Sonia Ingoglia

Percezione della relazione con i genitori: differenze individuali nella connessione e nell’autonomia in adolescenza

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Autonomy and intimacy toward parents in adolescent girls: the relation with empathic concern and psychological well-being

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Acculturation profiles, psychosocial adaptation and perceived discrimination among Tunisian adolescents

The study refers to data coming from the Italian section of MIRIPS project. It was focused on the analysis of the adaptation of Tunisian adolescents living in Italy and it was guided by the integration hypothesis, stating that migrants feel better if they are engaged in both their own culture and that of the larger society than if they engage in one or the other culture only. Using a person-oriented approach, the study investigated the relationships between acculturation profiles - namely patterns of relations between factors associated to the acculturation process (e.g., acculturation strategies, ethnic and national identities, ethnic and national language use, social contacts with people …

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The role of executive function in social competence and behavioural problems in childhood education

Diversos estudios han encontrado una relación entre la función ejecutiva, los problemas de conducta y la competencia social. Sin embargo, hasta este momento, pocos estudios han investigado el papel de los distintos componentes de la función ejecutiva en la competencia social, o en los problemas de comportamiento más frecuentes en la educación infantil. Por esta razón, el objetivo principal de este artículo es evaluar la relación de las funciones ejecutivas con los problemas de conducta y la competencia social en la infancia. El estudio incluyó 260 estudiantes, de 5 años. Los resultados del análisis de ruta demostraron que todos los componentes de las funciones ejecutivas predicen, al menos,…

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Self-Other Differentiation Scale: Dimensionality, IRT Parameterization, and Measurement Invariance

The Self-Other Differentiation Scale (Olver, Aries, & Batgos, 1989) is a self-report instrument assessing the experience of a separate sense of self from others. The authors aimed to examine its dimensionality, reliability, and measurement invariance across gender. It was completed by 348 participants (48% men) from 17 to 30 years old in Study 1, 348 participants (40% men) from 18 to 28 years old in Study 2, and 1,068 participants (49% men) from 17 to 28 years old in Study 3. The results supported the hypothesis of just one factor underlying the scale; they also showed an appropriate internal consistency and a partial measurement invariance across gender. Results also showed evidence fo…

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Associations Between Peer Pressure and Adolescents' Binge Behaviors: The Role of Basic Needs and Coping

Framed from a framework based on the integration of self-determination theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000 Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American Psychologist, 55(1), 68–78. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.55.1.68 [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®], , [Google Scholar] ) and Endler and Parker’s (1990) conception of coping strategies, the authors analyzed the relationships between peer pressure and binge behaviors (binge eating and binge drinking) in adolescence. Moreover, the authors explored the mediating role of satisfaction/frustration of basic psychological needs and coping strategi…

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Psychometric Evaluation of the Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (BPNSFS) in Italy

The purpose of this multistudy report was to adapt the Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (BPNSFS) to the Italian context. Two studies were conducted. In Study 1, we investigated the dimensionality, reliability, and convergent and discriminant validity of the instrument in a sample of 544 participants (males = 41%) from 16 to 35 years old. In Study 2, we replicated the results concerning dimensionality in an independent sample of 502 participants (males = 42%) from 16 to 35 years old. Furthermore, we analyzed measurement invariance across gender. Results of both studies showed that comparing a series of competitive factorial models, the 6-factor model had the best f…

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Patterns of autonomy and intimacy in the parent-adolescent relationship: a longitudinal study

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Condizioni di stress genitoriale, autonomia emotiva e adattamento psicologico durante l’adolescenza

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Differenze individuali nei pattern di autonomia e connessione nella relazione genitori-adolescenti: Stabilità nel tempo

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Autonomia, connessione e malessere psicologico in adolescenza e nella prima età adulta: il ruolo delle pratiche educative

Introduzione Autonomia e connessione sono due bisogni fondamentali per la crescita psicologica dell’individuo (Chirkov et al., 2003) che tendono ad assumere connotazioni e rilevanza differenti durante il ciclo di vita. Un momento particolarmente saliente è il passaggio dall’adolescenza alla prima età adulta, in cui si assiste a un progressivo aumento, sia nei livelli di autonomia che di connessione (Scabini, 2000). Le pratiche educative genitoriali hanno un ruolo centrale nel favorire lo sviluppo di tali bisogni e, per questa via, la promozione del benessere psicologico del giovane (Kagitcibasi, 2007; Liu et al., 2005). Lo scopo generale della ricerca è stato quello di esaminare il legame t…

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Can we increase children’s rights endorsement and knowledge?: A pilot study based on the reference framework of competences for democratic culture

