Manuel Soriano-ferrer


Reading Disabilities in children with Specific Language Impairment

El presente estudio examinó el rendimiento en lectura de los niños con Trastorno Específico del Lenguaje (TEL). Treinta niños con TEL y 32 niños con desarrollo normal del lenguaje, equilibrados en género, edad cronológica e inteligencia, fueron evaluados mediante el PROLEC-R. Los resultados de los ANOVAs indicaron que ambos grupos difieren en el rendimiento en lectura. Como grupo, los niños con TEL tuvieron significativamente un rendimiento inferior, tanto en la exactitud como en el tiempo de la lectura de palabras y pseudopalabras, por lo que tenían una menos eficacia de lectura. En la misma línea, el rendimiento de los niños con TEL en comprensión literal e inferencial también fue inferio…

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Incidencia de la experiencia docente con el TDAH en los conocimientos, la autoeficacia y los niveles de estrés docente

Los estudios que han comparado los conocimientos que tienen los profesores sin experiencia (PSE) y los profesores con experiencia profesional (PCE) sobre el Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH) han mostrado resultados contradictorios. Además, el papel que tiene la experiencia docente con niños con TDAH sobre los conocimientos, la autoeficacia y el estrés docente no ha sido abordado en los estudios previos. Por ello, el presente estudio pretende: a) comparar los conocimientos, las creencias erróneas y las lagunas de conocimiento de los PCE y PSE de España, acerca del TDAH; b) analizar la experiencia de los PCE con niños con TDAH y la relación con los conocimientos, la au…

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Un Estudio Descriptivo sobre el Acoso y Violencia Escolar en la Educación Obligatoria

El presente trabajo analiza la violencia en la población escolar no universitaria de la Comunitat Valenciana, a través de los datos recogidos a través de un Registro On-line. En términos generales, el análisis de los datos señala que las agresiones son más frecuentes en el primer ciclo de Enseñanza Secundaria, donde consecuentemente se abren mayor número de expedientes disciplinarios. Se constata que la violencia más frecuente es la violencia física, seguida de la violencia verbal, seguida con menor incidencia la violencia contra la propiedad, por exclusión y por último, la violencia sexual. Respecto a la topografía, la mayoría de incidencias ocurren en el aula, seguidas del …

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A review of the neurobiological basis of dyslexia in the adult population

Introduction: Adult dyslexia affects about 4% of the population. However, studies on the neurobiological basis of dyslexia in adulthood are scarce compared to paediatric studies. Aim: This review investigates the neurobiological basis of dyslexia in adulthood. Development: Using PsycINFO, a database of psychology abstracts, we identified 11 studies on genetics, 9 neurostructural studies, 13 neurofunctional studies and 24 neurophysiological studies. Results from the review show that dyslexia is highly heritable and displays polygenic transmission. Likewise, adult neuroimaging studies found structural, functional, and physiological changes in the parieto-occipital and occipito-temporal region…

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Parent and Teacher Ratings of Behavioral Executive Functioning for Students With Dyslexia.

Research exploring behavioral ratings of executive functioning (EF) for children and adolescents with dyslexia is scarce, which limits researchers, clinicians, educators, and parents from understanding and best supporting these students at home and/or school. Using the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function, Second Edition (BRIEF-2) rating scale to measure participants’ EF behaviors in home and school settings, a primary objective of this study was to examine the EF of Spanish children and adolescents with dyslexia ( n = 78) and to compare their EF with typically developing (TD) peers ( n = 82). The study also sought to examine agreements and disagreements among teacher and parent…

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Instrucción en estrategias de comprensión lectora mediante enseñanza recíproca: efectos del agrupamiento de los estudiantes

The aim of this study was to compare the effects of two grouping formats on the reading comprehension. Reading comprehension Instruction used reciprocal teaching (RT) that is an instructional procedure to teach students cognitive strategies that might lead to improved reading comprehension. A sample of 43 students in the fourth year of primary education was selected: 18 children were instructed in regular classroom (GG), 8 were instructed in small group (PG), while the remaining 17 made up the comparison group (GC). Two types of comprehension measures were used: tasks of specific effects (getting the main idea, comprehension-monitoring test) and transfer effect measures (standardized test, …

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Teacher Perceptions of Reading Motivation in Children with Developmental Dyslexia and Average Readers

Abstract Purpose. This study assessed the teacher perceptions of reading engagement and several components of reading motivation in children with developmental dyslexia and average readers, in an attempt to more clearly understand the role of motivation in developmental dyslexia Method. Sixty-eight children participated in this study. Thirty-three children made up the group with developmental dyslexia and thirty-five made up the group of average readers. In order to assess the reading motivation of the participants, teachers filled two instruments: (a) The Reading Engagement Index ( Wigfield et al., 2008 ), a teacher rating of the engaged reader, and (b) Teacher questionnaire on student mot…

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Executive Function Domains among Children with ADHD: Do they Differ between Parents and Teachers Ratings?

Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate parents and teachers behavior rating measures of executive functions (EFs) in everyday activities in ADHD children, predominantly inattentive (ADHD-PI) and combined type (ADHD-CT), relative to their typically developing peers. Sixteen children with ADHD combined type and fourteen with ADHD predominantly inattentive type were age- and gender-matched to thirteen typically developing peers. Both parents and teachers of the participants completed the BRIEF. As expected, the executive functioning of children with ADHD were rated significantly worse than those of controls by both parents and teachers. Thus, parent and teachers reported more EF im…

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Are There Lower Repetition Priming Effects in Children with Developmental Dyslexia? Priming Effects in Spanish with the Masked Lexical Decision Task.

The aim of this study was to compare the reaction times and errors of Spanish children with developmental dyslexia to the reaction times and errors of readers without dyslexia on a masked lexical decision task with identity or repetition priming. A priming paradigm was used to study the role of the lexical deficit in dyslexic children, manipulating the frequency and length of the words, with a short Stimulus Onset Asynchrony (SOA = 150 ms) and degraded stimuli. The sample consisted of 80 participants from 9 to 14 years old, divided equally into a group with a developmental dyslexia diagnosis and a control group without dyslexia. Results show that identity priming is higher in control childr…

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Grey matter reduction in the occipitotemporal cortex in Spanish children with dyslexia: A voxel-based morphometry study

Abstract Structural and functional neuroimaging studies have reported brain alterations in occipitotemporal, temporoparietal, and left frontal areas in dyslexic patients. These areas have been linked to reading skill impairments, due to their involvement in word recognition and processing. However, most of the patients in these studies were speakers of languages with a deep orthography. In this study, we used voxel-based morphometry (VBM) to investigate brain differences in grey matter volume associated with a transparent language in a sample of 25 native Spanish participants (13 dyslexic and 12 non-dyslexic children). Results revealed a volume reduction in the left occipitotemporal cortex …

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A Scale of Knowledge and Beliefs about Developmental Dyslexia: Scale Development and Validation

Abstract The purpose of this study was to create and validate a scale measuring knowledge and beliefs regarding developmental dyslexia. A four-step procedure was followed to achieve this objective. A literature review generated a preliminary pool of 65 items. A group of 12 university teachers of learning disabilities read the items for content and face validity and offered comments. Based on their comments, some items were combined, and confusing items were changed or eliminated, which left a scale of 50 items, with the response options of true (V), false (F) or dont know (NS). Later, each participant, using a description of the scales, placed each item into one of the three subscales. An i…

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Impact of Fragile X Syndrome on Their Families

espanolEl objetivo del presente estudio es describir las alteraciones conductuales y emocionales en el sindrome de X fragil (SXF) y analizar las reperecusiones de tener un miembro con SXF en diferentes aspectos del funcionamiento familiar. Participaron 79 padres con un miembro con SXF y 80 padres con un miembro con desarrollo tipico. Los resultados mostraron que entre el 17% y el 66% de los ninos y adolescentes con SXF mostraron trastornos conductuales y emocionales significativos y menos comportamientos prosociales. Ademas, despues de controlar las dificultades emocionales y de comportamiento, nuestros resultados mostraron que las familias afectadas por SXF experimentaron un impacto mas ne…

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Una revisión de las bases neurobiológicas de la dislexia en población adulta

Resumen: Introducción: La dislexia en la edad adulta afecta a alrededor del 4% de la población. Sin embargo, la investigación acerca de los sustratos neurobiológicos de la dislexia en población adulta es relativamente escasa en comparación con la realizada en niños. Objetivo: El presente estudio ofrece una revisión de las bases neurobiológicas de la dislexia en población adulta. Desarrollo: A partir de una búsqueda bibliográfica en la base de datos del Psychological Abstracts: PsycINFO, se identificaron 11 trabajos sobre las bases genéticas, 9 estudios que emplearon técnicas de neuroimagen estructural, 13 artículos que emplearon técnicas neurofuncionales, y 24, neurofisiológicas. Los result…

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Geographically representative scholarship and internationalization in school and educational psychology: A bibliometric analysis of eight journals from 2002–2016

Abstract Although the discipline of school and educational psychology is arguably international (e.g., relevant research and practice is evident in more than 80 countries), there has been limited research examining the international scholarship published in school and educational psychology journals. Such an assessment is important because it provides one important metric for better understanding the field's level of internationalization. The purpose of this study was to evaluate every article (N = 4456) published from 2002 to 2016 across eight school and educational psychology journals that publish international scholarship. Each article's authorship and participant data were coded and rep…

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Narraciones escritas en niños con Trastorno Específico del Lenguaje (TEL)

