Yvonne M. Kaufmann

Wie wirkt sich mehrmaliges Kompetenz-Feedback auf psychotherapeutische Behandlungen aus?

Zusammenfassung. Theoretischer Hintergrund: Einflüsse von therapeutenorientiertem Kompetenz-Feedback in der Psychotherapieausbildung wurden bislang wenig untersucht. Fragestellung: Wie gehen Ausbildungstherapeuten mit Feedback um? Welchen Einfluss hat ein regelmäßiges Kompetenz-Feedback auf die Qualität psychotherapeutischer Behandlungen (insbesondere Therapiesitzungen, therapeutische Beziehung, Person des Therapeuten, Supervision)? Methode: Elf Therapeuten wurden mithilfe eines halbstrukturierten Interviewleitfadens befragt. Die Auswertung erfolgte mittels qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring (2015) . Ergebnisse: Das auf Basis der Interviews erstellte Kategoriensystem umfasste die Kat…

research product

Patients' and therapists' experiences of general change mechanisms during bug-in-the-eye and delayed video-based supervised cognitive-behavioral therapy. A randomized controlled trial.

Objective This secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial investigated whether bug-in-the-eye (BITE) supervision (live computer-based supervision during a psychotherapy session) affects the manner in which patients and therapists experience general change mechanisms (GCMs) during cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Method A total of 23 therapists were randomized either to the BITE condition or the control condition (delayed video-based [DVB] supervision). After each session, both patients (BITE: n = 19; DVB: n = 23) and therapists (BITE: n = 11; DVB: n = 12) completed the Helping Alliance Questionnaire (HAQ) and the Bernese Post Session Report (BPSR). The HAQ total score and the 3 …

research product

Topics and techniques in clinical supervision in psychotherapy training

AbstractClinical supervision is regarded as one of the most important components of psychotherapy training. In clinical practice, it has been found that the implementation of clinical supervision varies substantially and often differs from the recommendations made in the literature. The objective of the current study was to investigate the frequency of topics (e.g. ethical issues) and techniques (e.g. role play) in the clinical supervision of psychotherapy trainees in Germany. To this end, we considered supervisions in cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and psychodynamic therapy (PT). A total of 791 psychotherapy trainees (533 CBT and 242 PT) were asked via the internet to provide informat…

research product

Competence feedback improves CBT competence in trainee therapists: A randomized controlled pilot study.

The development and improvement of therapeutic competencies are central aims in psychotherapy training; however, little is known about which training interventions are suitable for the improvement of competencies.In the current pilot study, the efficacy of feedback regarding therapeutic competencies was investigated in cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). Totally 19 trainee therapists and 19 patients were allocated randomly to a competence feedback group (CFG) or control group (CG). Two experienced clinicians and feedback providers who were blind to the treatment conditions independently evaluated therapeutic competencies on the Cognitive Therapy Scale at five treatment times (i.e., at Sess…

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