This pilot study is the first to examine whether a novel curriculum based on the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (RFCDC) could increase children’s endorsement and knowledge of children’s rights. We conducted a pre-test-post-test design with an intervention and a comparison school. Pupils (n = 172) from Bulgaria, Italy, Norway, Romania, and Spain attended schools in which the curriculum was taught, whereas pupils in the comparison group (n = 120) attended schools in the same city where the curriculum was not taught. Both groups were tested on their endorsement and knowledge of rights before and at the end of the intervention. Children in the intervention group incre…

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Autonomy and relatedness in mother-adoelscent relationship and parenting stress

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Autonomy and relatedness in Italian emerging adults: Their relations with psychological well-being.

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Autonomia e connessione nella relazione genitori-adolescenti

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L'autonomia e la connessione: due bisogni fondamentali dell'uomo

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Autonomy and relatedness in mother-adolescent relationship and family differentiation

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Genitori-adolescenti: autonomia e connessione

L’adolescenza è un’età densa di repentini cambiamenti, in cui si intrecciano difficoltà di tipo affettivo, emotivo e relazionale. In questo complesso scenario, le scelte dell’adolescente possono esercitare influenze pervasive sulla sua salute, sul suo benessere psicosociale e sull’adattamento all’ambiente in cui vive. Il volume affronta il tema del benessere psicosociale dell’adolescente in un’ottica multidisciplinare, integrando teorie classiche e modelli recenti, confrontando i risultati di ricerche nazionali e internazionali, analizzando l’intreccio di fattori individuali, relazionali e ambientali, quali: lo sviluppo cerebrale e i processi decisionali; la qualità delle relazioni familiar…

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The Aprender a Convivir Intervention Program: Development of Social Competence and Behavioral Problems in Preschool Aged Children

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Patterns of Autonomy and Intimacy in the Parent-Adolescent Relationship: A Comparison between Italian and Tunisian Adolescents

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Autonomy and separation from parents as predictive factors of behavioural risk during adolescence

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Autonomia e connessione nella relazione madre-adolescente

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Self-esteem and binge eating: Do patients with binge eating disorder endorse more negatively worded items of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale?

Objective Self-esteem is a core aspect of eating disorder symptomatology. This study aims to examine whether method effects associated with negatively worded items of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) may interact the negative self-evaluations experienced by patients with obesity and binge eating disorder (BED). We also examined whether negatively worded items were associated with psychological distress and eating symptoms. Method Five hundred thirty three female outpatients (mean age: 42.59) with BED (n = 160) or obesity without BED (n = 373) completed the RSES and measures of interpersonal problems, psychological distress, and eating symptoms. Results Patients with BED responded more…

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Autonomy and relatedness among US and Italian emerging adults: The relations with parental practices and psychological adjustment

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The Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale: Construct and Predictive Validity in the Italian Context

The Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (BPNSFS) is a self-report instrument assessing the satisfaction and frustration of the three basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness defined by self-determination theory. The aim of this study was to examine the dimensionality, the predictive validity, and the measurement invariance across different age groups of the Italian version of the BPNSFS. The participants were 2,204 Italian adolescents and young adults (41% males) from 14 to 28 years old (M age = 20.23, SD = 4.25). The invariance across age demonstrated adequate equivalence of the 6-factor model of scales across adolescents (14–18 years) and …

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Family relationship and risk: an analysis of circularity

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Autonomy and Connectedness among Italian Emerging Adults: Their Relations with Psychological Well-Being

Emerging adulthood is a distinct period demographically, subjectively, and in terms of identity explorations characterized by profound role changes across multiple life domains (Arnett, 2001). According to many authors (Aquilino, 2006; Fingerman, 2000), autonomy and relatedness both must be fulfilled for psychological growth and well-being not only during adolescence, but may be even more necessary as an adolescent makes the transition into emerging adulthood and then into adulthood. In this perspective, the autonomous-relational self is suggested to be a healthy synthesis of autonomy and relatedness (Kagitcibasi, 1996, 2007). Given that issues of autonomy and connectedness appear to be maj…

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The relation between autonomy and intimacy toward parents and empathic concern and psychological well-being among girls during adolescence

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Individuality and intimacy: The case of detached and connected adolescents

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The Relationship between Self-Esteem, Depression and Anxiety: Comparing Vulnerability and Scar Model in the Italian Context

