Questionnaire (BRQ), to delve into the perception of sibling relationship as a resource.…
“Dal mondo delle ombre al mondo delle idee. Un viaggio nella formazione degli educatori”
Maternal coping strategies in response to a child's chronic and oncological disease: a cross-cultural study in Italy and Portugal
A child's oncological or chronic disease is a stressful situation for parents. This stress may make it difficult for appropriate management strategies aimed at promoting the child's wellbeing and helping him or her cope with a disease to be adopted. In particular, this study focuses on the possible connections between the variable national cultural influences and the parental strategies used to cope with a child's severe disease by comparing the experiences of Italian and Portuguese mothers. The study investigates differences and cross-cultural elements among the coping strategies used by Italian and Portuguese mothers of children with oncological or chronic disease. Two groups of mothers t…
The Lègami/Legàmi Service—An Experience of Psychological Intervention in Maternal and Child Care during COVID-19
This study provides a descriptive analysis of the Lègami/Legàmi service, a free psychological support service in maternal and childcare, offered through the internet and by telephone that was initiated by the Italian Society of Pediatric Psychology (S.I.P.Ped.) during the COVID-19 medical emergency as an act of solidarity, first independently, and then in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Health. This paper presents findings related to the “universe” of people who called the toll-free service, from the sociocultural characteristics of the users to the information collected by the professionals during the psychological pathways until human satisfaction was achieved. We provide a ret…
La sperimentazione del C.’E.’..S.I…P.U.O. (Centro Educativo Sperimentale Interistituzionale Pediatrico Universitario Ospedaliero).
Percezione del funzionamento familiare e strategie di coping in madri di bambini affetti da neoplasia in fase trattamentale
Il contributo presenta uno studio correlazionale sul rapporto tra specifiche strategie di coping di madri di bambini con neoplasia in fase trattamentale e la loro percezione del funzionamento familiare, in termini di coesione e adattabilita/flessibilita, muovendo dall’ipotesi che una relazione "virtuosa" tra le variabili considerate possa costituire una risorsa importante per la madre. Lo studio, che ha coinvolto un gruppo di 34 madri di bambini con neoplasia in fase di trattamento, ha previsto la somministrazione di due specifici strumenti: il Coping Orientation to the Problems Experienced -Nuova Versione Italiana (COPE-NVI), per rilevare le strategie di coping, e il Family Adaptability an…
Dal mondo delle “ombre” al mondo delle “idee”. Un percorso nella formazione degli educatori
Il servizio “scuola in ospedale". Parte seconda: un contesto di prevenzione
La voce della ricera: i contesti educativi come contesti di prevenzione per il supporto ai bambini ospedalizzati
Il modello di formazione utilizzato all’interno dei percorsi PON: criteri, prospettive, procedure e percorsi esperienziali.
Developmental outcomes of preterm birth: Cognitive and behavioural problems in moderately preterm children at preschool age
Moderately preterm birth seems to be an evolutional risk condition at cognitive, behavioural and socio-relational levels. The study is aimed to investigate the likely occurrence of precursors of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in moderately preterm children at preschool age. The research involved an experimental group made up of 50 moderately preterm children (mean: 34.6 weeks’ gestational age, standard deviation [SD]: 2) without any medical and neurologic neonatal complications and low birth weight (mean:2100g., SD: 350g.) and a check group of 50 full term born children. Parents and teachers of children were administered specific questionnaires to detect ADHD. The outcomes …
A study on maternal-fetal attachment in pregnant women undergoing fetal echocardiography
Purpose: To investigate the possible effects of the fetal echocardiography experience on the prenatal attachment process. The predictive effect of specific women’s psychological variables will be explored as well. Design and methods: This between groups study involved 85 women with pregnancy at risk who underwent the fetal echocardiography, and 83 women who were about to undergo the morphological scan. The tools employed were: the Prenatal Attachment Inventory (P.A.I.) to explore the maternal-fetal attachment; the Maternity Social Support Scale to investigate the woman perception of being socially supported during pregnancy; both the Big Five Questionnaire and the FACES III to explore the p…
Perinatal Parenting Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Outcomes in First-Time Mothers and Fathers: A 3- to 6-Months Postpartum Follow-Up Study
Objective: Although there is an established link between parenting stress, postnatal depression, and anxiety, no study has yet investigated this link in first-time parental couples. The specific aims of this study were 1) to investigate whether there were any differences between first-time fathers’ and mothers’ postnatal parenting stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms and to see their evolution between three and 6 months after their child’s birth; and 2) to explore how each parent’s parenting stress and anxiety levels and the anxiety levels and depressive symptoms of their partners contributed to parental postnatal depression. Method: The sample included 362 parents (181 couples; mothers…
Mother- and father-infant interactions at 3 months of corrected age: The effect of severity of preterm birth
Early interactions of 92 preterm infants with their mothers (n = 54) and fathers (n = 38) were explored at 3 months using CARE-Index. Results showed differences in interactions based on parent's gender, with higher control in mothers and unresponsiveness in fathers, while no effect of severity of birth weight emerged.
