Lensing of fast radio bursts: future constraints on primordial black hole density with an extended mass function and a new probe of exotic compact fermion and boson stars
The discovery of gravitational waves from binary black hole mergers has renewed interest in primordial black holes forming a part of the dark matter density of our Universe. Various tests have been proposed to test this hypothesis. One of the cleanest tests is the lensing of fast radio bursts. In this situation, the presence of a compact object near the line of sight produces two images of the radio burst. If the images are sufficiently separated in time, this technique can constrain the presence of primordial black holes. One can also try to detect the lensed image of the mini-bursts within the main burst. We show that this technique can produce the leading constraints over a wide range in…
Constraints on neutrino speed, weak equivalence principle violation, Lorentz invariance violation, and dual lensing from the first high-energy astrophysical neutrino source TXS 0506+056
We derive stringent constraints on neutrino speed, weak equivalence principle violation, Lorentz invariance violation, and dual lensing from the first high-energy astrophysical neutrino source: TXS $0506+056$. Observation of neutrino (IceCube-170922A) and photons in a similar time frame and from the same direction is used to derive these limits. We describe ways in which these constraints can be further improved by orders of magnitude.
Cuckoo's Eggs in Neutron Stars: Can LIGO Hear Chirps from the Dark Sector?
We explore in detail the possibility that gravitational wave signals from binary inspirals are affected by a new force that couples only to dark matter particles. We discuss the impact of both the new force acting between the binary partners as well as radiation of the force carrier. We identify numerous constraints on any such scenario, ultimately concluding that observable effects on the dynamics of binary inspirals due to such a force are not possible if the dark matter is accrued during ordinary stellar evolution. Constraints arise from the requirement that the astronomical body be able to collect and bind at small enough radius an adequate number of dark matter particles, from the requ…
Robust measurement of supernova $��_e$ spectra with future neutrino detectors
Measuring precise all-flavor neutrino information from a supernova is crucial for understanding the core-collapse process as well as neutrino properties. We apply a chi-squared analysis for different detector setups to explore determination of $��_{e}$ spectral parameters. Using a long-term two-dimensional core-collapse simulation with three time varying spectral parameters, we generate mock data to examine the capabilities of the current Super-Kamiokande detector and compare the relative improvements that gadolinium, Hyper-Kamiokande, and DUNE would have. We show that in a realistic three spectral parameter framework, the addition of gadolinium to Super-Kamiokande allows for a qualitative …
Diffuse axion-like particle searches
We propose a new method to search for axion-like particles (ALPs) based on the gamma-rays produced concomitant with high-energy astrophysical neutrinos. The existence of high-energy neutrinos implies production of gamma-rays in the same sources. Photons can convert into ALPs in the sources' magnetic fields, and will travel as ALPs through extragalactic space. Back-conversion in the Milky Way's magnetic field leads to a diffuse anisotropic high-energy photon flux that existing and upcoming gamma-ray detectors, like HAWC, CTA, and LHAASO can detect. This method probes unexplored ALP parameter space, with LHAASO being realistically sensitive to couplings above $10^{-11}\, \rm{GeV^{-1}}$ and ma…
Constraints on neutrino speed, weak equivalence principle violation, Lorentz invariance violation, and dual lensing from the first high-energy astrophysical neutrino source TXS 0506+056
We derive stringent constraints on neutrino speed, weak equivalence principle violation, Lorentz invariance violation, and dual lensing from the first high-energy astrophysical neutrino source: TXS 0506+056. Observation of neutrino (IceCube-170922A) and photons in a similar time frame and from the same direction is used to derive these limits. We describe ways in which these constraints can be further improved by orders of magnitude.
Production of dark-matter bound states in the early universe by three-body recombination
The small-scale structure problems of the universe can be solved by self-interacting dark matter that becomes strongly interacting at low energy. A particularly predictive model for the self-interactions is resonant short-range interactions with an S-wave scattering length that is much larger than the range. The velocity dependence of the cross section in such a model provides an excellent fit to self-interaction cross sections inferred from dark-matter halos of galaxies and clusters of galaxies if the dark-matter mass is about 19 GeV and the scattering length is about 17 fm. Such a model makes definite predictions for the few-body physics of weakly bound clusters of the dark-matter particl…
Multi-PeV Signals from a New Astrophysical Neutrino Flux beyond the Glashow Resonance.
The IceCube neutrino discovery was punctuated by three showers with $E_\nu$ ~ 1-2 PeV. Interest is intense in possible fluxes at higher energies, though a marked deficit of $E_\nu$ ~ 6 PeV Glashow resonance events implies a spectrum that is soft and/or cutoff below ~few PeV. However, IceCube recently reported a through-going track event depositing 2.6 $\pm$ 0.3 PeV. A muon depositing so much energy can imply $E_{\nu_\mu} \gtrsim$ 10 PeV. We show that extending the soft $E_\nu^{-2.6}$ spectral fit from TeV-PeV data is unlikely to yield such an event. Alternatively, a tau can deposit this much energy, though requiring $E_{\nu_\tau}$ ~10x higher. We find that either scenario hints at a new flu…
Dark Matter Bound States from Three-Body Recombination
The small-scale structure problems of the universe can be solved by self-interacting dark matter that becomes strongly interacting at low energies. A particularly predictive model is resonant short-range self-interactions, with a dark-matter mass of about 19 GeV and a large S-wave scattering length of about 17 fm. Such a model makes definite predictions for the few-body physics of weakly bound clusters of the dark-matter particles. We calculate the production of two-body bound clusters by three-body recombination in the early universe under the assumption that the dark matter particles are identical bosons, which is the most favorable case for forming larger clusters. The fraction of dark m…
Robust measurement of supernova νe spectra with future neutrino detectors
Measuring precise all-flavor neutrino information from a supernova is crucial for understanding the core-collapse process as well as neutrino properties. We apply a chi-squared analysis for different detector setups to explore determination of $\nu_{e}$ spectral parameters. Using a long-term two-dimensional core-collapse simulation with three time varying spectral parameters, we generate mock data to examine the capabilities of the current Super-Kamiokande detector and compare the relative improvements that gadolinium, Hyper-Kamiokande, and DUNE would have. We show that in a realistic three spectral parameter framework, the addition of gadolinium to Super-Kamiokande allows for a qualitative…