Sigrid Reinhardt
α4-1 Subunit mRNA of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor in the rat olfactory bulb: cellular expression in adult, pre- and postnatal stages
In addition to their role in signal transduction, nicotinic acetylcholine receptors have been shown in vi-tro to be involved in neuronal growth cone regulation during development. This idea is supported by recent histochemical findings showing that iso- and archicortical nicotinic alpha4-1 receptor mRNA expression precedes cholinergic fiber ingrowth. To test whether this also holds true for rhinencephalic parts of the telencephalon, we have studied the olfactory bulb by digoxigenin-mediated in situ hybridization, using an alpha4-1 isoform-specific riboprobe and an alkaline-phosphatase-based detection system. Development is characterized by early intense alpha4-1 mRNA expression (embryonic d…
A vertebrate globin expressed in the brain.
Haemoglobins and myoglobins constitute related protein families that function in oxygen transport and storage in humans and other vertebrates. Here we report the identification of a third globin type in man and mouse. This protein is predominantly expressed in the brain, and therefore we have called it neuroglobin. Mouse neuroglobin is a monomer with a high oxygen affinity (half saturation pressure, P50 approximately 2 torr). Analogous to myoglobin, neuroglobin may increase the availability of oxygen to brain tissue. The human neuroglobin gene (NGB), located on chromosome 14q24, has a unique exon-intron structure. Neuroglobin represents a distinct protein family that diverged early in metaz…
The murine nuclear orphan receptor GCNF is expressed in the XY body of primary spermatocytes
AbstractWe have studied the expression of the nuclear orphan receptor GCNF (germ cell nuclear factor) on the mRNA and protein level in pubertal and adult mouse testes. We show by Northern and Western blot analyses and by in situ hybridization that GCNF is expressed in spermatocytes and round spermatids of adult mouse testis suggesting that GCNF may be a transcriptional regulator of spermatogenesis. Since the GCNF protein is accumulated in the XY body of late pachytene spermatocytes, it may be involved in transcriptional inactivation of sex chromosomes.
Expression of M-cadherin protein in myogenic cells during prenatal mouse development and differentiation of embryonic stem cells in culture.
Molecules regulating morphogenesis by cell-cell interactions are the cadherins, a class of calcium-dependent adhesion molecules. One of its members, M-cadherin, has been isolated from a myoblast cell line (Donalies et al. [1991] Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 88:8024—8028). In mouse development, expression of M-cadherin mRNA first appears at day 8.5 of gestation (E8.5) in somites and has been postulated to be down-regulated in developing muscle masses (Moore and Walsh [1993] Development 117:1409—1420). Affinity-purified polyclonal M-cadherin antibodies, detecting a protein of approximately 120 kDa, were used to study the cell expression pattern of M-cadherin protein. It was first visualized …
Nicotinic receptor function in the mammalian central nervous system.
The diversity of neuronal nicotinic receptors (nAChRs) in addition to their possible involvement in such pathological conditions as Alzheimer's disease have directed our research towards the characterization of these receptors in various mammalian brain areas. Our studies have relied on electrophysiological, biochemical, and immunofluorescent techniques applied to cultured and acutely dissociated hippocampal neurons, and have been aimed at identifying the various subtypes of nAChRs expressed in the mammalian central nervous system (CNS), at defining the mechanisms by which CNS nAChR activity is modulated, and at determining the ion permeability of CNS nAChR channels. Our findings can be sum…
Neuronal Cell Nuclear Factor. A Nuclear Receptor Possibly Involved in the Control of Neurogenesis and Neuronal Differentiation
We have cloned from a cDNA library of neuronal derivatives of retinoic-acid-induced embryonic carcinoma cells a nuclear receptor that may be involved in the control of late neurogenesis and early neuronal differentiation. The receptor which is practically identical in sequence with germ cell nuclear factor, has been designated neuronal cell nuclear factor (NCNF). NCNF is exclusively expressed in the neuronal derivatives of PCC7-Mz1 cells, with the expression beginning within hours of exposure to retinoic acid. In the developing mouse brain, NCNF is expressed in the marginal zones of the neuroepithelium which are known to contain young postmitotic neurons. NCNF binds to the DRO sequence ther…
Contactus adherens, a special type of plaque-bearing adhering junction containing M-cadherin, in the granule cell layer of the cerebellar glomerulus.