Un modello di formazione per il C.'E.'S.I.P.U.O.'
I costrutti di rappresentazione della relazione nelle madri dei bambini ospedalizzati
Prefazione de Il Vento della Psicologia pediatrica: l'esperienza di un know how oltre la Psicologia applicata in Pediatria
La rappresentazione del sé corporeo in condizioni di patologie croniche diversamente trattate
Il contributo presenta uno studio sulla rappresentazione del sé corporeo in bambini con patologie croniche diversamente trattate, al fine di esplorare possibili risorse funzionali alla gestione della condizione di rischio costituita dalla patologia; nello specifico, gli indicatori delle risorse vanno individuati, su un piano qualitativo, nell’adeguatezza dell’immagine del corpo, nell’integrità dell’immagine di sé, nell’integrazione di mappe cognitive e, su un piano quantitativo, nel quoziente di maturità cognitiva. Lo studio ha previsto il coinvolgimento di un gruppo di 52 bambini (età media 10 anni) di cui un 50% con patologie croniche che prevedono trattamenti invasivi, caratterizzati da …
I costrutti di rappresentazione dei genitori nell’ospedalizzazione pediatrica
Maternal Competence, Maternal Burnout and Personality Traits in Italian Mothers after the First COVID-19 Lockdown
This study aimed to investigate the maternal sense of competence and maternal burnout in Italian mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The sample was composed of 278 mothers of children/adolescents aged 4 to 17 years old. Participants were recruited after the end of the first spring total Italian lockdown (June–October 2020) through online advertisements on websites and social media. We hypothesized a model in which a specific personality trait, such as neuroticism, affected maternal competence by the mediating role of maternal burnout. Results showed that neuroticism was directly and negatively predictive of perception of maternal competence, and it was negatively associated with maternal …
Pediatric Psychology
The attention and the intervention of psychology in the field of pediatrics, especially regarding mothers and childcare, whether in a hospital or not, is extremely longstanding [...]
Il forum nell'ospedalizzazione pediatrica come lavoro di comunità
Il legame di attaccamento nella casa famiglia: la percezione dell’operatore
La formazione nell’ospedalizzazione pediatrica. L’esperienza del Progetto “Prometeo”
La relazione madre-bambino all’interno della struttura penitenziaria
“Il “Discorso” nel cooperative learning per l’apprendimento del disabile”
Valutare gli stili cognitivi nel problem solving. Prove di Intelligenze Applicate e proposte di potenziamento
Non previsto in quanto monografia
Self-Representation of Children Suffering from Congenital Heart Disease and Maternal Competence
Background: Child development may be subject to forms of motor, physical, cognitive and self-representation impairments when complex congenital heart disease (CHD) occurs. In some cases, inadequacy of both self-representation as well as the family system are displayed. It seems to be important to search the likely internal and external resources of the CHD child, and the possible connections among such resources, which may help him/her to manage his/her own risk condition. Design and Methods: The research project inquires the possible resources related to the self-representation and self-esteem levels of the CHD child, and those related to maternal self-perception as competent mothers. A gr…
The relation between maternal locus of control and coping strategies of the child with leukemia in treatment phase
The present study focuses on the relation between coping strategies of children with leukemia during treatment and locus of control of their mothers. In particular, the study aims to determine whether maternal locus of control can influence sick children’s coping styles, and if this relation can be used to predict maladjustments. The study analyzed a cohort of 60 pediatric leukemia patients undergoing treatment and a group formed by their mothers. The participants were recruited from two Pediatric Onco-Hematology Units in Italy. The Child Behavioral Style Scale (CBSS) was used to assess children’s coping strategies, whereas the Parental Health Locus of Control Scale (PHLCS) was employed to …
La Psicologia pediatrica oltre la Psicologia in Pediatria
C’È…SI…P.U.Ó.: one project to improve the hospitalization
A Study of Maternal Competence in Preterm Birth Condition, during the Transition from Hospital to Home: An Early Intervention Program’s Proposal
