Daniela Rindone
Naturally occurring hemolysins in the coelomic fluid of Holothuria polii delle chiaie (Echinodermata).
Abstract The coelomic fluid of Holothuria polii D.Ch contains hemolytic activity against erythrocytes of several vertebrate species. The hemolytic potency depends upon calcium ion concentration and varies according to erythrocyte source and cell number in the reaction mixture. Absorption experiments with formalinized rabbit erythrocytes suggest that hemolytic activity is not specific. Its heat lability, water insolubility at low pH values, and sensitivity to proteolytic enzymes suggest that hemolytic activity resides in protein molecules. The activity, maximal in alkaline media, appears to depend up time and temperature.
Studies on the natural hemolytic system of the annelid worm Spirographis spallanzanii viviani (Polychaeta).
Abstract Hemolytic activity in the hemolymph of Spirographis spallanzanii was estabilished against Bufo, sheep, calf, rabbit, rat, human A, B, O erythrocytes. Chemico-physical treatments suggest that the hemolytic factor could be a thermo-labile protein whose activity requires calcium ions and which is active over broad pH and temperature ranges. Some of these properties and the sigmoidal curve obtained by plotting the quantity of hemolymph against the percentage of hemolysis, produce some analogies with the mammalian lytic system.