Abstract Background: The relationship between low self-esteem and depression and anxiety disorders has solicited a growing body of empirical research. The most important explanation models are two: the vulnerability model states that low self-esteem is a risk factor for depression and anxiety, and the scar model states that low self-esteem is an outcome, not a cause, of depression and anxiety. Method: In the present research we tested the two different models using a sample of Italian preadolescent, aged 11 to 14 years, recruited from an Italian secondary school. To test the models, the path analysis technique was used: one in which self-esteem predicted anxiety and depression (Model 1), an…

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Il progetto “Genitorialità e Benessere” Un percorso di formazione per genitori con figli adolescenti

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Competing factor structures of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) and its measurement invariance across clinical and non-clinical samples

Abstract Although several studies have investigated the factor structure of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), there are still disagreements about it. The present study assessed: a) the goodness of fit of nine competing factor models for the RSES using data from a clinical sample of 855 women with eating/weight disorders; and b) its measurement invariance across clinical and non-clinical (n = 943) samples. A bifactor model, with a general self-esteem factor, plus positive and negative method factors, provided a better fit with the data than alternative models. However, the results showed the high reliability of the general self-esteem factor, and a low reliability of the two method fac…

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Problemi comportamentali internalizzanti ed esternalizzanti e caratteristiche personali dell’adolescente.

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Informant discrepancies in perceived parental psychological control, adolescent autonomy, and relatedness psychological needs

Abstract Framed from Self-Determination Theory and Family Systems Theory, the present multi-informant study sought to contribute to a better understanding of the relations between discrepancies in parents' and adolescents' perceptions of parental psychological control and satisfaction of adolescents' needs for autonomy and relatedness. Participants were 190 Italian intact families in which an adolescent was present (Mage = 16.47 years, SDage = 1.41). Our findings highlighted that: (1) adolescents generally tended to perceive higher levels of psychological control than their parents reported; (2) adolescents tended to rate mothers' psychological control higher than the mothers themselves, wh…

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The Role of parental control and Coping Strategies on adolescents’ problem behaviors

The current study was aimed at contributing to the understanding of the role of perceived parental monitoring, psychological control, and coping strategies on adolescents’ problem behaviors, in terms of anxiety and drinking behavior. Participants were 541 high school students, 17 to 19-year old (M = 17.09, SD = 0.80) high school students in Sicily and Calabria (Italy). Participants completed self-report measures assessing parental monitoring, psychological control, coping strategies (i.e., Task-Oriented, Emotion-Oriented, and Avoidance-Oriented). Results of the path analysis showed that coping strategies play a mediating role in the association between parental psychological control and bot…

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Parental psychological control, autonomy support and Italian emerging adult’s psychosocial well-being: a cluster analytic approach

According to a person-oriented approach, the study was addressed to inquire the existence of different groups of emerging adults (EAs) each characterized by distinct configurations of parental psychological control and autonomy support conceptualized in terms of promotion of volitional functioning (PVF) and in terms promotion of independence (PI). At the study participated 476 Italian undergraduate students following the academic track in several south Italian universities. Results showed the existence of four profiles: 1. the Moderate Volitional Dependence cluster; 2. the Moderate Controlling Independence cluster; 3. the Volitional Independence cluster; 4. the Controlling Dependence cluste…

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The socialization of coping strategies in adolescence: the modeling role of parents

Background and Objectives: The main aim of this study is to test the intergenerational transmission of the relations between coping strategies to well-being from parents to adolescents through the modeling of the coping strategies of the parents to those of the child. Methods: 154 cohabitating families composed by father, mother, and adolescent in age range between 14 and 18 (M = 16.40; SD = 1.53) took part to the research. To test the proposed model, SEM with observed variables and the integration of the APIM approach and the Bootstrapping approach was used. Results: Findings showed in both parents and adolescents significant positively relations between coping task strategy and well-being…

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Separation-individuation process in italian adolescents

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Individual Differences in Adolescents’ Civic Engagement: The Role of Civic Discussions with Parents and Environmental Sensitivity

The main goal of the current study was to examine the direct and moderating effects of civic dis-cussions with parents and environmental sensitivity using both the total score and its specific di-mensions (i.e., Aesthetic Sensitivity, AES; Ease of Excitation, EOE; Low Sensitivity Threshold, LST) on youth civic engagement (attitudes and behaviours). The empirical analysis relied on a ques-tionnaire-based survey conducted on a sample of 438 adolescents (30% males), aged between 14 and 18 years (M = 16.50, SD = 1.36). We used a structural equation model (SEM) with latent vari-ables and the latent moderated structural equation (LMS) method to test our hypotheses. Our re-sults showed that civic …

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Satisfaction and frustration of autonomy and relatedness needs: Associations with parenting dimensions and psychological functioning

