J. Domingo
On the advantages of combining differential algorithms and log-polar vision for detection of self-motion from a mobile robot
Abstract This paper describes the design and implementation on programmable hardware (FPGAs) of an algorithm for the detection of self-mobile objects as seen from a mobile robot. In this context, ‘self-mobile’ refers to those objects that change in the image plane due to their own movement, and not to the movement of the camera on board of the mobile robot. The method consists on adapting the original algorithm from Chen and Nandhakumar [A simple scheme for motion boundary detection, in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1994] by using foveal images obtained with a special camera whose optical axis points towards the direction of advance. It i…
A naive relevance feedback model for content-based image retrieval using multiple similarity measures
This paper presents a novel probabilistic framework to process multiple sample queries in content based image retrieval (CBIR). This framework is independent from the underlying distance or (dis)similarity measures which support the retrieval system, and only assumes mutual independence among their outcomes. The proposed framework gives rise to a relevance feedback mechanism in which positive and negative data are combined in order to optimally retrieve images according to the available information. A particular setting in which users interactively supply feedback and iteratively retrieve images is set both to model the system and to perform some objective performance measures. Several repo…
Virtual Compton scattering and the generalized polarizabilities of the proton atQ2=0.92and 1.76 GeV2
Virtual Compton Scattering (VCS) on the proton has been studied at Jefferson Lab using the exclusive photon electroproduction reaction (e p --> e p gamma). This paper gives a detailed account of the analysis which has led to the determination of the structure functions P{sub LL}-P{sub TT}/epsilon and P{sub LT}, and the electric and magnetic generalized polarizabilities (GPs) alpha{sub E}(Q{sup 2}) and beta{sub M}(Q{sup 2}) at values of the four-momentum transfer squared Q{sup 2} = 0.92 and 1.76 GeV{sup 2}. These data, together with the results of VCS experiments at lower momenta, help building a coherent picture of the electric and magnetic GPs of the proton over the full measured Q{sup 2}-…
Transverse momentum distributions for exclusive $\varrho^{0}$ muoproduction
We have studied transverse momentum distributions for exclusive rho(0) muoproduction on protons and heavier nuclei at 2 < Q2 < 25 GeV2. The Q2 dependence of the slopes of the p(t)2 and t' distributions is discussed. The influence of the non-exclusive background is investigated. The p(t)2-slope for exclusive events is 4.3 +/- 0.6 +/- 0.7 GeV-2 at large Q2. The p(t)2 spectra are much softer than inclusive p(t)2 spectra of leading hadrons produced in deep inelastic scattering.
Functional statistics based method for the evaluation of the registration of sequences of 3D perfusion MR images
Accurate registration of medical images is a necessary task for several important diagnosis techniques. Nevertheless, it is a difficult challenge due to movement of the patient, deformations, noise in the signal, etc. Besides, evaluation of the quality of the performed registration is also troublesome, specially when no golden pattern (true result) is available and/or when the signal values may have changed between successive images/volumes to be registered.
Towards a mean body for apparel design
This paper focuses on shape average with applications to the apparel industry. Apparel industry uses a consensus sizing system; its major concern is to fit most of the population into it. Since anthropometric measures do not grow linearly, it is important to find prototypes to accurately represent each size. This is done using random compact mean sets, obtained from a cloud of 3D points given by a scanner and applying to the sample a previous definition of mean set. Additionally, two approaches to define confidence sets are introduced. The methodology is applied to data obtained from a real anthropometric survey. This paper has been partially supported by the following grants: TIN2009-14392…
Mean sets for building 3D probabilistic liver atlas from perfusion MR images
This paper is concerned with liver atlas construction. One of the most important issues in the framework of computational abdominal anatomy is to define an atlas that provides a priori information for common medical task such as registration and segmentation. Unlike other approaches already proposed so far (to our knowledge), in this paper we propose to use the concept of random compact mean set to build probabilistic liver atlases. To accomplish this task a two-tier process was carried out. First a set of 3D images was manually segmented by a physician. We see the different 3D segmented shapes as a realization of a random compact set. Secondly, elements of two known definitions of mean set…
Automatic segmentation of the spine by means of a probabilistic atlas with a special focus on ribs suppression. Preliminary results