The study was conducted with 104 mothers (average age 32.5 years, SD 6.1) of preterm infants (very and moderately preterm but still healthy) to monitor the perceived maternal role competence from the time of hospitalisation to post-discharge, in order to define an intervention program to support mothers during this transition. A targeted Q-Sort tool (Maternal Competence Q-Sort in preterm birth) was applied at two different times as a self-observation tool for parenting competence in neonatology. A tendency towards dysregulation of the maternal role competence was detected, mainly in terms of low self-assessment and was found to worsen during post-discharge, particularly with regard to careg…
Psychological variables in medically assisted reproduction: a systematic review
Introduction: The paths of medically assisted reproduction represent the most important scientific progress to cope with the inability to achieve spontaneous conception (SC) and to reach desired parenthood. Couples undergoing assisted reproductive technology (ART) and couples not facing ovulation induction and artificial fertilization show sufficient levels of well-being and psychological adjustment. However, in some cases couples undergoing ART show lower perceived quality of life than couples with SC. Our aim is to investigate the main psychological variables involved in the special risk condition of medically assisted reproduction and how they could direct specific guidelines to enhance …
La neonatologia nel ciclo di vita del materno infantile. Un percorso futuro
Supporto alle famiglie in area ospedaliero-pediatrica
Sibship and Self-Esteem in Children With Asthma
This study has explored the valence of sibship that may empower the self-esteem of children with asthma at the interpersonal, environmental control competence, emotionality management, and body-image levels. It has been assumed that the relationship between siblings may have a moderating effect on the negative impact that asthma has on child’s development. Seventy children suffering from chronic asthma have been involved: 40 children with siblings (experimental group) and 30 sibling-free children (control group). The children with asthma have exhibited higher levels of self-esteem in comparison with the sibling-free children. The results of the study, at the clinical significance level, hig…
Le metodiche per lo sviluppo del profilo motivazionale degli alunni
La presa in carico dei minori abusanti: ruolo degli operatori e competenze emotive.
Billo e la storia cancellapaura: una metodica di preparazione psicologica all'intervento chirurgico
The representation of relationship between parents and health professionals in a pediatric department of cardiology
La trasformazione dei costrutti della competenza genitoriale in madri utenti del servizio di counseling in area pediatrica
Early precursors of low attention and hyperactivity in moderately and very preterm children at preschool age
The low attention and hyperactivity are major morbidities associated with very and moderately preterm birth. The study has been aimed at investigating the likely occurrence of early precursors of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in very and moderately preterm children at preschool age. The involved children were: 25 very preterm children (M=29.4 weeks of gestational age, SD=2), with low birth weight (M=1200 g, SD=250 g); 35 moderately preterm children (M=34.6 weeks of gestational age, SD=1) with low birth weight (M=2100 g, SD=250 g); 60 healthy full-term children as the control group. Parents of children have been administered specific questionnaires to detect low attenti…
Schemi narrativi sul se' e autostima nel bambino con neoplasia: uno studio pilota pre-test
Aim The contribution reports on a pre-test pilot study, based on the single-case method (N>1 and N=1 one by one) aimed to investigate whether resilience factors regards self-narrative representation, self-esteem and their likely correlation in child suffering from tumour. Methods The administration of specific investigation instruments (T.M.A. – multidimensional self-esteem test and a narrative inquiry framed on purpose) has been planned by the survey. The participating subjects set up a group of 7 children, 8 to 12 year olds, suffering from tumour. The individuation of such subjects has been carried out in terms of some “drawing variables” such as the existence of tumour, its diagnosis (12…
Le narrazioni sul sé del bambino affetto da tumore in fase trattamentale. Uno studio pilota
Intrapartum analgesia as condition of human satisfaction at hospital