Framed from Basic Psychological Needs Theory (Ryan and Deci in American Psychologist 55:68–78; Ryan, Deci, American Psychologist 55:68–78, 2000) and Kagitcibasi’s Autonomous-Related Self Theory (Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 36:1–20; Kagitcibasi, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 36:1–20, 2005), the study examined the relationships of adolescents’ satisfaction and frustration of autonomy and relatedness, with (a) adolescents’ perception of mother’s and father’s psychological control and autonomy support, and (b) adolescents’ self-acceptance and anxiety. Participants were 556 adolescents (M = 17.25, SD = 0.92). Path analysis showed more significant associations of autonomy support …

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Italian Adaptation of the "Autonomy and Relatedness Coding System

The study examined the applicability of the observational technique developed by Allen and colleagues (Allen, Hauser, Bell, & O’Connor, 1994; Allen, Hauser, et al., 2003) to investigate the issues of autonomy and relatedness in parent-adolescent relationship in the Italian context. Thirty-five mother-adolescent dyads participated to a task in which they discussed a family issue about which they disagree. Adolescents were also administered a self-report measure assessing their relationship with mothers. Mothers reported significantly higher levels of promoting and inhibiting autonomy, and promoting relatedness behaviors than their children. Results also suggested a partial behavioral rec…

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A Revised Short Form of the Extended Class Play Among Italian Early Adolescents

Among the measures assessing peer reputation, the Extended Class Play (ECP) is now used extensively in North American settings. Little information is available in other cultural contexts. Furthermore, practical considerations suggest developing a shorter form of the ECP to be used in socio-educational environments. This study examined the ECP dimensions of peer assessment in Italy as well as developed a shorter form of the measure. We revised the ECP using factor analyses according to an explorative-confirmatory approach. The original 37-item ECP was shortened to a 22-item version and, subsequently, the properties of the revised measure were evaluated. We performed two studies comprising, r…

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Parenting Dimensions and Internalizing Difficulties in Italian and U.S. Emerging Adults: The Intervening Role of Autonomy and Relatedness

The present study examined the associations between emerging adults’ perceived parental psychological control and autonomy support, and their autonomy, relatedness and internalizing difficulties in Italy and the U.S. The participants included 494 Italian and 414 U.S. college students, between 18 and 28 years of age (Mean = 21.58, SD = 2.18). Our findings showed that dependency-oriented psychological control had no significant direct associations with autonomy, relatedness or internalizing difficulties. Moreover, the association between parental autonomy support and internalizing problems was fully intervened by autonomy and relatedness, whereas the association between achievement-oriented p…

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Maternal Parenting and Preschoolers’ Psychosocial Adjustment: A Longitudinal Study

Previous research reported that positive parenting and parenting stress might impact children’s psychosocial adjustment. The current longitudinal study aimed at evaluating the associations over time between mothers’ positive parenting, their parenting stress, and their preschoolers’ social–emotional competence and emotional–behavioral difficulties. Participants were 53 Italian mothers, aged between 24 and 47 years (M = 35.30, SD = 5.28) at T0, and their children (females = 51%), aged between 3 and 6 years (M = 4.48, SD = 0.84) at T0. Mothers completed self-report scales at 2 time points (with a 2-year lag). An autoregressive cross-lagged model was tested that h…

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The assessment of susceptibility to emotional contagion: A contribution to the Italian adaptation of the “Emotional Contagion Scale”

The Emotional Contagion Scale (ECS; Doherty, 1997) is a self-report instrument assessing susceptibility to emotional contagion. The study was aimed at examining its dimensionality, reliability, and validity in the Italian context. It was completed by 541 young adults (45% men) in Study 1 and 649 young adults (40% men) in Study 2. The results of a series of confirmatory factor analyses showed that a bi-factor model, with one general factor and four specific factors was supported. The general and specific factors resulted differently related to self-other differentiation, empathy, emotional fragility, masculinity, and femininity. Notwithstanding, the results posited some questions about the E…

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Interaction through social media: Development and validation of a social network site self-efficacy scale (SNS-SES)

Today, more than ever before, awareness of our ability to interact with others through and use social network sites (SNSs) is of fundamental importance, in light of the fact that we are connected to the Web 24 h a day, 7 days a week. Studies of social media in recent decades have shown that self-efficacy is one of the key variables affecting individual online behavior. The general aim of the studies presented here was to develop and validate a new self-report scale measuring self-efficacy in SNS use (an SNS self-efficacy scale, or SNS-SES). Across two studies, a total of 1295 Italian adolescents and adults (ages 15 to 89; M = 38.21, SD = 15.6) participated. The SNS-SES consists of 24 items …

