Olga Dziabenko
The first year of the “open discovery of stem laboratories” (ODL) project
The Open Discovery of STEM Laboratories (ODL) project, co-funded by the European Community Erasmus+ KA2 program for 30 months, starting from November 2015, involves five countries: Spain, Italy, Greece, Estonia and Lithuania. It aims to implement teacher collaboration in creating and using μMOOCs (very short version of MOOCs-Massive Open Online Courses) for encouraging the use of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) remote/virtual laboratories into lessons. The challenge of the project is to impact on teaching process and inspire pedagogical innovation and modernization by means of open education resources, teaching/learning tools and best practices provided by European e…
Application of remote experiments in a secondary school using MOOC approach
This paper presents first attempt to incorporate remote and virtual experiments in MOOC environment for the secondary school instruction. In case study the VISIR+ remote experiment of the WebLab-Deusto was used. The basic topic of physics “Resistors in series” was suggested for the mentioned above experiment. The open edX platform was employed to build the MOOC for the school lesson — we named it ‘micro-MOOC’. The results could be helpful for secondary school sector representatives, education instructors, parents and policy makers to respond to current and future education needs.