The study investigates parturients’ satisfaction with intrapartum analgesia. It aims to assess their opinions about hospital and health staff involved in delivery, besides investigating emotional control, locus control and bond between mothers and their newborn infants. A multidimensional approach has been used to investigate the variable of woman as a person, the variable of context and the variable of bond with the newborn infant. The study was conducted according to a quasi-experimental design, with a control group. The study was performed within the Analgesia and Intensive Care Operational Unit of the Maternal-Infant Department of the P. Giaccone University General Hospital of Palermo. …
Bambini e famiglie in ospedale. Interventi e strategie psicoeducative per lo sviluppo dei fattori di protezione
Non presente in quanto monografia
Pensarsi psicologo pediatrico. Modelli, percorsi e strategie di una formazione
"Pensare" e "pensarsi" psicologo pediatrico rappresenta, nel nostro territorio nazionale, una vera e propria sfida, nella misura in cui si tratta di fare riferimento ad una figura professionale innovativa, ad un able to/for che "dialoghi" con il proprio essere psicologo. Pertanto, il percorso formativo proposto ha voluto prendere in carico l'esigenza di andare oltre la rappresentazione consolidata di uno psicologo che "adatta" il proprio bagaglio formativo e le proprie competenze alla specificità dei contesti della cura in area pediatrica, sia ospedalieri che territoriali e domiciliari, per pensare ad una figura professionale con uno specifico profilo di competenze, di funzioni e compiti; q…
“Le esperienze: il groupe-parole come metodologia di prevenzione”
Profili temperamentali e stili di attaccamento nei bambini nati prematuri in età prescolare
Rehabilitative training of preterm children’s attention: a study on sustainability
This article is concerned with the description of rehabilitative training aimed at severely and moderately preterm children at preschool age who display impairments of processes of selective attention, self-control and problem solving and who are at risk of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders. In line with a perspective of field study suggested by pediatric psychology, the treatment calls for the involvement of parents, teachers, neonatologists and children’s reference pediatricians. To be more precise, it is a study aimed at investigating the sustainability of the training path in terms of impact and transformative valence of the focalised processes. Involved in the study was a group…
In riferimento alla condizione di rischio della competenza genitoriale nella nascita pretermine, si pone la necessità di prendere in carico proprio l’esigenza di supportare e accompagnare le madri nel fronteggiamento dei nuovi compiti evolutivi posti dalla nascita prematura del proprio bambino, e quindi, di sostenere la competenza genitoriale; in tal senso, le autrici e il gruppo di ricerca di riferimento hanno costruito e validato, nel corso degli anni, uno specifico Q-sort sulla competenza materna percepita
This study is contextualized as a contribution to the literature of the area tackling forms of psychosocial risks (Rutter, 1990); in detail, here it is focalized the relationship between the treatment, made up of antiseismic evacuation drills, and the development of those processes functional to an adequate adaptive management of a seismic event. The research contribution has been carried out within an experimental group made up of 50 children, whom the treatment was addressed to, represented by antiseismic evacuation drills, and by a control group, superimposable on the experimental one, by gender and age variables, but not benefiting from the treatment. Through the use of a questionnaire,…
“La formazione come lavoro di comunità: un’esperienza di stage presso il servizio “scuola in ospedale”
“Il processo educativo nell’ospedalizzazione pediatrica. Potenzialità evolutive e implicazioni socioeducative”
Perception of family-system and parental competence in mothers of children suffering from chronic heart disease
Un servizio di counseling per la trasformazione dei costrutti delle mamme dei bambini ospedalizzati
Early precursors of low attention and hyperactivity in children born late and very preterm at preschool age
Moderately preterm birth seems to be an evolutional risk condition at cognitive, behavioural and socio-relational levels. The study is aimed to investigate the likely occurrence of precursors of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in moderately preterm children at preschool age. The research involved an experimental group made up of 50 moderately preterm children (mean: 34.6 weeks’ gestational age, standard deviation [SD]: 2) without any medical and neurologic neonatal complications and low birth weight (mean:2100g., SD: 350g.) and a check group of 50 full term born children. Parents and teachers of children were administered specific questionnaires to detect ADHD. The outcomes …
Un modello evolutivo-educativo di prevenzione. Percorsi operativi.