Spine is a structure commonly involved in several prevalent diseases. In clinical diagnosis, therapy, and surgical intervention, the identification and segmentation of the vertebral bodies are crucial steps. However, automatic and detailed segmentation of vertebrae is a challenging task, especially due to the proximity of the vertebrae to the corresponding ribs and other structures such as blood vessels. In this study, to overcome these problems, a probabilistic atlas of the spine, including cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae has been built to introduce anatomical knowledge in the segmentation process, aiming to deal with overlapping gray levels and the proximity to other structures. F…
Applying logistic regression to relevance feedback in image retrieval systems
This paper deals with the problem of image retrieval from large image databases. A particularly interesting problem is the retrieval of all images which are similar to one in the user's mind, taking into account his/her feedback which is expressed as positive or negative preferences for the images that the system progressively shows during the search. Here we present a novel algorithm for the incorporation of user preferences in an image retrieval system based exclusively on the visual content of the image, which is stored as a vector of low-level features. The algorithm considers the probability of an image belonging to the set of those sought by the user, and models the logit of this prob…
A local level set method for liver segmentation in functional MR imaging
Functional Magnetic Resonance (fMR) is a medical image technique in which a contrast is injected in the vascular system so that blood diffusion along it can be observed as variations of the signal intensity. The uptake variations of the contrast agent are used in early detection of tumorous tissue. For the diagnostic to be accurate, successive volumes must be correctly registered. For binary registration prior segmentation of the 3D fMR data is required. Here we present a local 3D level-set segmentation method which preserves details and edges, along with its multi-scale version which has the advantage of a great acceleration with respect to the single-scale version. Results of liver segmen…
Combining similarity measures in content-based image retrieval
The purpose of content based image retrieval (CBIR) systems is to allow users to retrieve pictures from large image repositories. In a CBIR system, an image is usually represented as a set of low level descriptors from which a series of underlying similarity or distance functions are used to conveniently drive the different types of queries. Recent work deals with combination of distances or scores from different and usually independent representations in an attempt to induce high level semantics from the low level descriptors of the images. Choosing the best method to combine these results requires a careful analysis and, in most cases, the use of ad-hoc strategies. Combination based on or…
Measurements of $R^{d}-R^{p}$ and $R^{Ca}-R^{C}$ in deep inelastic muon scattering
Results are presented on the difference in R, the ratio of longitudinally to transversely polarised virtual photon absorption cross sections, for the deuteron and the proton. They are obtained by c ...
Accurate detection and characterization of corner points using circular statistics and fuzzy clustering
Accurate detection and characterization of corner points in grey level images is considered as a pattern recognition problem. The method considers circular statistic tests to detect 2D features. A fuzzy clustering algorithm is applied to the edge orientations near the prospective corners to detect and classify them. The method is based on formulating hypotheses about the distribution of these orientations around an edge, corner or other 2-D feature. The method may provide accurate estimates of the direction of the edges that converge in a corner, along with their confidence intervals. Experimental results show the method to be robust enough against noise and contrast changes. Fuzzy membersh…
The Future We Want: a Learning Experience to Promote SDGs in Higher Education from the United Nations and University of Valencia
This article shares the strategy for mainstreaming the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the University of Valencia (UV), which, although limited in its scale, may compel other Higher Education Institutions to think in technological and social progress aligned with the 2030 Agenda. It explicates a process driven by the UV, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations (UN), and in collaboration with the Service for Geospatial, Information, and Telecommunications Technologies from the UN Support Base in Valencia (Spain) to prepare the online event: “The United Nations We Want”. It was the culmination of a collaborative project between students and faculties from differe…
Macular edema computer-aided evaluation in ocular vein occlusions.
This paper is concerned with the use of digital fundus imaging to detect, quantify, and follow up macular angiographic leakage due to retinal vein occlusions. Images were matched automatically. We detected those pixels with a high increment in gray level within the closest area to the foveal center. Binary images displaying leakage were obtained. The procedure was checked against two observers' agreement. Twenty-one angiographic studies were collected. Two images of each sequence were selected for digitalization. Numerical descriptors of the leakage were proposed and quantification plots were designed for each pair of images. Interobserver concordance ranged between 82 and 98% when manually…
Effect of a Diet Supplemented with alpha-Tocopherol and beta-Carotene on ATP and Antioxidant Levels after Hepatic Ischemia-Reperfusion.
