Estefanía Ruiz-palomino

Autoeficacia en la prevención sexual del Sida: la influencia del género

Title: Self-efficacy in AIDS sexual prevention: influence of gender. Abstract: The scientific literature suggests that a low self-efficacy for con- dom use may be related to many risky behaviors for HIV transmission in young people. We analyze the self-efficacy of condom use among youth, the existence of gender differences and the relationship with other relevant variables in HIV prevention. The "Self-Efficacy Condom Use Subscale", included in the AIDS Prevention Questionnaire (Ballester, Gil and Gimenez, 2007), was administrated to 3540 university students (50.9% women, 49.1% men). The results showed that the sample obtained medi- um-high scores on self-efficacy, showing the lowest scores …

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HEB806964_Supplemental_Appendix_1 – Supplemental material for Factorial Structure and Psychometric Properties of a Brief Scale of the Condom Use Self-Efficacy for Spanish-Speaking People

Supplemental material, HEB806964_Supplemental_Appendix_1 for Factorial Structure and Psychometric Properties of a Brief Scale of the Condom Use Self-Efficacy for Spanish-Speaking People by María-Dolores Gil-Llario, Vicente Morell-Mengual, Estefanía Ruiz-Palomino and Rafael Ballester-Arnal in Health Education & Behavior

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Factorial Structure and Psychometric Properties of a Brief Scale of the Condom Use Self-Efficacy for Spanish-Speaking People

Background. Studies have shown the role played by perceived self-efficacy in explaining condom negotiation and condom use. Aims. The factorial structure and the psychometric properties of the Brief Condom Use Self-Efficacy Scale are presented. Method. The study included 368 men and 456 women aged 17 to 55 years ( Mage = 25.01, SD = 6.93). Results. Exploratory factor analysis yielded three factors: fear of rejection, impulse control, and condom acquisition and negotiation, which together accounted for 68% of the total variance. That structure was confirmed through confirmatory factor analysis. Cronbach’s alpha for the Brief Condom Use Self-Efficacy Scale was .71. The scale provided adequate…

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Problematic and non-problematic engagement in Online Sexual Activities across the lifespan

During the last decade, the number of people using the Internet for sexual purposes has increased exponentially. However, most studies conducted so far have analysed Online Sexual Activity (OSA) of adolescents and young people, meaning that we have few information on how this phenomenon is expressed across the lifespan. The aim of this study was to analyse three aspects of OSA (prevalence of different OSAs, motives to engage in OSA, and excessive and problematic engagement in OSA) in a large sample of individuals in different developmental stages. A self-selected sample of 8040 individuals between 12 and 85 years old were recruited and completed an online survey. Participants were distribut…

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Clinical profile associated with HIV risk in Spanish youth

Heterosexual transmission is the second route of new HIV infection diagnoses in Spain. A high percentage of young people use condom inconsistently. Beyond cognitive factors, emotional variables seem to be associated with sexual risk behavior. The aim was to examine the differential clinical profile between young people at risk and no-risk for HIV infection. A total of 424 heterosexuals were evaluated (M age =20.62; SD=2.16), and distributed into two groups: risk group (60.7%) and non-risk group (39.3%). They completed the AIDS Prevention Questionnaire, the Beck Depression Inventory, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, the Penn State Worry Questionnaire, and the Brief Fear of Negative Evaluatio…

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Health promotion in young people: Identifying the predisposing factors of self-care health habits

Unhealthy behaviors are strongly associated with chronic diseases, disabilities, or mortality. Identifying the predisposing factors that influence on self-care healthy habits will improve an early detection of high-risk groups. Four hundred and sixty-six Spanish young people aged 18–25 years were assessed. Global perceived health self-care was predicted by Value of health and Conscientiousness, both in females ( R2 = 0.185; F = 29.661; p < 0.001) and males ( R2 = 0.154; F = 17.849; p < 0.001). The results have shown gender differences in health self-care habits. Health promotion policies should include specific health consciousness-based strategies.