Corso di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell’Educazione con elementi di Psicologia pediatrica
The Child Neglect Assessment technique (C.N.A.). A path of the S.I.P.Ped
Lo studio presenta il percorso di validazione di una specifica tecnica di assessment del child neglect rivolta a genitori di bambini di età compresa tra 3 e 9 anni, e che risulta articolata in due specifici strumenti di osservazione. Questa tecnica si fonda su uno specifico modello teorico-operativo costruito in riferimento alla prospettiva della Psicologia pediatrica, che identifica la causa del child neglect nella presenza di una disregolazione della competenza genitoriale, e quindi, nella gestione delle funzioni genitoriali di caregiving, scaffolding e coping. La tecnica presenta un particolare punto di forza: la capacità di intercettare i segnali di una possibile condizione di child neg…
Coping and parental role competence of mothers of preterm infant
The study was aimed at obtaining knowledge about mothers' experiences of preterm birth. The objective of the study is to explore coping strategies and self- perceived parental competence, in mothers of infant born moderately and severely preterm and admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). METHODS: The study involved a group of 16 mothers of moderately preterm children (weeks' gestational age: mean=34, SD=2 and birth weight: mean=2000 g, SD=200 g) and a group of 14 mothers of severely preterm children (weeks' gestational age: mean=29, SD=2 and birth weight: mean=1700 g, SD=350 g). The following instruments were used with mothers to investigate focus areas of research: Coping Ori…
Prenatal attachment in pregnant women subjected to fetal echocardiography
Il servizio “scuola in ospedale”. Parte Terza: Esiti di sviluppo per l’attraversamento del rischio: il coping
Efficacy of the support in medically-assisted procreation: an inter-institutional path
The study refers to a research project related to PhD course in “Health Promotion and Cognitive Sciences”, Department of Psychological, Educational Sciences and Human Movement of the University of Palermo. In particular, this research focuses on one specific supportive care treatment direct to parents who are facing pregnancy at risk also of preterm birth, in a longitudinal perspective (from prenatal to neonatal). The study, which is currently in a start-up phase, will involve 100 couples recruited from a Medically Assisted Procreation Service which are at risk of preterm birth and/or which are living a diagnosis of foetal malformations or genetic syndromes. These conditions, once considere…
Maternal-foetal attachment in pregnancy at risk for fetal congenital heart disease
Parental Distress and Perception of Children’s Executive Functioning after the First COVID‐19 Lockdown in Italy
The spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), and the consequential first italian lockdown to minimize viral transmission, have resulted in many significant changes in the every-day lives of families, with an increased risk of parental burnout. This study explores the impact of the first COVID-19 lockdown in Italy on parental distress and parental perceptions of children’s executive functions (EFs). Participants were 308 Italian parents with children between 4 and 17 years of age; they were recruited through online advertisements on websites and social media, and they were given an online survey. The measures were: the balance between risks and resources (BR2) and the executive functionin…
Parental Resources in Parents of Children with Special Needs (SNs) at the Time of COVID-19
Background. The limitations imposed by governments for containing the spread of COVID-19 have affected familial relationships, especially those of families dealing with children with special needs or chronic illness conditions. The current study aims to better understand what pathological/disability condition has impacted parental resources, sense of competence, and perception of children’s executive functioning the most. Methods. A sample of 648 parents was asked to answer a survey assessing children’s condition (typical development, specific learning disorder, autism spectrum syndrome, chronic illness), parental resources, parenting sense of competence (distinguished into pare…
Metodiche d’intervento nella prevenzione
Il progetto kore: un percorso di accoglienza, ascolto e accompagnamento per la madri in area pediatrica
Parenting Stress, Mental Health, Dyadic Adjustment: A Structural Equation Model
Objective: In the 1st year of the post-partum period, parenting stress, mental health, and dyadic adjustment are important for the wellbeing of both parents and the child. However, there are few studies that analyze the relationship among these three dimensions. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationships between parenting stress, mental health (depressive and anxiety symptoms), and dyadic adjustment among first-time parents. Method: We studied 268 parents (134 couples) of healthy babies. At 12 months post-partum, both parents filled out, in a counterbalanced order, the Parenting Stress Index-Short Form, the Edinburgh Post-natal Depression Scale, the State-Trait Anxiety Invent…