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The role of online social comparison as a protective factor for psychological wellbeing: A longitudinal study during the COVID-19 quarantine

During the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, the experience of quarantine has been an undesirable condition for people and it can have a negative impact on mental health and psychological wellbeing. Social isolation has led to an increase in time spent on social network sites, with people interacting more frequently with each other, and comparing online the way in which they are experiencing the same state of home confinement. Our study aimed to investigate the role of online social comparison on individuals' psychological distress and life satisfaction during the COVID-19-related quarantine. Specifically, a cross-lagged panel study at three-waves was conducted in Italy in order to examine the chan…

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L’atteggiamento di apertura verso le differenze culturali in adolescenti italiani: il ruolo dell’età e della sicurezza percepita.

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Evaluating the filial behaviour scale across three cultural groups using exploratory structural equation modelling

Filial piety is a Confucian concept that guides how children treat and take care of their parents. The Filial Behaviour Scale (FBS) is a 25-item instrument developed in the Chinese context measuring behavioural manifestations of filial piety. Although the components of filial piety have been found to be relevant across cultures, little research has investigated the psychometric properties of the FBS in other cultural contexts. The present study evaluated the factor structure, internal consistency, measurement invariance and construct validity of the FBS across three cultural groups: the United States, Italy and Malaysia. Participants were 1090 emerging adults (67% females; Mage = 21.29 yea…

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Il legame di attaccamento ai genitori e ai pari come predittore dell’autostima e dell’ego-resiliency.

The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between the quality of attachment relationships with parents and peers on the one hand, and ego-resiliency and self- esteem on the other hand. The present research was conducted with a group of 218 students (male = 101) aged from 11 to 19 years (M = 14.43, DS = 2.60). The results emphasize that (a) self-esteem is positively associated only with security of attachment to the mother, (b) ego-resil- iency is positively associated with security of attachment both to mother and peers, and (c) boys seem to have higher levels of self-esteem and ego-resiliency than girls.

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Relazioni genitori-figli: differenze individuali nella connessione e nell'autonomia in adolescenza.

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Promoting Democratic and Intercultural Competences in the Primary School Context: The experience of “Children’s Voices for a new Human Space”

The promotion of citizen’s democratic and intercultural competence is one of the main actions that European societies may take against some of the most significant challenges they are facing nowadays. The paper is aimed at briefly describing the Council of Europe’s Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture, some actions that can be taken to promote democratic and intercultural competences and a case of implementation of this framework in the context of primary school, that is the Erasmus+ Project “Children’s Voices for a new Human Space” (CVS). The paper also aims at illustrating the intellectual outputs produced by CVS project consisting in a training course for teachers, a…

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Relazione tra il controllo psicologico e il raggiungimento dell???autonomia: profili in emerging adulthood

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Relations between problem behaviors, psychological distress and child-parent relationships during adolescence

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Adolescen Emotional separation in parent-adolescent relationship: The role of adolescent personal characteristics.

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Lactate Threshold Training Program on Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Physical activity could play a key role in improving the quality of life, particularly in patients with nervous system diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS). Through lactacid anaerobic training, this study aims to investigate the effects at a bio-psycho-physical level to counteract the chronic fatigue associated with the pathology, and to improve mental health at a psychological and neurotrophic level. Eight subjects (age: 34.88 ± 4.45 years) affected by multiple sclerosis were involved. A lactate threshold training program was administered biweekly for 12 weeks at the beginning of the study (T0), at the end of the study (T1) and at 9 months after the end of the study (T2), with physical…

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The joint effect of parental and peer support on development of adolescent's emotional autonomy and adjustment

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Autonomy and Relatedness in Mother-adolescent Relationship and Parenting Stress.

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Emotional separation and detachment as two distinct dimensions of parent--adolescent relationships

The study examined adolescents’ emotional separation and detachment from parents, analyzing their relations with connectedness and agency, with some aspects of self—other boundary regulation and with problem behavior. The participants were 331 Italian adolescents, aged from 16 to 19 years (mean age = 17.40, SD = 1.14). Separation and detachment were positively related; they were negatively related to connectedness; detachment was also negatively associated to agency. Emotional separation was negatively predicted by empathic concern, perspective-taking and separate self; emotional detachment was negatively predicted by empathic concern and self—other differentiation. Separation negatively p…

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The Italian adaptation and validation of the Adult Sibling Relationship Questionnaire (ASRQ) in Italian emerging adults

