Luca Gordini
Neomyogenesis in 3D Dynamic Responsive Prosthesis for Inguinal Hernia Repair
Despite undisputed improvements, prosthetics hernia repair continues to be affected by unacceptable rates of complications. Postoperative adverse events such as discomfort and chronic pain represent a subject of increasing concern among the surgical community. Poor quality biologic response, stiff scar plates, and mesh shrinkage, a typical effect of conventional static meshes and plugs, are all indicated as the main reasons for many of the complications related to inguinal hernia repair. Even the conventional concept of treatment based upon a supposed reinforcement of the groin consequent to the fibrotic incorporation of meshes, would appear to be inadequate in the light of the latest scien…
Lipoma of the fossa femoralis mimicking a femoral hernia. Report of 2 cases
Highlights • Femoral lipoma can be mistaken with femoral hernia. • Differential diagnosis between femoral lipoma and femoral hernia can result challenging. • The occurrence of femoral pain can lead to misinterpretation of the symptoms.
The Septum Inguinalis: A Clue to Hernia Genesis?
Purpose: Double ipsilateral inguinal ("pantaloon") hernias and also the more advanced "combined" inguinal hernia involve disruption of the inguinal floor. In the case of pantaloon hernias, the medial boundary of the internal ring remains intact but in combined hernias this is fully disrupted, producing a single hernial protrusion. Deepening the pathophysiology of these hernias may be helpful in addressing hernia genesis, thus improving strategies for the treatment of this disease. Materials and Methods: A cohort of 22 patients who underwent inguinal hernia repair showed double ipsilateral (pantaloon) hernia, comprising distinct direct and indirect protrusions separated by a tissue septum. I…
Fixation-free incisional hernia repair in the elderly: our experience with a tentacle-shaped implant.
Background: Incisional hernia in aged patients represents a challenge even for experienced surgeons. Besides increased risk of complications due to comorbidities, mesh fixation and assuring a sufficient mesh overlap of the defect are the main issues in carrying out the repair. Aims: In order to assure broader coverage of the abdominal wall and a tension- and fixation-free repair, a specifically designed prosthesis was developed for the surgical treatment of incisional hernias. The results of a fixation-free incisional hernia repair carried out in elderly patients using a tentacle-shaped implant are reported herewith. Methods: A tentacle-shaped flat mesh with a large central body and integra…
External hernia of the supravesical fossa: Rare or simply misidentified?
Abstract Background External hernias of the supravesical fossa are considered rare, perhaps wrongly. Highlighting clinical and anatomical features could be useful for correct, preoperative diagnosis, thus avoiding the risk of complications such as incarceration. The study aims to demonstrate that the incidence of external protrusions of the supravesical fossa is higher that supposed. Probably, being mistaken for direct hernias, these hernia types are misidentified and not included in current classifications. This issue deserves attention due to the elevated risk of incarceration related to its distinctive structure. Material and methods 249 consecutive open anterior inguinal hernia procedur…
SARS-CoV-2 infection and venous thromboembolism after surgery: an international prospective cohort study
SARS-CoV-2 has been associated with an increased rate of venous thromboembolism in critically ill patients. Since surgical patients are already at higher risk of venous thromboembolism than general populations, this study aimed to determine if patients with peri-operative or prior SARS-CoV-2 were at further increased risk of venous thromboembolism. We conducted a planned sub-study and analysis from an international, multicentre, prospective cohort study of elective and emergency patients undergoing surgery during October 2020. Patients from all surgical specialties were included. The primary outcome measure was venous thromboembolism (pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis) within 30 da…
Fixation free femoral hernia repair with a 3D dynamic responsive implant. A case series report
Abstract Background To date, no gold standard for the surgical treatment of femoral hernia exists. Pure tissue repair as well as mesh/plug implantation, open or laparoscopic, are the most performed methods. Nevertheless, all these techniques need sutures or mesh fixation. This implies the risk of damaging sensitive structures of the femoral area, along with complications related to tissue tear and postoperative discomfort consequent to poor quality mesh incorporation. The present retrospective multicenter case series highlights the results of femoral hernia repair procedures performed with a 3D dynamic responsive implant in a cohort of 32 patients during a mean follow up of 27 months. Mater…