Ischemia-reperfusion injury associated with liver transplantation remains a serious complication in clinical practice. In the present study the effect of intake of alpha-tocopherol or beta-carotene to limit liver injury by oxidative stress in ischemia and reperfusion was explored. Wistar rats were fed with diets enriched with alpha-tocopherol (20 mg/day) or beta-carotene (3 mg/day) for 21 days. After 21 days, their livers were subjected to 15 and 30 min of ischemia and afterwards were reperfused for 60 min. The recovery of levels of ATP during reperfusion was better in the group of rats whose diets were supplemented with alpha-tocopherol or beta-carotene than in the group control. The suppl…
Alternative method for binary shape alignment of non-symmetrical shapes based on minimal enclosing box
Proposed is a novel method based on the minimal enclosing box (MEB) to determine the canonical orientation associated with a three-dimensional binary shape. It is suggested that, when the shape has no clear distinctive features and two or more of the eigenvalues are similar, this method is more suitable than the commonly used method based on principal component analysis (PCA). An experiment is performed with shapes of human livers by measuring the degree on which a prototypical image (atlas) matches to a new shape after alignment by PCA, minimal area projection (MAP), and MEB showing that in this case MEB outperforms the usual PCA-based alignment method and also the MAP method.
Evaluation of the registration of temporal series of contrast-enhanced perfusion magnetic resonance 3D images of the liver.
The registration of 2D and 3D images is one of the key tasks in medical image processing and analysis. Accurate registration is a crucial preprocessing step for many tasks; consequently, the evaluation of its accuracy becomes necessary. Unfortunately, this is a difficult task, especially when no golden pattern (true result) is available and when the signal values may have changed between successive images to be registered. This is the case this paper deals with: we have a series of 3D images, magnetic resonance images (MRI) of the liver and adjacent areas that have to be registered. They have been taken while a contrast is diffused through the liver tissue, so intensity of each observed poi…
Backward electroproduction ofπ0mesons on protons in the region of nucleon resonances at four momentum transfer squaredQ2=1.0GeV2
Exclusive electroproduction of pi{sup 0} mesons on protons in the backward hemisphere has been studied at Q2 = 1.0 GeV2 by detecting protons in the forward direction in coincidence with scattered electrons from the 4 GeV electron beam in Jefferson Lab's Hall A. The data span the range of the total (gamma*p) center-of-mass energy W from the pion production threshold to W = 2.0 GeV. The differential cross sections sigma{sub T} + epsilon sigma{sub L}, sigma{sub TL}, and sigma{sub TT} were separated from the azimuthal distribution and are presented together with the MAID and SAID parameterizations.
Mathematical Morphology for Color Images: An Image-Dependent Approach
This paper proposes one possibility to generalize the morphological operations (particularly, dilation, erosion, opening, and closing) to color images. First, properties of a desirable generalization are stated and a brief review is done on former approaches. Then, the method is explained, which is based on a total ordering of the colors in an image induced by its color histogram; this is valid for just one image and may present problems in smoothly coloured images. To solve these drawbacks a refinement consisting of smoothing the histogram and using a joint histogram of several images is presented. Results of applying the so-defined morphological operations on several sets of images are sh…
A novel Bayesian framework for relevance feedback in image content-based retrieval systems
This paper presents a new algorithm for image retrieval in content-based image retrieval systems. The objective of these systems is to get the images which are as similar as possible to a user query from those contained in the global image database without using textual annotations attached to the images. The main problem in obtaining a robust and effective retrieval is the gap between the low level descriptors that can be automatically extracted from the images and the user intention. The algorithm proposed here to address this problem is based on the modeling of user preferences as a probability distribution on the image space. Following a Bayesian methodology, this distribution is the pr…
Precision measurement of the structure function ratiosF 2 He /F 2 D ,F 2 C /F 2 D andF 2 Ca /F 2 D
We present the structure function ratiosF2He/F2D,F2C/F2D andF2Ca/F2D measured in deep inelastic muon-nucleus scattering at an incident muon momentum of 200 GeV. The kinematic range 0.0035<x<0.65 and 0.5<Q2<90 GeV2 is covered. At lowx the three ratios are significantly smaller than unity and the size of the depletion grows with decreasingx and increasing mass numberA. At intermediatex the ratios show an enhancement of about 2% above unity for C/D and Ca/D, possibly less for He/D. There are indications of someQ2 dependence in the Ca/D data. The integrals of the structure function differencesF2A−F2D are discussed.
Bayesian estimation of edge orientations in junctions
Abstract Junctions, defined as those points of an image where two or more edges meet, play a significant role in many computer vision applications. Junction detection is a widely treated problem, and some detectors can provide even the directions of the edges that meet in a junction. The main objective of this paper is the precise estimation of such directions. It is supposed that the junction point has been previously found by some detector. Also, it is assumed that samples, possibly noisy, of orientations of the edges found in a circular window surrounding the point are available. A mixture of von Mises distributions is assumed for these data, and then a Bayesian methodology is applied to…
Precision measurement of structure function ratios for $^{6}$Li, $^{12}$C and $^{40}$Ca
The structure function ratiosF2C/F2Li,F2Ca/F2Li andF2Ca/F2C were measured in deep inelastic muonnucleus scattering at an incident muon energy of 90 GeV, covering the kinematic range 0.0085<x<0.6 and 0.8<Q2<17GeV2. The sensitivity of the nuclear structure functions to the size and mean density of the target nucleus is discussed.