The aims of the present study were to provide a contribution to the validation of the Adult Sibling Relationship Questionnaire (ASRQ) (Stocker, Lanthier, & Furman, 1997) with a population of Italian emerging adults. The ASRQ measures individuals’ current perceptions of their own behaviour and feelings toward their sibling, as well as their perceptions of their sibling’s behaviour and feelings toward him or her by assessing fourteen fundamental dimensions (Intimacy; Affection; Emotional Support; Instrumental Support; Knowledge; Similarity; Admiration; Acceptance; Dominance; Competition; Antagonism; Quarrelling; Maternal Rivalry; and Paternal Rivalry), combined in order to form three macro-di…

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La valutazione del processo di separazione-individuazione in adolescenza

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Empatia e relazione genitori-adolescenti

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The parental bond, resistance to peer influence and risky driving in adolescence

The present study examined the relations between gender, the parental bond, resistance to peer influence, and risky driving. In particular, the mediating role of resistance to peer pressure in the relationship between parental bond and risky driving was examined. The moderating role of gender on these associations was also investigated. The sample comprised 322 adolescents (136 males and 186 females), aged from 16 to 20 years, who were living in northern Italy. Path analysis results showed that the maternal bond only indirectly influenced adolescents’ risky driving, via resistance to peer influence. On the contrary, the paternal bond was neither directly nor indirectly associated with risky…

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Il ruolo delle caratteristiche personali nei comportamenti problematici degli adolescenti

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Type D Personality and Alexithymia: Common Characteristics of Two Different Constructs. Implications for Research and Clinical Practice

In the last few decades, particular attention has been paid to the role of personality specific traits that can affect the loss of health, i.e., Type D personality and Alexithymia. They have been conceptualized in a different period, this means that they are different both for their theoretical positions and their empirical studies. Some authors have speculated that there is a potential conceptual overlap between Type D personality and alexithymia constructs but there is a shortcoming in the literature. The aim of the study was to examine the potential overlap between the constructs of type D personality and alexithymia, replicating previous two studies, to extend these findings to Italian …

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L’analisi fattoriale confermativa e le sue applicazioni ai problemi della misurazione

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Associations Among Psychologically Controlling Parenting, Autonomy, Relatedness, and Problem Behaviors During Emerging Adulthood.

ABSTRACTThe present study aimed to investigate the relations among perceived parental psychological control (PPC), autonomy and relatedness, and negative outcomes during emerging adulthood in two cultural contexts: Italy and the USA. More specifically, we explored the mechanisms through which dependency-oriented PPC (DPPC) and achievement-oriented PPC (APPC) are associated with both internalizing and externalizing difficulties, focusing on the mediating role of autonomy and relatedness. Participants were 418 European-American and 359 Italian college students. Results indicated that the expressions of PPC with regard to dependency and achievement were related to emerging adults’ negative out…

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The role played by emotional support from parents and peers in the emotional autonomy development during adolescence

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Autonomy and Relatedness in Mother-Adolescent Relationship: An Observational Study

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Career Indecision and emotional aspects of Psychological Well-Being among young adults

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Aligning personal and collective interests in emerging adults during the COVID-19 emergency in Italy

This study investigated the relations of emerging adults' personal (civic competence and interdependent self-construal) and community-based (sense of community and civic engagement) resources as predictors of appraisal of COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Management (PHEM) and attitudes toward preventing contagion in Italy. Participants were 2873 Italian emerging adults (71% females) aged 19-30 years (M = 22.67, SD = 2.82). Structural equation modeling revealed both direct and indirect positive associations among study variables. Civic competence and interdependent self-construal were related to sense of community and civic engagement behavior which, in turn, predicted appraisal of PHEM. App…

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Relationships Between Career Indecision, Search for Work Self-Efficacy, and Psychological Well-Being in Italian Never-Employed Young Adults.

Although different studies have investigated career choices as cognitive acts of decision-making, non-cognitive components also play an important role. The study tries to develop an empirically based model of career decision-making process linking cognitive (search for work self-efficacy - SWSE) and non-cognitive (psychological well-being - PWB) components. In particular, the study investigates, among 148 never-employed Italian young adults, to what extent the relationship between SWSE and career indecision in terms of lack of readiness (LoR) can be explained by their common relationship with PWB. Results highlighted that SWSE is negatively associated with LoR when considered in absence of …

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Secure attachment and individual protective factors against internalized homophobia

This article explores the relationship between internalized homophobia and three main variables: attachment to mother, father, and peers; ego resiliency; and self-esteem. We recruited 51 Italian gay men and 54 lesbian women aged between 18 and 30, and asked them to complete self-report measures. The results showed that internalized homophobia negatively correlated with the security of attachment to father and self-esteem. On the other hand, no significant association was found between ego resiliency and internalized homophobia. The implications of these findings are considered in the discussion, along with the potential role of preventive programs targeting attachment relationships and self…

