Margarete Imhof
Dr. Halley’s profound textbook on listening is now available in the 20th edition and the author updates the book on a regular basis. As a consequence, the reader can expect fresh ideas to be worked...
Sozialpsychologische Beiträge zu Unterricht und Erziehung
Menschen leben in einem sozialen Umfeld und handeln in sozialen Beziehungen. Selbst wenn sie alleine sind, lassen sie sich in ihren Gedanken und Handlungen von anderen Personen beeinflussen. Sie entwickeln (Vor-)Urteile und verhalten sich in Einklang mit Gruppennormen. In diesem Kapitel erhalten Sie einen kurzen Uberblick uber die Themen der Sozialpsychologie. Als Schwerpunkt wird auf kooperative Unterrichtsmethoden als Ansatz zur Reduktion von Vorurteilen eingegangen und dabei das Feldexperiment als Forschungsmethode an einem Beispiel demonstriert.
Herausforderungen im Lehramtsstudium: Beobachten und Reflektieren im vertrauten Terrain?
Die fruhen Praktika im Lehramtsstudium sind im Kern Beobachtungspraktika, in denen die Studierenden erste Schritte in der Entwicklung einer professionellen Perspektive als Lehrkraft leisten sollen. Dabei wird ubersehen, dass Lehramtsstudierende Novizen in der Unterrichtsbeobachtung sind und als solche dazu neigen, an den oberflachlichen Sichtstrukturen zu verharren und Tiefenstrukturen von Unterricht zu ubersehen. Dabei werden ebenfalls kaum Theorie-Praxis-Bezuge hergestellt, sodass universitare Lehre und schulpraktische Erfahrung fur die Lehramtsstudierenden parallele Welten bleiben. Basierend auf den psychologischen Grundlagen menschlicher Beobachtung und Reflexion machen wir in diesem Be…
Review ofCouple Conversation: The Art of Creating Intimacyby Theodore E. Chaffee
“… and they lived happily ever after.” This staple concept in folklore which can be found in fairy tales and Hollywood movies alike, is anything but a workable model for leading a life and for buil...
What is going on in the Mind of a Listener? The Cognitive Psychology of Listening
From development to aging: Holistic face perception in children, younger and older adults.
Few published reports examine the development of holistic face processing across the lifespan such that face-specific processes are adequately differentiated from general developmental effects. To address this gap in the literature, we used the complete design of the composite paradigm (Richler & Gauthier, 2014) with faces and non-face control objects (watches) to investigate holistic processing in children (8-10years), young adults (20-32years) and older adults (65-78years). Several modifications to past research designs were introduced to improve the ability to draw conclusions about the development of holistic processing in terms of face-specificity, response bias, and age-related differ…
Auditory Distraction by Meaningless Irrelevant Speech: A Developmental Study
Summary The irrelevant sound effect (ISE) typically refers to a disruptive effect of a to-be-ignored sound in serial recall tasks, where lists of visually presented items (digits and letters) must be recalled in serial order. Although extensively studied in adults, studies on developmental aspects of the ISE are scarce. The present study aims to increase our understanding of developmental changes of auditory distraction in children beyond serial recall. Two tasks (i.e., word categorization and evaluation of simple mathematical equations) were designed to test retrieval from semantic memory. Proportion correct and reaction times (adjusted for speed–accuracy tradeoff) were measured in 8–9 and…
What Would a Unified Field of Listening Look Like? A Proposal Linking Past Perspectives and Future Endeavors
Most reviews of “listening research” are narrow in scope, focusing only on research published by listening and communication scholars. Given that unique contributions to listening have been provided by scholars from disciplines as varied as psychology, anthropology, management, and linguistics, this review explores connections and divergences that span the academic landscape. After briefly introducing and reviewing listening related research from three primary areas—information processing, competent behavior, and individual differences—we offer a heuristic framework that ties these lines of study together and provides a structure for assessing and generating new listening research. A conclu…
Mentoring styles and novice teachers’ well-being: The role of basic need satisfaction
Abstract School-based mentoring is a key component of support during the challenging teacher induction phase, but different counseling approaches vary in their effectiveness in fostering novices’ well-being. This study investigates effects of two distinct mentoring approaches on emotional exhaustion by considering their potential to address mentees’ basic needs. Data stem from 579 beginning teachers enrolled in the German practical training period. Structural equation modeling indicates that constructivist-oriented mentoring lowers level of exhaustion by supporting mentees’ autonomy need satisfaction. Results do not indicate an effect of transmission-oriented mentoring on mentees’ well-bein…
Warum Psychologie? Alltagspsychologie, wissenschaftliche Psychologie und notwendige Grundkenntnisse für Unterricht und Erziehung
In diesem Kapitel werden Gegenstand und Aufgabe der Psychologie als Wissenschaft beschrieben, und es wird erlautert, inwiefern psychologisches Wissen und Vorgehen fur das professionelle Handeln von Lehrern und Lehrerinnen von Bedeutung sein kann.