El presente estudio examinó las narraciones escritas, así como la influencia de las variables lingüísticas sobre la competencia narrativa de los niños con Trastorno Específico del Lenguaje (TEL). Veinticinco niños con TEL y 25 niños con desarrollo normal del lenguaje, equilibrados en edad e inteligencia, realizaron una tarea de narración escrita. Los resultados indican que ambos grupos difieren en la producción de narraciones. Los niños con TEL no solo escribieron historias más cortas, sino también de menor organización y coherencia. Además cometieron significativamente más errores de ortografía natural y de sintaxis. Los análisis de regresión jerárquica mostraron que diferentes medidas lin…

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Knowledge and Beliefs About Developmental Dyslexia: A Comparison Between Pre-Service and In-Service Peruvian Teachers

The purpose of this study was to investigate the knowledge, misconceptions, and knowledge gaps of Peruvian pre-service teachers (PSTs) and in-service teachers (ISTs). To do so, 112 PSTs and 113 ISTs completed the Knowledge and Beliefs About Developmental Dyslexia Scale (KBDDS). Results show that ISTs scored significantly higher than PSTs. Moreover, misconceptions and lack of information were higher in PSTs. The most noteworthy misconceptions were that dyslexia is due to poor visual perception and that letter or word reversals are the most important criterion in the identification of dyslexia. Age, years of teaching experience, prior exposure to a child with dyslexia, and self-efficacy were …

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Why have I failed? Why have I passed? A comparison of students’ causal attributions in second language acquisition (A1–B2 levels)

Background Previous literature highlights the importance of causal attributions in achievement and motivation. However, the studies about causal attributions in second language acquisition (SLA) are limited and scarce. Aims This study was designed to determine the frequency of successful and unsuccessful activities per English level and to compare the causal attributions (explanations of outcomes) on successful and failure authentic tasks undertaken in the context of learning English as a foreign language (EFL) acquisition in an Official School of Languages (OSL). Sample To this aim, 407 native Spanish students from levels A1 (n = 111), A2 (n = 113), B1 (n = 98), and B2 (n = 85) in OSL part…

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Psychoeducational Challenges in Spanish Children With Dyslexia and Their Parents’ Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic

BackgroundResearch during 2020 has been rapidly attending to the impact of COVID-19 on various dimensions of wellbeing (e.g., physical, psychological, lifestyle and routines) on adults and children around the world. However, less attention has focused on the psychoeducational impact on children and their families. To our knowledge, no currently available studies have looked specifically at the impact of COVID-19 on students with dyslexia and their families. Research on this topic is needed to offer greater support for this population of students and their families.ObjectiveThe main objective of this paper is to examine the psychoeducational impact of the required COVID-19 quarantine in Spai…

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Conocimientos de los maestros acerca de la dislexia del desarrollo: implicaciones educativas

ResumenEl propósito del estudio es investigar los conocimientos, las creencias erróneas y las lagunas de conocimiento de los profesores sin experiencia y de los profesores con experiencia de España, con relación a áreas específicas sobre la dislexia del desarrollo: información general, síntomas/diagnóstico y tratamiento, así como su relación con variables sociodemográficas. Ciento dieciocho profesores sin experiencia y 110 profesores con experiencia completaron la Escala de Conocimientos y Creencias sobre la Dislexia del Desarrollo (KBDDS). Los resultados indican que los conocimientos de los profesores con experiencia fueron significativamente mejores que los de los profesores sin experienc…

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Internationalization within school and educational psychology: Perspectives about positive indicators, critical considerations, and needs

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Reading-related Cognitive Deficits in Spanish Developmental Dyslexia

Abstract Spanish-speaking children learn to read words written in a relatively transparent orthography. Variations in orthographic transparency may shape the manifestation of reading difficulties. This study was intended to help clarify the nature of developmental dyslexia in Spanish. Developmentally Dyslexic children (DD) were compared to a chronological age-matched control group (CA). Measures included rapid automated naming, verbal working memory, phonological short-term memory, and phonemic awareness. Results demonstrated that developmental dyslexics show reading-related cognitive deficits in areas such as naming speed, verbal working memory, phonological short-term memory, and phonemic…

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Un análisis documental de la investigación en dislexia en la edad adulta

La dislexia en la edad adulta afecta alrededor del 4% de la población. Por ello, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los aspectos metodológicos, así como los temas de investigación, acerca de la dislexia en población adulta. A partir de una búsqueda bibliográfica en la base de datos del Psychological Abstracts: PsycoINFO, se identifican y seleccionan los trabajos sobre los que se centra la revisión. Los resultados indican respecto a la metodología que la mayoría de estudios emplean métodos cuantitativos de investigación (59.4%), frente al 5.7% que emplea métodos cualitativos. También se emplean en el 10% de los trabajos diseños de N=1, y, en menos del 10%, entrevistas, estudios longitud…

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