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The relation between emotional support, self-concept, and social functioning among school-aged children

The study examined the relations between perceived emotional support from parents and peers, self-concept and social functioning among a sample of school-aged children. The study had three main purposes. Firstly, the study was aimed at evaluating the association between emotional support perceived from parents and peers, and self concept. Secondly, the study was aimed at inquiring the existence of different children’s profiles on the basis of the level of perceived emotional support from parents and peers, and their self-concept. Finally, the study was aimed at exploring any difference that could have emerged in their social functioning. The participants were 270 children (F = 137, M = 133)…

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Latent growth curve model e simplex model: un’applicazione allo studio del programma di intervento aprender a convivir

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Using Focus Group in the Development of UNIPA Emotional Autonomy Inventory

Adolescents' Emotional Autonomy from Parents A relevant tenet in developmental psychology is that adolescents are expected to achieve an autonomous functioning, independent from parents, to become reliant on their internal resources and responsible for their actions and decisions. Within this framework, emotional autonomy reflects the affective side of the largest process by which a young person acquires a more mature identity. It emerges when adolescents are capable to abandon dependence on parents and to individuate from them. Moreover, emotional autonomy implies a shift towards a less idealized conception of parental figures, the development of a more complex consideration of them as peo…

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Adattamento e supporto genitoriale e amicale durante l’adolescenza

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Willingness to Donate Organs After Death

Abstract: Background: Despite the growing number of organ transplants, there is still a significant difference between the number of donated organs and the number of people waiting for them. Knowing the reason people decide to donate is the first step to increasing organ donation rates. Aims: The main aim of the present study was to develop and validate a new scale for organ donation. Method: In three studies, 3,585 participants ranging in age between 14 and 89 years were selected through systematic random sampling. In the first study, we created a scale following the organ donation model theoretical framework and submitted the scale to exploratory factor analysis. In the second study, we …

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Contributo all'adattamento italiano dell'Interpersonal Reactivity Index.

This study presents further evidence for the psychometric properties of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI; Davis, 1980), a widely used measure for assessing empathic responsiveness. The IRI was administered to a sample of 828 Italian adolescents (47% males), aged from 10 to 20 years (M = 14.75, SD = 2.34), in order to examine its factor structure and reliability. Results of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses showed that the hypothesized model of the IRI, representing four domains (i.e., empathic concern, internal distress, fantasy, and perspective taking) provided a reasonable fit for data. Furthermore, the reliability of the scale was satisfactory with good internal consist…

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Internalizing and externalizing problems behavior and boys emotional adjustment

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Metodologia della ricerca psicosociale

Come si formula un’ipotesi di ricerca e quali caratteristiche deve possedere per poter essere sottoposta a verifica. Cosa vuol dire, per uno psicologo sociale, misurare una caratteristica osservabile e quali errori si possono commettere. Quali sono i mezzi di cui lo psicologo sociale dispone per scandagliare la realtà, dal disegno sperimentale ai disegni quasi sperimentali, all’approccio correlazionale e osservativo. Com’è strutturato il sistema delle pubblicazioni scientifiche psicosociali, come orientarsi al suo interno, in che modo utilizzarle come base di conoscenza per impostare una ricerca. Quali sono le norme deontologiche che devono guidare una ricerca di psicologia sociale. Il manu…

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Individualità e intimità nelle relazioni fra geniotri e figli in adolescenza: Il caso dei distaccati e dei connessi

The purpose of this study was to investigate in deep Detached and Connected adolescents in order to examine their profiles with regards to internalizing and externalizing behavioral prpblems. The participants were 705 adolescents aged from 14 to 19 years. they were administered (a) the Inclusion of Other in the Self to assess adolescents' perception of intimacy with parents; (b) the Emotional Autonomy Scale to evaluate adolescents' emotional autonomy from parents; (c) the Youth self-Report to assess internalizing and externalizing problems. On the basis of intimacy and autonomy scores, 129 participants were classified as Detached and 122 as Connected. A cluster analysis was then performed o…

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Autonomia e connessione in adulti emergenti italiani e statunitensi: relazioni con pratiche genitoriali e adattamento psicosociale

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An observational study on autonomy and relatedness in italian mother-adolescent relationships

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Supporto percepito: genitori e amici a confronto

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Associations between perceived parental psychological control and internalizing difficulties in emerging adulthood: the role of identity

