Jérémie Béguet

Impact of repeated treatments of the pesticides chlorpyrifos or tebuconazole on soil microorganisms using alternative methods

International audience

research product

Molecular markers for systematic identification and population genetics of the invasive Ponto-Caspian freshwater gammarid Dikerogammarus villosus (Crustacea, Amphipoda).

The Ponto-Caspian amphipod, Dikerogammarus villosus, is an invasive species of many European rivers. First, we show that size difference of nrDNA ITS1 allows discriminating D. villosus from Dikerogammarus bispinosus, a closely related but morphologically hardly distinguishable species. Second, we present two types of polymorphic markers for D. villosus, three microsatellites and two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of mtDNA COI gene, which were scored by polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformational polymorphism (PCR-SSCP). These markers will be very useful in studying population genetics of D. villosus.

research product

Principaux processus impliqués dans l'atténuation naturelle des pesticides par les sols

Prod 2018-253e EA BIOmE INRA; National audience

research product

Assessment of pesticides ecotoxicology on soil microorganism

National audience

research product

Développement d'indicateurs microbiens pour l'évaluation de l'impact des pesticides sur des fonctions écosystémiques terrestres et aquatiques

National audience

research product

Evidence for 2,4-D mineralisation in Mediterranean soils: impact of moisture content and temperature

BACKGROUND: The 2,4-D degradation ability of the microbiota of three arable Mediterranean soils was estimated. The impact of soil moisture and temperature on 2,4-D degradation was investigated. RESULTS: The microbiota of the three soils regularly exposed to 2,4-D were able rapidly to mineralise this herbicide. The half-life of 2,4-D ranged from 8 to 30 days, and maximum mineralisation of 14C-2,4-D ranged from 57 to 71%. Extractable 14C-2,4-D and 14C-bound residues accounted for less than 1 and 15% respectively of the 14C-2,4-D initially added. The highest amounts of 14C-2,4-D bound residues were recorded in the soil with the lowest 2,4-D-mineralising ability. Although all three soils were a…

research product

Evaluation de l’impact des pesticides sur des fonctions écosystémiques terrestres

Dans la cadre l’évaluation du risque environnemental menée pour obtenir l’autorisation de mise sur le marché, l’évaluation a prioride l’impact des pesticides sur les microorganismes du sol est estimée par deux tests OCDE mesurant la minéralisation de l’azote et du carbone. Ces deux tests globaux ne rendent pas compte des modifications potentielles d’abondance, de diversité et d’activité de la communauté microbienne des sols exposée aux pesticides. Dans ce contexte, le projet IMPEC visait à développer des indicateurs microbiens pour évaluer l’impact des pesticides sur des fonctions écosystémiques supportées par la communauté microbienne. Cette présentation aura pour objectif de présenter une…

research product

Evaluation of the ecotoxicological impact of pesticides on the diversity and the abundance of soil microorganisms

research product

Caractérisation de populations microbiennes tolérantes au chlordécone à partir de sols contaminés des Antilles

Le chlordécone (CLD), un insecticide organochloré utilisé en Martinique et en Guadeloupe pendant 20 ans afin de lutter contre le charançon du bananier, contamine des sols agricoles des Antilles posant un problème environnemental qui est devenu un problème majeur de santé publique. Il n’existe que très peu d’évidence rapportant la biodégradation de cet insecticide, classé depuis 2009 comme polluant organique persistant (POP) par la convention de Stockholm. L’objectif de ce travail est de rechercher des éléments indiquant la biotransformation du CLD dans les sols contaminés des Antilles. Des cultures par enrichissement ont été établies à partir d’échantillons de sols contaminés pour isoler de…

research product

Fate and metabolism of the herbicide isoproturon in soil microcosms and its impact on soil microbial communities using advanced molecular tools

International audience

research product

Les épandages de déchets modifient-ils la qualité biologique des sols agricoles à long terme ? Résultats du programme VADEBIO

EA EcolDur CT3; National audience

research product

Impact of Leptospermone, a Natural β-Triketone Herbicide, on the Fungal Composition and Diversity of Two Arable Soils

Impact of leptospermone, a β-triketone bioherbicide, was investigated on the fungal community which supports important soil ecological functions such as decomposition of organic matter and nutrients recycling. This study was done in a microcosm experiment using two French soils, Perpignan (P) and Saint-Jean-de-Fos (SJF), differing in their physicochemical properties and history treatment with synthetic β-triketones. Soil microcosms were treated with leptospermone at recommended dose and incubated under controlled conditions for 45 days. Untreated microcosms were used as control. Illumina MiSeq sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer region of the fungal rRNA revealed significant chang…

research product

Impact of distribution heterogeneity of microorganisms and 2,4-D on biodegradation processes in soil : experiment and modelling

Impact of distribution heterogeneity of microorganisms and 2,4-D on biodegradation processes in soil : experiment and modelling. Conference on Pesticide Behaviour in Soils, Water and Air (York 2013)

research product

Long-term impact of 19 years' farmyard manure or sewage sludge application on the structure, diversity and density of the protocatechuate-degrading bacterial community

International audience; Impact of long-term biosolids application on soil-living micro-organisms key players of ecosystemic services is scarcely reported. Here, the impact of the 19 year-long application of farmyard manure (FM) and sewage sludge (SS) organic fertilisation regimes on the protocatechuate-degrading bacterial (pca) community was estimated by comparison to a mineral fertilisation regime (U). The structure, diversity and density of the pca community were determined using pcaH, a gene encoding the protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase. Ten years after the last application, the structure of the pca community in soils amended with 55100 (100 t/ha/2 years) and to a lesser extent with FM (1…

research product

Impact of Leptospermone, a Natural β-Triketone Herbicide, on the Fungal Composition and Diversity of Two Arable Soils

International audience; Impact of leptospermone, a β-triketone bioherbicide, was investigated on the fungal community which supports important soil ecological functions such as decomposition of organic matter and nutrients recycling. This study was done in a microcosm experiment using two French soils, Perpignan (P) and Saint-Jean-de-Fos (SJF), differing in their physicochemical properties and history treatment with synthetic β-triketones. Soil microcosms were treated with leptospermone at recommended dose and incubated under controlled conditions for 45 days. Untreated microcosms were used as control. Illumina MiSeq sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer region of the fungal rRNA re…

research product