Virtual Compton Scattering and Neutral Pion Electroproduction in the Resonance Region up to the Deep Inelastic Region at Backward Angles
We have made the first measurements of the virtual Compton scattering (VCS) process via the H$(e,e'p)\gamma$ exclusive reaction in the nucleon resonance region, at backward angles. Results are presented for the $W$-dependence at fixed $Q^2=1$ GeV$^2$, and for the $Q^2$-dependence at fixed $W$ near 1.5 GeV. The VCS data show resonant structures in the first and second resonance regions. The observed $Q^2$-dependence is smooth. The measured ratio of H$(e,e'p)\gamma$ to H$(e,e'p)\pi^0$ cross sections emphasizes the different sensitivity of these two reactions to the various nucleon resonances. Finally, when compared to Real Compton Scattering (RCS) at high energy and large angles, our VCS data…
Measurement and storage of a network of jacobians as a method for the visual positioning of a robot arm
The goal of this paper is to describe a method to position a robot arm at any visible point of a given workspace without an explicit on line use of the analytical form of the transformations between real space and camera coordinates (camera calibration) or between cartesian and joint coordinates (direct or inverse kinematics of the robot arm). The formulation uses a discrete network of points distributed all over the workspace in which a procedure is given to measure certain Jacobian matrices which represent a good local linear approximation to the unknown compound transformation between camera and joint coordinates. This approach is inspired by the biological observation of the vestibulo-o…
Modeling of female human body shapes for apparel design based on cross mean sets
This paper is concerned with a method to build prototypes of human bodies that can be used for apparel design. One of the most important issues in the apparel development process is to define a sizing system to provide a good fitting for the majority of the population. Since anthropometric measures do not present the same linear growth with size in each dimension, it is very important to find a prototype that represents as accurately as possible each class in the sizing system. In this paper we propose a method based on the concept of random compact mean set to define prototypes in apparel design. From a cloud of 3D points obtained with a 3D scanner a solid that represents the human body is…
Quantifying Mean Shape and Variability of Footprints Using Mean Sets
This paper1 presents an application of several definitions of a mean set for use in footwear design. For a given size, footprint pressure images corresponding to different individuals constitute our raw data. Appropriate footwear design needs to have knowledge of some kind of typical footprint. Former methods based on contour relevant points are highly sensitive to contour noise; moreover, they lack repeatability because of the need for the intervention of human designers. The method proposed in this paper is based on using mean sets on the thresholded images of the pressure footprints. Three definitions are used, two of them from Vorob’ev and Baddeley-Molchanov and one morphological mean p…
This paper presents a method for detecting abnormalities in spatial arrangements of cells within any tissue that can be described by different sets of relevant points. The method has been applied to the detection of subtle abnormalities in corneal endothelia. Images of this type of tissue can be characterized by two types of points: cell centroids and triple points associated with the apical intersections as it was proposed by Díaz.7 Both types of points jointly considered are modeled using a bivariate spatial point process; then a statistical analysis based on certain distributional descriptors proposed by Doguwa4,9 is carried out to discriminate severe and subtle abnormalities from contr…
Automatic segmentation of the spine by means of a probabilistic atlas with a special focus on ribs suppression
[EN] Purpose: The development of automatic and reliable algorithms for the detection and segmentation of the vertebrae are of great importance prior to any diagnostic task. However, an important problem found to accurately segment the vertebrae is the presence of the ribs in the thoracic region. To overcome this problem, a probabilistic atlas of the spine has been developed dealing with the proximity of other structures, with a special focus on ribs suppression. Methods: The data sets used consist of Computed Tomography images corresponding to 21 patients suffering from spinal metastases. Two methods have been combined to obtain the final result: firstly, an initial segmentation is performe…
Detecting motion independent of the camera movement through a log-polar differential approach
This paper is concerned with a differential motion detection technique in log-polar coordinates which allows object motion tracking independently of the camera ego-motion when camera focus is along the movement direction. The method does not use any explicit estimation of the motion field, which can be calculated afterwards at the moving points. The method, previously formulated in Cartesian coordinates, uses the log-polar coordinates, which allows the isolation of the object movement from the image displacement due to certain camera motions. Experimental results on a sequence of real images are included, in which a moving object is detected and optical flow is calculated in log-polar coord…
Apparel sizing using trimmed PAM and OWA operators