Our study investigated the associations among two expressions of perceived parental psychological control (dependency-oriented parental control [DPC] and achievement-oriented parental control [APC]), identity, and internalizing difficulties among college-attending emerging adults. In particular, our aim was to examine the potential role of identity in the pathways linking both DPC and APC to internalizing difficulties. Our participants included 495 Italian college students (49% males), between 19 and 28 years of age (mean = 23.37 years, standard deviation = 2.35). Our findings highlighted the existence of associations between APC, identity, and internalizing difficulties. Specifically, APC…

research product

Development of a Brief Form of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (B–IRI)

ABSTRACTThe Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) is a standardized self-report measure of disposition to empathic responsiveness for the general adult population (the domain for which it was developed), and for the general adolescent population. The IRI has a number of problems, however, including some uncertainty about its factor structure, low reliabilities, and poor readability of some items for people with limited literacy skills. To address these issues, we constructed an abbreviated form of the index, the Brief IRI (B–IRI). Three studies demonstrated that this 16-item B–IRI has a clear and coherent factor structure, adequate internal consistency, measurement invariance across gender a…

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Autonomia e connessione nella relazione madre-adolescente e relazione con i pari

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Metodologia della ricerca psicologica: l'indagine sul comportamento umano

Lo scopo di questo volume è quello di mettere in grado anche coloro che si avvicinano per la prima volta alla metodologia della ricerca psicologica di trascendere dalle rigorose formule applicative e di saper fare a meno di ricette preformate. Nella ricerca scientifica ciò che è importante è avere chiaro il significato di ciò che si fa, interrogandosi sul ruolo che la scienza riveste nel campo della conoscenza e percependosi come attori creativi di un sapere in movimento, piuttosto che come esecutori passivi di sequenze fi sse che si basano su regole condivise. Benché questo libro fornisca un contributo che può defi nirsi “tecnico” nell’ambito della ricerca psicologica, non è nato per esser…

research product

Mothers' parenting stress and adolescents' emotional separation: The role of youngsters' self orientation

The study examined the association among mothers’ parenting stress, adolescents’ emotional separation and self-orientation toward connectedness. Participants were 194 Italian adolescents, aged from 15 to 19 years (mean age = 17.39, SD = 1.18), and their mothers, aged from 33 to 64 years (mean age = 44.35, SD = 5.40). General findings showed that adolescents’ emotional separation may not necessarily be associated with their mothers’ parenting stress, but both of these variables may be related to adolescents’ personal characteristics, which may contribute to define parent-child relationship. Particularly, adolescents’ orientation towards a connected self was associated negatively with emotion…

research product

Emotional Competence in Primary School Children: Examining the Effect of a Psycho-Educational Group Intervention: A Pilot Prospective Study

Emotional competence (EC) is a key component of children’s psychological, cognitive, and social development, and it is a central element of learning. The primary goal of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of implementing a psycho-educational group intervention aimed at improving children’s emotional competence (EC), quality of integration and scholastic skills. A total of 229 children (123 females; M Age = 7.22 years; SD = 0.97 years) completed the Pictures of Facial Affect (POFA), the Drawn Stories Technique, the Classroom Drawing, and the Colored Progressive Matrices. The total sample was randomly divided into an intervention group (N = 116) who took part in psycho-educational a…

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Autonomy and Intimacy toward parents in adolescent girl: the relation with empathic concern and psychological well-being

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The Predictive Role of Ideological, Personality and Psychopathological Factors in Homonegative Attitudes in Italy

Homonegativity refers to a series of prejudicial and discriminatory attitudes towards individuals perceived as homosexuals. Previous studies indicated that some person- ality traits (i.e., neuroticism, low openness to experience), as well as specific ideo- logical attitudes (i.e., conservatism, authoritarianism) and higher levels of psychopa- thology make individuals more prone to show homonegative attitudes. However, no studies have compared these three dimensions in order to identify their different role in homonegativity. For this reason, the aim of this study was to simultaneously eval- uate the association of ideological, personality, and psychopathological factors with homonegativity …

research product

Autonomy and Relatedness in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood: Relationships with Parental Support and Psychological Distress

Autonomy and relatedness are fundamental needs both in adolescence and in emerging adulthood which are affected by parental support and are linked to children’s psychological distress. The study investigated autonomy and relatedness in late adolescents and emerging adults living in Italy, analyzing the relationships with perceived parental support and psychological distress. Self-report data were collected from a sample of 325 Caucasian adolescents and emerging adults (males = 41 %) ranging in age from 17 to 26 years and living in Sicily (southern Italy). Results showed that: (a) both autonomy and relatedness were positively predicted by parental support to these needs, (b) perceived suppor…

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