R. Clemente-tomás
Choroidal osteoma with choroidal excavation and associated neovascular membrane: An OCT-angiography study.
Abstract Clinical case A case is presented of a unilateral choroidal osteoma with choroidal excavation and associated neovascular membrane that was studied using OCT-angiography. The OCT and OCT-angiography revealed an area of choroidal excavation and an active neovascular membrane. Three doses of aflibercept were administered to the patient, which stabilized the neovascularisation. Discussion OCT-angiography was used to analyze the morphology of the superficial vascular network of the osteoma, as well as to monitor the evolution of the neovascular membrane.
Correlation Between Ischemic Retinal Accidents and Radial Peripapillary Capillaries in the Optic Nerve Using Optical Coherence Tomographic Angiography: Observations in 6 Patients
Background: Perfusion of the optic nerve has been widely studied using fluorescein angiography (FAG), which is currently regarded as the criterion standard. However, FAG has adverse effects associated with intravenous contrast administration and is limited in its capacity to characterize and stratify the different vascular layers of the optic nerve and retina. The use of new imaging techniques, such as optical coherence tomographic angiography (Angio-OCT), is therefore important. Aim: A qualitative description is made of the vascular layers of the optic nerve and of how vascular events affect radial peripapillary capillaries (RPC). Two patients with central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO), …
Osteoma de coroides con excavación coroidea y membrana neovascular asociada: estudio mediante angiografía-TCO
Resumen Caso clinico Presentamos un caso de osteoma de coroides unilateral con excavacion coroidea y membrana neovascular asociada estudiado mediante angiografia-TCO. En TCO y angiografia-TCO se objetivo excavacion coroidea y una membrana neovascular coroidea activa. Se administraron tres dosis de aflibercept estabilizando la neovascularizacion coroidea. Discusion La angiografia-TCO permitio el analisis morfologico de la red vascular superficial del osteoma asi como el control evolutivo de la membrana neovascular.
Bilateral maculopathy after exposure to a laser pointer: Optical coherence tomography angiography findings.
Abstract Case report A 36-year-old man went to the emergency department the day after exposure to a laser pointer. Funduscopy revealed dispersed macular pigment alterations, and optical coherence tomography showed a disruption of the retinal layers. The visual acuity was counting fingers in both eyes. Nine months later, optical coherence tomography angiography showed a rarefaction in the choriocapillaris vascular flow in the area of the laser injuries. Discussion The retinal layer mainly damaged by the laser injury was the retinal pigment epithelium. However, it is suggested that the laser injury could involve tissues beyond the retinal pigment epithelium, since a rarefaction of the chorioc…
Uveítis anterior aguda hipertensiva granulomatosa bilateral como efecto adverso a brimonidina tópica
Abstract Clinical case The case concerns an 81-year-old woman on treatment with a topical fixed combination of timolol and brimonidine who was diagnosed in the Emergency Department with acute anterior granulomatous hypertensive uveitis. The patient responded favorably to the withdrawal of the eye drops without showing any subsequent relapse. Discussion Uveitis due to brimonidine is a rare adverse effect, but it must be known. Once the diagnosis is suspected, the effective treatment is the withdrawal of brimonidine, with or without the addition of topical corticosteroids to control inflammation depending on the severity of the condition. It is a process with an excellent prognosis.
Retinopatía por Valsalva: estudio mediante retinografía y tomografía de coherencia óptica
Maculopatía bilateral por exposición a puntero láser: hallazgos en la angiografía mediante tomografía de coherencia óptica
Resumen Caso clinico Varon de 36 anos consulta tras exposicion bilateral a puntero laser el dia anterior. En funduscopia se evidenciaron alteraciones pigmentarias maculares dispersas y en tomografia de coherencia optica, desestructuracion de las capas retinianas. La agudeza visual fue de contaje de dedos en ambos ojos. Nueve meses despues se evidencio en la angiografia mediante tomografia de coherencia optica una alteracion del flujo vascular coriocapilar en la zona lesionada por el laser. Discusion El laser afecta principalmente al epitelio pigmentario retiniano. Sin embargo, con este caso ponemos de manifiesto la posible afectacion mas alla del epitelio pigmentario retiniano, apareciendo …
Retinal detachment with spontaneous dialysis of the ora serrata in a 13-year-old child with neurofibromatosis type 1: a case report.
A 13‑year‑old child diagnosed with neurofibromatosis type 1 who on a routine control presented with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment associated to dialysis of the ora serrata in the left eye (OS). There were no clinical signs or history of contuse ocular trauma. Neurofibromatosis produces alterations in fibroblasts of the cortex of the vitreous base. This results in deficient production of the collagen fibers that anchor the vitreous base to the pars plana and the peripheral neurosensory retina. Thus, suboptimal function of the fibroblasts explains spontaneous avulsion of the vitreous base. Such avulsion in turn is related to dialysis of the ora serrata.