Kurt Ringel
Die Blutverteilung im initialen kraniellen Computertomogramm im Hinblick auf die Entwicklung eines shuntpflichtigen Hydrozephalus nach akuter Subarachnoidalblutung
Als Folge einer akuten Subarachnoidalblutung kommt es nicht selten zum chronischen Hydrozephalus. Ziel der vorliegenden retrospektiven Arbeit war die Analyse des Zusammenhangs zwischen der Blutverteilung im initialen kraniellen Computertomogramm (CCT) und der spateren Entwicklung einer shuntpflichtigen Liquorzirkulationsstorung.
Isolated superior oblique palsies with brainstem lesions
Article abstract Isolated unilateral superior oblique palsies resulting from brainstem lesions occurred in three patients. MRI documented contralateral tegmental lesions of the trochlear nucleus and adjacent intraaxial trochlear nerve. Lacunar infarct was the cause in two patients and a small hemorrhage in a third.
Pupil-sparing oculomotor palsy as the only clinical sign of an internal carotid artery occlusion
Histological Findings in Coil-packed Experimental Aneurysms 3 Months after Embolization
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE Knowledge regarding tissue reactions within coil-packed aneurysms is poor. The purpose of this study was to analyze histological changes in a chronic experimental bifurcation aneurysm model that might explain the protective effect of Guglielmi detachable coils. METHODS The aneurysms were produced by means of a venous graft pouch at a surgically created bifurcation of the carotid artery in the neck of rabbits. After 3 weeks, embolization with Guglielmi detachable coils was performed in the treatment group but not in the control group (seven rabbits each). At the time of embolization, six of seven treated aneurysms were completely occluded according to radiological criteria…
Effect of Intra-Arterial Infusion of Papaverine Hydrochloride on Brain Tissue Oxygen Pressure in the Management of Severe Vasospasm Following Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Despite considerable advances in diagnostic, surgical and interventional techniques, the overall outcome for patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage remains poor. Concerning perioperative course, cerebral ischaemia is one of the major factors causing secondary brain demage. The aim of all therapeutic interventions is the stabilization and maintance of cerebral blood flow and tissue oxygenation in order to prevent cerebral ischaemia and consecutively brain infarction [1].
The Role of Endoscopy in the Treatment of Acute Traumatic Anterior Epidural Hematoma of the Cervical Spine: Case Report
OBJECTIVE AND IMPORTANCE: Epidural hematoma (EDH) of the spine represents an uncommon neurosurgical disorder that sometimes requ;res emergent surgical decompressive therapy. Traumatic EDH of the cervical spine is exceedingly rare. The hematoma is usually located dorsally in the epidural space. We present one case of acute EDH located ventrally in the cervical spine. Special emphasis is placed on the role of spinal endoscopy in surgical treatment. CLINICAL PRESENTATION: After a fall from a tree, a 69-year-old man with rapidly increasing tetraparesis was referred to our institution. Plain films of the cervical spine revealed nothing abnormal. The results of computed tomography were highly sus…
Stentgraft-Implantation for Treatment of Internal Carotid Artery Injury during Endonasal Sinus Surgery
Background Damage of the internal carotid artery (ICA) is very rare but can be a dramatic complication of endonasal sinus surgery. In the literature only a few cases are reported, some of them with fatal results. Methods We present two cases with massive bleeding of the ICA caused by endonasal sinus surgery. Results In both cases bleeding could be stopped sufficiently by implanting a stentgraft. Conclusion The lumen of the artery could be preserved and no neurological deficits were observed.
Isolated cranial nerve palsies in multiple sclerosis
During a 10 year period 24 patients with definite multiple sclerosis with isolated cranial nerve palsies were studied (third and fourth nerve: one patient each, sixth nerve: 12 patients, seventh nerve: three patients, eighth nerve: seven patients), in whom cranial nerve palsies were the presenting sign in 14 and the only clinical sign of an exacerbation in 10 patients. MRI was carried out in 20 patients and substantiated corresponding brainstem lesions in seven patients (third nerve: one patient, sixth nerve: four patients, eighth nerve: two patients). Additional abnormal findings of electro-oculography, or masseter reflex, or blink reflex, or combinations of these were found in 20 patients…