Matthias Dreher

Die Wirkung von kurzen oberkörperspezifischen Bewegungs- und Trainingsinterventionen am Arbeitsplatz auf die Parameter Schmerz und Kraft

ZusammenfassungDas systematische Review untersucht die Auswirkungen von oberkörperspezifischen Kurzinterventionen am Arbeitsplatz auf muskuloskelettale Schmerzen sowie den muskulären Kraftzuwachs.Es wurde eine systematische Literaturrecherche in den Datenbanken PubMed und Google Scholar durchgeführt; eingeschlossen wurden ausschließlich randomisierte kontrollierte Studien. Als Interventionsdauer wurden mindestens 4 Wochen definiert und eine Einheit sollte zwischen 10 und 20 Minuten bei einem maximalen Wochenumfang von 75 Minuten betragen. Insgesamt wurden 16 Studien – unterteilt in 11 Cluster – eingeschlossen, welche die Auswirkungen von Kurzinterventionen auf die Variablen Kraft und Schmer…

research product

P172 Mainzer lupus score (MLS) a new questionnaire for lupus treatment

Background For the diagnosis and treatment of the systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), numerous scores and indices already exist with different focal points, which are mostly extensive and time consuming. The MLS is a short newly developed questionnaire consisting out of four items to consider whether it is necessary to adjust current therapy: Occurrence of new lupus-specific symptoms, subjective measurement of quality of life (Qol), change of serological abnormalities and the occurrence of organ damage accrual. Methods Patients who had at least 3 visits since 2016 in our clinic were able to participate. Spearman-correlation was used to correlate MLS and several other well established scores…

research product

Boost Me: Prevalence and Reasons for the Use of Stimulant Containing Pre Workout Supplements Among Fitness Studio Visitors in Mainz (Germany).

The rapidly increasing interest in fitness related sports over the past few years has been accompanied by a booming industry of nutritional supplements. Many of these substances have unproven benefits and are even potentially harmful to the user. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and reasons for nutritional supplement (NS) use among fitness studio visitors in Mainz (Germany), emphasizing new multi-ingredient based supplements such as pre workout boosters (PWBs). Some of the PWBs contain stimulants such as DMAA, N,α-DEPEA, DMAE and DMBA with so far unknown risks, harms and benefits. Four-Hundred and Ninety Two participants in 13 fitness studios completed a questionnaire o…

research product


Background:The proof-of-concept network study “Rheuma-VOR” aims to improve the quality of rheumatological care through coordinated cooperation. In particular, rheumatic diseases should be diagnosed as early as possible and treated quickly in a targeted manner [3]. Smartphone apps have a potential to improve the management of chronic diseases. For example, they can be used to provide health information, or to offer self-monitoring and self-screening options [1, 2].Objectives:The Rheuma-VOR Screening-App study examines whether a smartphone-based app can increase the detection rate of the three most common chronic inflammatory rheumatic diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and s…

research product

Convenience Behavior and Being Overweight in Adults: Development and Validation of the Convenience Behavior Questionnaire

The etiology of overweight and obesity is a mixture of genetic determinants, environmental factors, and health behaviors. Especially intra- and interpersonal inactive behaviors, here termed convenience, seems to play an important role. The objective was to develop and validate the Convenience Behavior Questionnaire (CBQ) to assess convenience-related items and their association with overweight and obesity in a large population. A sample of 1233 subjects aged 18–82 years from six population groups took part in a self-administered questionnaire. Test-retest reliability was estimated and the independent association between convenience-related items and overweight and obesity was investigated. …

research product

Körperliche Aktivität und deren Effekte auf das Burn-out-Syndrom

ZusammenfassungDas vorliegende Review legt dar, dass regelmäßige körperliche Aktivität einen positiven Einfluss auf die Burn-out-Symptomatik hat. Mittels einer systematischen Literaturrecherche wurden die möglichen Effekte untersucht und die Evidenz mithilfe des Standard Index of Convergence (SIC) bewertet. Der SIC lag in den Längsschnittstudien bei SIC (3) = -1, während er in den Interventionsstudien bei SIC (6) = -0,50 lag. Daher ist jeweils von einer moderat star ken Evidenz auszugehen, dass körperliche Aktivität einen positiven gesundheitlichen Effekt auf das Burn-out-Syndrom hat. Aufgrund der Heterogenität der Erhebungstools und der Studienlage ist es notwendig, weitere qualitativ hoch…

research product

Convenience Behavior and Being Overweight in Adults: Development and Validation of the Convenience Behavior Questionnaire

The etiology of overweight and obesity is a mixture of genetic determinants, environmental factors, and health behaviors. Especially intra- and interpersonal inactive behaviors, here termed convenience, seems to play an important role. The objective was to develop and validate the Convenience Behavior Questionnaire (CBQ) to assess convenience-related items and their association with overweight and obesity in a large population. A sample of 1233 subjects aged 18–82 years from six population groups took part in a self-administered questionnaire. Test-retest reliability was estimated and the independent association between convenience-related items and overweight and obesity was investigated. …

research product


Background Early diagnosis is crucial for patients with rheumatic diseases. Studies show that early stage patients already show reduced mental and physical health [2, 3]. However, early diagnosis is often delayed due to the severe lack of rheumatologists in Germany. Objectives The cross-sectional study compares data on physical and mental health of known and suspected early rheumatic patients, collected from participants of the bus tour. Methods The Rheuma-Bus-Tour is an annual, two week open-access screening event in three states (Rhineland-Palatine, Saarland, Lower Saxony) that raises awareness for rheumatic diseases and identifies people with potential early cases of RA, SpA and PsA. All…

research product


Background Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), psoriasis arthritis (PsA) and spondyloarthritis (SpA) are the most common chronic autoimmune rheumatic diseases. For all 3, the so-called “window of opportunity” [1-3] has been identified as the decisive factor affecting the outcome. Objectives The aim of the prospective study is to improve early diagnosis of RA, PsA and SpA and thus positively impact the quality of care for patients with the help of coordinating centers. The primary endpoint is the number of cases with an actual indication for immediate referral to a specialist in proportion to all reported cases. Methods The project establishes a network of the University Medical Center Mainz, the Med…

research product

Beyond BMI : waist circumference and social environment is associated with motor performance ability in kindergartners

Abstract Background The aim of the current study was to examine the relationship between anthropometric characteristics (i.e. body height, body weight, body mass index [BMI] and waist circumference [WC]) with motor performance ability [MPA], social environmental factors of the district (i.e. employment status/working life, education, social situation/heterogeneity and home environment), where the respective kindergarten was located, as well as other potential health determinants in a representative sample of kindergartners. Methods We analyzed data of 434 children aged 3 to 6 years which were obtained from a community-based cross-sectional health study conducted in the city of Mainz, German…

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