La scuola in ospedale: un’opportunità di ‘attraversamento’ del rischio per il bambino ospedalizzato
Aim. The paper reports research on the subject of "Overcoming the illness risk in the School in Hospital service" the aim of which was to monitor this particular service so as to assess whether or not the activities proposed are directed by the model of overcoming inherent risks as defined and reported here. Four research directions were taken to verify the hypothesis whereby the service takes on a supportive-transformative value which enables the hospitalized child to study through his/her illness and is thus able to develop by activating support, protection and diagnosis functions. Methods. The investigation was carried out using the single case methodology which provided for continuous o…
Una costruzione di senso e significato della competenza genitoriale, traghettando oltre il COVID-19
Il capitolo affronta la complessità dell’esercizio della competenza genitoriale in tempo di COVID-19. Si tratta di delineare uno specifico significato dell’essere genitori, ma tale significato implica una domanda sul senso che questa competenza genitoriale assume oggi, in un tempo storico, come quello che abbiamo vissuto durante l’isolamento imposto dalla pandemia, e che stiamo vivendo in questo post-COVID-19, peraltro senza sapere fino a che punto si possa definire “post”. Il senso, oggi, va probabilmente rintracciato nell’essere e considerarsi, in quanto genitore, regista, narratore, sceneggiatore, orientatore verso una nuova e sconosciuta realtà di relazioni. In un momento storico che ha…
A tool to observe the phenomenology and aesthetics of primary relationships: the “dance steps” of reciprocity between caregivers and infant/child – Pilot validity study
This study addresses the complexity of caregiver-infant/child interactions from the theoretical frame of Gestalt psychotherapy and the field of application of Pediatric Psychology. Based on a previous empirical study on the process of reciprocity in caregiver-infant/child interactions (Spagnuolo Lobb, 2016), the authors have worked on the construction of an observational tool to look at the co-creation of meaningful experiences, switching the focus from the child to the “dance” of reciprocity between caregiver and infant/child. Considering the contextualization in the field of Pediatric Psychology, this pilot study aimed to test the tool’s application with caregiverpreterm infant dyads, but…
I contesti educativi nell’ospedalizzazione pediatrica
Il C.’E.’..S.I...P.U.O.’ (Centro Educativo Sperimentale Interistituzionale Pediatrico Universitario Ospedaliero). Un percorso di sperimentazione per l’umanizzazione in ambito pediatrico
Coping strategies and locus of control in children suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Introduction The start of the treatment phase of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) diagnosis represents an emotional distress condition for the child (Hildenbrand et al., 2011), which requires to use some resources to manage this condition in an adaptive way, one of these resources is represented of coping strategies. The study focuses on children’s coping strategies according to the model of Miller (1987; Miller et al., 1995), which distinguishes between two specific directions, monitoring and blunting. At the same time, the study presents an innovative aspect focusing on the relationship between coping and locus of control, as well as the possible mirroring between child’s and his mother…
CD rom “Aladino e la sua lampada. Il servizio “Scuola in Ospedale” una forma di tutela del minore”
Los precursores de la baja atención e hiperactividad en niños moderadamente y muy prematuros en edad preescolar
Abstract La escasa atención e hiperactividad son las morbilidades asociadas con el nacimiento muy prematuro y moderadamente. El objetivo del estudio es investigar la posible presencia de los primeros precursores de Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH) en niños muy prematuros y moderadamente en la edad preescolar. Los niños participantes fueron: 25 niños muy prematuros (M = 29,4 semanas de edad gestacional, SD = 2), con bajo peso al nacer, 35 niños moderadamente prematuros (M = 1.200 g, SD = 250 g.).: 34,6 semanas de edad gestacional, SD: 1) con bajo peso al nacer (M: 2100g, SD:.. 250 g), 60 niños sanos a término como grupo control. Los padres de los niños se administraron cuestionari…
Coping strategies of Italian and Portuguese mothers in response to a child’s chronic or oncological disease: a cross-cultural study
Background: A child’s chronic or oncological disease is a stressful condition for parents, that may affect the adaptive management helpful for warranting the child’s wellbeing to a disease. Particularly, this study focuses on the possible connections between the variable “culture” and parental strategies to cope with child’s severe disease, by a comparison between Italian and Portuguese mothers. Design and Methods: This research inquires differences and cross-cultural elements among the coping strategies used by Italian and Portuguese mothers of child with chronic or oncological disease. Participants are two mothers’ groups: 59 Italian mothers (M=37,7; SD=4,5) and 36 Portuguese mothers (M=3…