Listening to Voices and Judging People
The impact of vocal cues on personality judgments is investigated in an experimental study that used technically manipulated levels of pitch (low and high frequency), sex of the speaker, and content area (e.g., fixing a bike, baking, reading directory information) as independent and the entailing personality judgments as dependent variables. Subjects (48 male and 48 female) were presented with voice probes and ratings of physical (age, sex, height, stature), and psychological characteristics (bipolar adjectives representing the “Big Five” dimensions of personality) were collected. Results confirm that voice characteristics have an impact on interpersonal perception and that vocal cues are p…
Live Action Role Play and the Development of Teacher Competences: Evaluation of “Everyday Life in the Classroom”
Building on Dörner’s (1996) theory of complex problem-solving, a learning scenario for teacher students was created and tested. Classroom management is interpreted as a complex problem, which requires the integration of competing interests and tackling multiple, simultaneous tasks under time pressure and with limited information. In addition, rising emotions are likely to impede thinking and the quality of decision-making. To prepare student teachers to understand and reflect the complex problem-solving challenges inherent in classroom management, we developed the live action role play “Everyday Life in the Classroom” which was embedded in a seminar structure to guide the development of ana…
Intercultural Listening: Measuring Listening Concepts with the LCI-R
Listening is an integral part of communication, yet more research is conducted on the speaker as opposed to the listener. Previous research established a general schema of listening as a concept-driven behavior with four factors (Imhof & Janusik, 2006). Further testing by Bodie (2010) confirmed the factor structure and reduced the number of items from 33 to 15 (LCI-R). What is not known is whether the constructs are consistent across cultures. This study investigates whether the LCI-R can fit independent data comprising samples from the United States, Europe, and Japan. Results show that the instrument can be used cross-culturally when listening concepts are of interest and need to be measu…
Positive Learning and Pluriliteracies
Deeper learning and the development of transferable knowledge and skills are highly desirable goals in Higher Education programs. However, current studies indicate that these goals are rarely achieved. In this article, we will present a model of deeper learning that promotes the development of disciplinary literacies and transferable knowledge. Based on our joint work we will outline a revised course design that aims at putting the principles of deeper learning into practice through a focus on affect, student engagement, knowledge construction, meaning making and active demonstration of understanding as well as reflective practice. Further, we will outline a research agenda for evaluating a…
Unterschiede zwischen Personen: Die Beschreibung von Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen und deren Beziehungen
Menschen unterscheiden sich in vielfacher Weise voneinander und es ergibt sich die Frage, wie sich solche Unterschiede erklaren lassen. In diesem Kapitel wird beispielhaft die Frage bearbeitet, wie sich erklaren lasst, dass manche Schuler und Schulerinnen in der Schule sehr erfolgreich sind und andere wiederum nicht. Dazu werden theoretische Konzepte von Intelligenz und Motivation vorgestellt. Beispielhaft werden einzelne empirische Befunde zum Zusammenhang von Intelligenz, Motivation und Schulleistung diskutiert.
Cognition and interpersonal communication: The effect of voice quality on information processing and person perception
Abstract Against the backdrop of cognitive load theory (CLT) it was tested if irregular voice increases processing demands on working memory (WM). An experiment was designed to expose N = 54 participants to expository text delivered with a modal and a creaky human voice. Working memory capacity was measured by a secondary task on the visual modality. Listening to a creaky voice quality consumes more cognitive capacity as indicated by the significant decrease in secondary task performance; also, retention of information was found to be impaired. Results are explained within the framework of CLT and implications for professional communication are discussed.
The Role of Motivation, Cognition, and Conscientiousness for Academic Achievement
Based on a cognitive motivational process model of learning, the impact of studying behavior on learning outcome is investigated. First-year students ( N = 488) participated in the study. Two research questions were addressed: (1) Can cognitive-motivational variables and objective study behavior predict individual learning? (2) Which factors drive studying behavior? Results show low to moderate correlations between cognitive-motivational variables and performance. A cluster analysis yielded three profiles: (1) interested learners with high academic self-concept and effort investment; (2) low interest learners with high academic self-concept and low effort investment; and (3) interested lear…
Matkapuhelinaddikti - sisäänpäinkääntynyt "näpyttelijä" vai viestinnällinen moniosaaja
Wenn Entwicklungen problematisch werde Verhaltensauffälligkeiten und Lernschwierigkeiten
In diesem Kapitel wird die Problematik normabweichender Entwicklungswege am Beispiel von Verhaltensauffalligkeiten und Lernschwierigkeiten thematisiert. Es werden drei verschiedene Normen zur Beurteilung von Verhalten und Leistung vorgestellt und Definitionen von Verhaltensauffalligkeiten vorgeschlagen. Anhand der Aufmerksamkeitsstorung und der Motivationsforderung werden vertiefende Beispiele durchgesprochen.