This paper is concerned with apparel sizing system design. One of the most important issues in the apparel development process is to define a sizing system that provides a good fit to the majority of the population. A sizing system classifies a specific population into homogeneous subgroups based on some key body dimensions. Standard sizing systems range linearly from very small to very large. However, anthropometric measures do not grow linearly with size, so they can not accommodate all body types. It is important to determine each class in the sizing system based on a real prototype that is as representative as possible of each class. In this paper we propose a methodology to develop an …
Modeling user preferences in content-based image retrieval: A novel attempt to bridge the semantic gap
This paper is concerned with content-based image retrieval from a stochastic point of view. The semantic gap problem is addressed in two ways. First, a dimensional reduction is applied using the (pre-calculated) distances among images. The dimension of the reduced vector is the number of preferences that we allow the user to choose from, in this case, three levels. Second, the conditional probability distribution of the random user preference, given this reduced feature vector, is modeled using a proportional odds model. A new model is fitted at each iteration. The score used to rank the image database is based on the estimated probability function of the random preference. Additionally, so…
A gray-level 2D feature detector using circular statistics
Abstract This paper presents a new method for corner and circular feature detection in gray-level images. It is based on the application of standard statistical techniques to the distribution of gradient orientations in a circular neighborhood of the prospective feature point. An evaluation using standard procedures and a comparison with other approaches is presented. Results show the robustness of this method as compared to the other corner detectors analyzed. The main novelties are the possibility of detecting points that are centers of circular symmetries, and discriminating between junctions, which are classified into corners (two-edge junctions) and multiple edge junctions.
Semi-automated evaluation tool for retinal vasculopathy.
The ocular fundus is the only area of human body where vascular system is visible using relatively simple instrumentation. Furthermore, there is medical suggestive evidence of a direct relationship between certain measures of vascular characteristics in the ocular fundus (arteriolar and venular calibers and focal arteriolar narrowing) and cardiovascular diseases. In order to establish such relationship on sound statistical basis a method must be provided to measure the needed values in an easy, yet precise and repeatable way. This paper presents a system to assist physicians in signaling and storing the data associated to signs of vascular deterioration and vascular calibers in non-mydriati…
Probabilistic liver atlas construction
Background Anatomical atlases are 3D volumes or shapes representing an organ or structure of the human body. They contain either the prototypical shape of the object of interest together with other shapes representing its statistical variations (statistical atlas) or a probability map of belonging to the object (probabilistic atlas). Probabilistic atlases are mostly built with simple estimations only involving the data at each spatial location. Results A new method for probabilistic atlas construction that uses a generalized linear model is proposed. This method aims to improve the estimation of the probability to be covered by the liver. Furthermore, all methods to build an atlas involve p…
Means of 2D and 3D Shapes and Their Application in Anatomical Atlas Building
This works deals with the concept of mean when applied to 2D or 3D shapes and with its applicability to the construction of digital atlases to be used in digital anatomy. Unlike numerical data, there are several possible definitions of the mean of a shape distribution and procedures for its estimation from a sample of shapes. Most popular definitions are based in the distance function or in the coverage function, each with its strengths and limitations. Closely related to the concept of mean shape is the concept of atlas, here understood as a probability or membership map that tells how likely is that a point belongs to a shape drawn from the shape distribution at hand. We devise a procedur…
Iteratively Learning a Liver Segmentation Using Probabilistic Atlases: Preliminary Results
This works deals with the concept of liver segmentation by using a priori information based on probabilistic atlases and segmentation learning based of previous steps. A probabilistic atlas is here understood as a probability or membership map that tells how likely is that a point belongs to a shape drawn from the shape distribution at hand. We devise a procedure to segment Perfusion Magnetic Resonance liver images that combines both: a probabilistic atlas of the liver and a segmentation algorithm based on global information of previous simpler segmentation steps, local information from close segmented slices and finally a mathematical morphology procedure, namely viscous reconstruction, to…
Irregular motion recovery in fluorescein angiograms
Abstract Fluorescein angiography is a common procedure in ophthalmic practice, mainly to evaluate vascular retinopathies and choroidopathies from sequences of ocular fundus images. In order to compare the images, a reliable overlying is essential. This paper proposes some methods for the recovery of irregular motion in fluorescein angiograms (FA). The overlying is done by a three step procedure: detection of relevant points, matching points from different images and estimation of the assumed linear geometric transformation. A stochastic model (closely related to the general linear model) allows to fuse the second and third steps. Two different estimators of the geometric transformation are …