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Abstract.THE ROLE OF SELF-ESTEEM IN HIV PREVENTION AMONG SPANISH YOUNG PEOPLE SELF-ESTEEM INFLUENCES ON SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT AND RELATIONSHIPS OF YOUNG PEOPLE.Aims to examine the effects of the self-esteem on HIV prevention, 467 young people from the Valencian Community (Mage = 20.62; SD = 2.14) completed the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale and the Aids Prevention Questionnaire by Ballester et al. (2007). Results showed statistically significant positive correlation between self-esteem and self-efficacy in condom use (p = .000), perceived competence (p = .041) or number of sexual partners (p = .001). On the other hand, statistically significant negative correlation were found between solidarity t…

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Frecuencia sexual de los adolescentes españoles durante el confinamiento por COVID-19

La situación de confinamiento debido a la COVID-19 ha supuesto un gran cambio en los estilos de vida de los jóvenes. Sin embargo, poco se conoce del impacto que el aislamiento ha tenido en la sexualidad de los adolescentes. Por ello, el objetivo de este trabajo es conocer la frecuencia sexual de los adolescentes durante el confinamiento y sus posibles consecuencias, todo ello con una perspectiva de género. 134 adolescentes españoles, entre 16-20 años, respondieron a una encuesta on-line ad hoc sobre sexualidad, siendo el 59.7% chicas. Un 67.2% de los participantes se consideraba heterosexual, un 91.2% estaba confinado/a con sus padres, un 59.7% estaba soltero/a y un 40.3% tenía pareja estab…

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Trends in HIV sexual prevention: Attitudinal beliefs and behavioral intention in Spanish young people over the past two decades (1999-2020).

Abstract Despite preventive efforts, HIV exposure is still a concern for public health. The current prevalence is related to unsafe sex, which is based on socio-cognitive variables. Therefore, information about these variables is required to verify whether the past preventive strategies have been effective and improve the future ones. However, there is not updated information to adjust future preventive interventions. For this reason, this study analyzes trends by gender in Spanish young people over the past two decades in perceived susceptibility to HIV, severity perceived to HIV, condom confidence and the intention of condom use, from 1999 to 2020. For this purpose, 11,665 Spanish young p…

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Online sexual activities in Hispanic women: A chance for non-heterosexual women?

Abstract:  Sexuality is still modulated by social determinants that promote a passive role for women. In the recent decades, some findings have supported the influence of the Internet on sexuality. However, the relevance of online sexual activities for some groups such as Hispanic young women is still unknown. In this context, this study examines online sexual experience among 310 Hispanic women from Argentina, Mexico and Spain; as well as the role of their offline sexuality and country in this sexual pattern. As a result, Hispanic women report a variety of online sexual activities that ranges from searching information to masturbation. In particular, the Internet use for sexual purposes is…

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Abuso sexual y discapacidad intelectual: cómo identifican y valoran la experiencia las personas con discapacidad intelectual y los profesionales que les atienden

El abuso sexual es un tema que afecta, de manera especial, a las personas con discapacidad intelectual. En su abordaje, el rol de los profesionales resulta clave tanto en la identificación como en la prevención y tratamiento de la problemática. Sin embargo, existen pocos estudios que examinen hasta qué punto la estimación de los profesionales coindice con la experiencia real de las personas con discapacidad intelectual. Por ese motivo, el presente estudio analiza la percepción de riesgo y la propia vivencia del abuso sexual de las personas con discapacidad intelectual, en comparación con la identificación y valoración realizada por los profesionales que les atienden. Para ello, participaron…

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Psychometric properties and validation of the sexual sensation seeking scale in Spanish adolescents: Brief screening method for use in research and clinical practice

Abstract Sexual sensation seeking among adolescents has been mostly associated with unprotected sex and other risky behaviors. This paper presents the Spanish adaptation and validation of the Sexual Sensation Seeking Scale (SSSS). This cross-sectional study included 1350 adolescents (601 male and 749 female), aged between 15 and 18 years ( M  = 16.1, SD  = 0.97). Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) yielded two components: Physical Sensations Attraction (PSA), and New Experiences Seeking (NES), which together accounted for 48.98% of the total variance. That structure was later verified through Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Internal consistency was 0.82 for the total scale, and 0.76 and 0…