Gedächtnis und Lernen
Menschen sind in der Lage etwas zu lernen, weil sie Information speichern konnen. Das Gedachtnis als Speicher von Erfahrungen und erworbenem Wissen stellt eine Voraussetzung fur Lernprozesse dar. In diesem Kapitel werden daher zunachst zwei Gedachtnismodelle vorgestellt und darauf aufbauend werden kognitive und behavioristische Lerntheorien behandelt.
Beyond CLIL: Fostering Student and Teacher Engagement for Personal Growth and Deeper Learning
In its first iteration, Pluriliteracies Teaching for Learning’s primary focus rests on the relationship between the cognitive and the linguistic dimension of learning. The model emphasizes the need for learners to actively make connections between those two dimensions and identifies the processes of knowledge construction and knowledge sharing as the main drivers of deeper learning. It demonstrates how progression for deeper learning can be conceptualized to promote the development of subject specific literacies. Following recent research which clearly indicates that deeper learning processes depend on and are affected by learner variables such as well-being, self-efficacy, engagement, mast…
Entwicklung als Veränderung im Lebenslauf
Menschen verandern sich standig, sie passen sich der momentanen Situation, aber auch langfristig wirksamen Anforderungen und Umweltbedingungen an. Dieses Kapitel befasst sich mit nachhaltigen Veranderungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Es werden Gegenstand und Aufgaben der Entwicklungspsychologie vorgestellt und Methoden der Entwicklungspsychologie besprochen, wobei die Beobachtung eine besonders wichtige Stellung einnimmt. Es werden beschreibende Ordnungssysteme fur Entwicklungsprozesse dargestellt und erklarende Modelle der Entwicklung diskutiert. Das Entwicklungsmodell von Jean Piaget wird als Beispiel eines Stufenmodells und der Informationsverarbeitungsansatz als alternativer theoretisch…
Age differences in the irrelevant sound effect: A serial recognition paradigm
In adults, the disrupting effect of irrelevant background sounds with distinct temporalspectral variations (changing-state sounds) on short-term memory performance was found to be robust. In the present study, a verbal serial recognition task was used to investigate this so-called Irrelevant Sound Effect (ISE) in adults and 8- to 10-year-old children. An essential part of the short-term memory impairment during changing-state speech is due to interference processes (changing-state effect) which can be differentiated from the deviation effect of auditory distraction. In line with recent findings (Hughes et al., 2013), our study demonstrates that the changing-state effect is not modulated by …
Indikatoren schulischen Wohlbefindens bei gesunden und chronisch kranken Kindern: Psychometrische Prüfung und Validierung adaptierter FEESS-Skalen
Zusammenfassung. Das schulbezogene Wohlbefinden (SBWB) ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung für schulischen Erfolg. Trotzdem existieren – insbesondere mit Blick auf die Erfassung des SBWB von Erstklässlern – im deutschsprachigen Raum nur vereinzelt Studien. Dies lässt sich möglicherweise durch das Fehlen geeigneter Instrumente begründen. Dies gilt auch und insbesondere dann, wenn der Gesundheitszustand der Kinder berücksichtigt werden soll. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit besteht in der Validierung des adaptierten Fragebogens zur Erfassung von emotionalen und sozialen Schulerfahrungen (FEESS 1 – 2; Rauer & Schuck, 2004 ) mit Fokus auf die Eignung des Instruments für chronisch kranke und ge…
Identifying individual differences using log-file analysis: Distributed learning as mediator between conscientiousness and exam grades
Abstract Online learning poses major challenges on students' self-regulated learning. This study investigated the role of learning strategies and individual differences in cognitive abilities, high school GPA and conscientiousness for successful online learning. We used longitudinal log-file data to examine learning strategies of a large cohort (N = 424) of university students taking an online class. Distributed learning, the use of self-tests and a better high school GPA was associated with better exam grades. The positive effect of conscientiousness on exam grades was mediated by distributed learning. Conscientious students distributed their studying over the course of the semester, which…
Deadlines don’t prevent cramming: Course instruction and individual differences predict learning strategy use and exam performance
Abstract The goal of the present study was to investigate how course instruction and individual differences in general academic competences and conscientiousness relate to students' learning strategy use and exam performance. The sample comprised two cohorts of university students who attended a lecture on the same topic, but with varying course instruction: In the blended course (N = 238), the teacher applied deadlines for self-testing and offered regular in-class meetings to encourage distributed practice over the semester. In the online course, students studied independently without regular meetings, nor deadlines (N = 200). Learning strategies were measured objectively using behavioral …