In the glomeruli of the granule cell layer of mammalian cerebellum, neuronal extensions are interconnected by numerous small, nearly isodiametric (diameters up to 0.1 micron), junctions previously classified as puncta adherentia related to the vinculin-containing, actin microfilament-anchoring junctions of the zonula adherens of epithelial and certain other cells. Using immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy, we have found, however, that these junctions are negative for E- and VE-cadherin, for desmosomal cadherins, and also for vinculin, alpha-actinin, and desmoplakin, but they do contain, in addition to the protein plakoglobin common to all forms of adhering junctions, the plaque…
Cellular expression of α4 subunit mRNA of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor in the developing rat telencephalon
By contrast to adult brain, little is known on the development of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) expression. Using a digoxigenin-labeled riboprobe for in situ hybridization, alpha 4 nAChR subunit mRNA expression was studied in embryonic and postnatal rat neocortex and hippocampus where it was transiently increased in neuronal subpopulations and preceded cholinergic fiber ingrowth. alpha 4 expression was increased in neocortical layer VIb between E20 and P2 and, about birth, in dentate gyrus granule cells subsequently decreasing to adult levels. nAChR mRNA expression is increased at the developing neuromuscular endplate preceding cholinergic innervation which triggers changes in no…
Selective Adhesion of Cells from Different Telencephalic Regions
AbstractWe asked whether specification of different regions of the rodent and avian telencephalon during development involved the acquisition of differential adhesive properties. Cells from different regions were aggregated in a short-term aggregation assay, and their segregation was analyzed. Both neurons and precursor cells from cortex segregate from striatal cells at early, but not later, stages, whereas cells from rodent neocortex and hippocampus segregated only during later stages. Segregation was abolished when Ca2+-dependent but not Ca2+-independent adhesion molecules were selectively removed. Thus, selective adhesion appears to be a conserved mechanism that restricts cellular mixing…
Expression of functional α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor during mammalian muscle development and denervation
We have studied, on the transcriptional, protein and functional level, the expression of alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) in the course of rat muscle development, denervation and renervation. At foetal day 13, alpha7 nAChR expression was observed in somites and developing muscles of the back, but not yet in migrating myoblasts. Two days later, concomitant with myoblast aggregation, the alpha7 isoform began to be expressed in isolated myoblasts, with the highest level of expression in the frontal zone of the migrating wave. On foetal day 18, a time when the myoblasts in the upper hindleg have fused, alpha7 nAChR expression was most prominent in the outer layer of muscle tissu…
Analysis of NO synthase expression in neuronal, astroglial and fibroblast-like derivatives differen-tiating from PCC7-Mzl embryonic carcinoma cells
We studied the expression of the NO synthase isoforms in an in vitro model of neural development using RT-PCR, Western blot and immu- nohistochemistry. Murine PCC7-Mzl cells (Jostock et al., Eur. J. Cell Biol. 76, 63–76,1998) differentiate in the presence of all-trans retinoic acid and dibutyryl cAMP along the neural pathway into neuron-like, fibroblast-like and astroglia-like cells. Undifferentiated cells showed immunofluorescent staining for neuronal-type NOSI and endothelial- type NOS III. This expression pattern was retained in those cells differ entiating into neurofilament- and tau protein-positive neuronal cells. Thymocyte alloantigen (Thyl.2/CD 90.2)-positive Fibroblasts, appearing …
Neuronal Nicotinic Receptors in the Locust Locusta migratoria
We have identified five cDNA clones that encode nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subunits expressed in the nervous system of the locust Locusta migratoria. Four of the subunits are ligand-binding α subunits, and the other is a structural β subunit. The existence of at least one more nAChR gene, probably encoding a β subunit, is indicated. Based on Northern analysis and in situ hybridization, the five subunit genes are expressed. locα1, locα3, andlocβ1 are the most abundant subunits and are expressed in similar areas of the head ganglia and retina of the adult locust. Because Locα3 binds α-bungarotoxin with high affinity, it may form a homomeric nAChR subtype such as the mammalian α7…
Cellular distribution in the rat telencephalon of mRNAs encoding for the alpha 3 and alpha 4 subunits of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor.
Pharmacological and electrophysiological studies provide evidence for the involvement of different nicotinic acetylcholine receptor isoforms in rat neocortical and hippocampal signal transduction. Yet, rather little is known on the cellular localization of these isoforms. With the availability of isoform specific nucleic acid probes and sensitive non-isotopic detection systems, nicotinic receptors can be studied on the mRNA level in individual neurons. In this way, we have paradigmatically studied the distribution of the alpha 3 and alpha 4 isoform mRNAs of the nicotinic receptor in the rat telencephalon. In the cerebral cortex, alpha 3 transcripts were mainly located in pyramidal neurons o…