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Influence of sexual sensation seeking, sexual compulsivity and sexual pleasure in condom use among Spanish youth: implications for HIV interventions

Spain is one of the countries with the highest incidence of HIV within the European Union. Multiple and complex factors influence HIV infection in young people. This study aims to determine the influence of sexual sensation seeking, sexual compulsivity and perceived sexual pleasure variables in condom use. A total of 424 heterosexual youth were evaluated (M age = 20.62; SD = 2.62) distributed into a risk group (60.7%) and a no-risk group (39.3%). Sexual Sensation Seeking Scale, AIDS Prevention Questionnaire, Sexual Compulsivity Scale, and Sexual Pleasure Perceived Scale were administered. Results indicate statistically significant differences in sexual sensation seeking (p=.001), failure to…

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Una perspectiva de género en el estudio de conductas de riesgo de los adolescentes.

La adolescencia es una etapa clave para la adquisición de los estilos de vida saludables. Sin embargo, a nivel europeo, se observa cómo los y las adolescentes realizan a diario conductas de riesgo para su salud. Dadas las repercusiones que conllevan, este trabajo explora la realización de conductas de riesgo para la salud (consumo de alcohol, tabaco y otras drogas, mala alimentación, sedentarismo y sexualidad de riesgo) así como el análisis de aquellas variables que podrían facilitarlas (actitudes, creencias y motivaciones) entre adolescentes de la Comunidad Valenciana. Para ello, 300 adolescentes entre 15 y 18 años, cumplimentaron el Cuestionario de Información, Actitudes y Comportamientos…

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Personality as a mediating variable in condom use among Spanish youth.

Several studies have shown the influence of personality in risky sexual behaviors. This work has sought to establish which personality variables favor or hinder condom use in Spanish youth. A total of 408 young heterosexuals were assessed, divided into risk group (60.8%) and no-risk group (39.2%), according to systematic condom use. The results show statistically significant differences in Openness to Experience (p = .039), Conscientiousness (p = .047), Actions (p = .001), Competence (p = .024), and Self-discipline (p = .046). The regression analysis revealed that Compliance explained about 14 percent of the variance in condom use. The tendency to behave in a cooperative, peace-making, and …

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The role of dispositional and social factors in Argentinian and Spanish women's sexuality

This study examines the role of sociocultural and dispositional factors in the sexual expressions of young Argentinian and Spanish women. Three hundred young women self-evaluated their sexual practices, sexual orientation, and relationships. Results reveal differences in women's sexuality based on societal and dispositional variables. The latter seem to play a more important role in those sexual behaviors that are normative in Hispanic traditions, whereas gender dissimilarity is more relevant when these behaviors are socially censured. Therefore, women's sexuality in Hispanic traditions, such as in Argentina and Spain, seems to be more complex than past studies reported.

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Influence of beliefs about romantic love on the justification of abusive behaviors among early adolescents

Introduction Romantic experiences during adolescence have an important influence on functioning later in life. Romantic love has been associated with the acceptance of abusive behaviors. This study examined the relationship between myths of romantic love and the perceived severity of different types of abusive behaviors, as well as the influence of gender. Methods The sample comprised 448 Spanish adolescents (M = 12.92 years old; SD = 0.85), of which 50.3% were male and 49.7% were female. Participants were evaluated in the school setting. The Perception of Abuse Scale and the Myths, Fallacies, and Misconceptions about Romantic Love Scale were administered. Results Statistically significant …

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Explanatory Psychological Factors of Inconsistently Condom Use among Spanish University Students: Gender Differences

Abstract More than 50% of Spanish youth does not use of condoms correctly and consistently. University students are a particular population at high risk of the HIV infection, other STIs and unwanted pregnancies. The influence of psychological variables in using of condom is analyzed by gender and type of sexual relationship. A total of 256 females and 168 males were assessed (Mage= 20.62; SD = 2.16). A regression logistic analysis showed that sexual sensation seeking appears as an explanatory variable of inconsistently condom use in both females and males in vaginal intercourse, steady relationship intercourse and sex under the alcohol and other drugs effects (adjusted odds ratio between 1.…

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