Juan José Martínez Sierra
Literal translation in the audiovisual field. Methods and techniques
The debate on literal translation is an old one, and it will surely continue to exist for the time to come. In any case, it is not intended to address that discussion here, but rather to take a descriptive, nonjudgmental look at the matter for the sole purpose of pointing out the need for more precise terminology when speaking about literal translation, especially in translation teaching. As it will be explained, literal translation can be both a translation method and a translation technique and it seems appropriate to be aware of what we mean exactly when we use this label. Moreover, as it will be shown, the positions in either direction (method or technique) remain in force, although the…
espanolEl presente articulo estudia como los roles y registros comunicativos se expresan de forma interdependiente, influenciandose mutuamente en los actuales foros digitales. En la primera parte, y a partir de la combinacion de estudios previos sobre variacion de registros comunicativos, la teoria de la identidad social y la linguistica cognitiva, se proponen tres nuevos conceptos para el analisis discursivo: ‘Rol Modulador de Registro’ (RMR), ‘brujula del registro’ y ‘registro-pivote’. La forma en la que funcionan en el discurso digital se ilustra en la segunda parte, con el analisis de un corpus de foros de discusion. Los resultados demuestran que cada perfil de foro despliega una gama d…
O humor como problema de pesquisa em Estudos da Tradução
This article is an overview of translation studies applied to the case of humour, divided into four parts, plus an extensive bibliography. The first part goes over humour translation as a relevant object of research and why it is worthy of more academic attention. Humour translation should not be dealt with or looked upon as a strange body within translation studies. Part two is an overview of key contributions to the field, from Spain and elsewhere, covering a considerable number of authors and theories. Part three focuses on promising areas of interest for researchers and illustrates how audiovisual translation is a good instance of dynamism within the field, connecting all this to the ri…
Translating cultures, cultures in translation
Among its several definitions, translation can be understood as ‘a rendering from one language into another’, probably the most immediate sense, as ‘a change to a different substance, form, or appe...
La docencia de la traducción audiovisual y de lenguas extranjeras. Puntos de encuentro
[EN] Increasingly, we can build new bridges between related fields of education. This makes it possible to use techniques that were originally designed for one specific area of teaching, in others. An example of this can be, on the one hand, the teaching of audiovisual translation and, secondly, the teaching of foreign languages. We can find instances of this possibility in recent and noteworthy works in which, for example, the application of subtitles to learn a foreign language is explored. Thus, along the same lines, the main objective of this article is the search for other possible avenues of connection between the two areas mentioned above, taking advantage of new technologies and of …
(...) if censorship is in itself a serious issue in the same language and culture, it is even more serious if it operates via translation. That is to say, from one language (and culture) to another, given that, if departing from the sense, function and form of a source text if transferred from a language to another, if the translated text is partially or wholly translated (i.e. "no-translation") or even amended, the result is a text that will definitely not resemble the original. The consequences of this are great, not only affecting the writer in the source language, but also the image, or idea, of the whole source literary system.Sadly, one of the problems scholars face when researching c…
Humour as a symptom of research trends in translation studies
This article is an overview of translation studies applied to the case of humour, divided into four parts, plus an extensive bibliography. The first part goes over humour translation as a relevant object of research and why it is worthy of more academic attention. Humour translation should not be dealt with or looked upon as a strange body within translation studies. Part two is an overview of key contributions to the field, from Spain and elsewhere, covering a considerable number of authors and theories. Part three focuses on promising areas of interest for researchers and illustrates how audiovisual translation is a good instance of dynamism within the field, connecting all this to the ri…
PluriTAV: desarrollo de las competencias plurilingües mediante el uso de la traducción audiovisual
[EN] This piece of work introduces the PluriTAV (Audiovisual Translation as a Tool for the Development of Multilingual Competences in the Classroom) research project. This project is staked on one of the most recent approaches of foreign language teaching, the multilingual approach, in which not only the language being studied (or taught) but also the linguistic repertoire of the classroom are taken into account. The project, focused on the teaching and perfecting of language, is based on the said approach and draws on a field related to foreign language teaching, audiovisual translation, so that through it, one can learn a foreign language, perfect mother tongue abilities and develop multi…