Michael Lauterbach


Plasma protein loss during abdominal surgery is a known phenomenon, but its possible pathophysiological relevance has remained unknown. The present study evaluates the effects of albumin substitution on systemic and local hemodynamics and cellular interactions in the mesenteric microcirculation. Rats underwent median laparotomy and exteriorization of an ileal loop for intravital microscopy of the mesenteric microcirculation. Plasma protein concentrations, systemic and local hemodynamics were recorded during the follow up period, with or without albumin substitution. Depending on the time course of plasma protein loss in control experiments, 80% of the calculated protein loss was infused dur…

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Telemedicine-Based Specialized Care Improves the Outcome of Anticoagulated Individuals with Venous Thromboembolism-Results from the thrombEVAL Study.

Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a life-threatening disease with risk of recurrence. Oral anticoagulation (OAC) with vitamin K antagonists (VKA) is effective to prevent thromboembolic recurrence. We aimed to investigate the quality of OAC of VTE patients in regular medical care (RMC) compared to a telemedicine-based coagulation service (CS). The thrombEVAL study (NCT01809015) is a prospective, multi-center study to investigate OAC treatment (recruitment: January 2011&ndash

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Area at Risk and Viability after Myocardial Ischemia and Reperfusion Can Be Determined by Contrast-Enhanced Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging

<i>Background/Aims:</i> Clinical differentiation between infarcted and viable myocardium in the ischemic area at risk is controversial. We investigated the potential of contrast-enhanced cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (ceCMRI) in determining the area at risk 24 h after ischemia. <i>Methods:</i> Myocardial ischemia was induced by percutaneous coronary intervention of the left anterior descending coronary artery in pigs. Coronary occlusion time was 30 min in group A, which caused little myocardial infarction and 45 min in group B, which led to irreversible damage. 24 h after reperfusion ceCMRI was performed at 2 and 15 min after administration of gadolinium-diethyl…

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Experiences of a Poison Center Network with Renal Insufficiency in Acetaminophen Overdose: An Analysis of 17 Cases

Renal insufficiency is less common than liver failure in acetaminophen overdose but renal tubular damage occurs even in the absence of hepatotoxicity. Data published on this topic are rare consisting mostly of case reports or reports in a small number of patients. Presently, a larger number of patients with renal insufficiency associated with acetaminophen overdose should be analyzed using a multicenter approach.Retrospective analysis of patients with acetaminophen-related nephrotoxicity reported to a poison center network from 1995 to 2003. Renal insufficiency was defined as elevated serum creatinine of more than double of the normal range (2.4 mg/dL [212 micromol/L]). Patients were classi…

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Resistance of the internal mammary artery to restenosis: a histomorphologic study of various porcine arteries.

<i>Background/Aims:</i> Restenosis after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) of the internal mammary artery (IMA) grafts is much less pronounced than in other arteries and venous grafts. The aim of the study was to test whether various arteries respond differently to dilatation. <i>Methods:</i> PTA of the IMA, carotid, renal and circumflex coronary (RCx) arteries was performed in 9 pigs (balloon to artery ratio of 1:1.5). After 8 weeks, angiography was repeated and vessels prepared for histological analysis. Immunohistochemical staining was done to examine proliferative activity (Ki67) and to identify the vasa vasorum of the adventitia (F VIII-RA). <i>R…

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Management of Oral Anti-Coagulation in Patients with Heart Failure-Insights from the ThrombEVAL Study

AbstractPatients with heart failure (HF) are frequently anti-coagulated with vitamin K-antagonists (VKAs). The use of long-acting VKA may be preferable for HF patients due to higher stability of plasma concentrations. However, evidence on phenprocoumon-based oral anti-coagulation (OAC) therapy in HF is scarce. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of the presence of HF on quality of phenprocoumon-based OAC and the subsequent clinical outcome. Quality of OAC therapy and the incidence of adverse events were analysed in a cohort of regular care (n = 2,011) from the multi-centre thrombEVAL study program (NCT01809015) stratified by the presence of HF. To assess the modifiability of outc…

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e-Health-based management of patients receiving oral anticoagulation therapy: results from the observational thrombEVAL study

Essentials e-Health based health care by an expert centre may advance management of oral anticoagulation. Outcome of patients was compared between an e-health based coagulation service and regular care. Patients in the coagulation service cohort experienced a significantly better clinical outcome. Lower risk for adverse events was related to anticoagulation-specific and non-specific outcome. SummaryBackground Management of oral anticoagulation (OAC) therapy is essential to minimize adverse events in patients receiving vitamin K-antagonists (VKAs). Data on the effect of e-health-based anticoagulation management systems on the clinical outcome of OAC patients are limited. Objectives To compar…

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C1-Esterase-Inhibitor Treatment at Early Reperfusion of Hemorrhagic Shock Reduces Mesentery Leukocyte Adhesion and Rolling

Objective: Complement activation probably plays a pathogenic role in multiple organ failure in shock. This study evaluates the effects of C1-esterase-inhibitor treatment on leukocyte-endothelial interaction in the mesenteric microcirculation in hemorrhagic shock. Methods: Rats underwent median laparotomy and exteriorization of an ileal loop for intravital microscopy of the mesenteric microcirculation. Volume controlled hemorrhagic shock was provoked by arterial blood withdrawal (2.5 mL/ 100 g body wt. for 60 minutes) followed by a 4-hour reperfusion period. C1-INH (100 IU/kg body wt. i.v.) or 0.9% NaCl i.v. were administered as a bolus at the beginning of reperfusion. Reperfusion time mimic…

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Suizidale und parasuizidale Intoxikationen mit Paracetamol

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Paracetamol is frequently used in deliberate self-poisoning resulting in a major risk for the patients due to its dose-dependent hepatotoxicity. In the present study the cases of intoxications consulting our Poison Center should be analysed illustrating recent results and trends. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From 38 065 patients (25 098 female, 12447 male, 520 sex unknown, average age 36.8 years) registered during the study period from 1.1.1995 until 31.5.2002 4021 with paracetamol intoxication were analysed with respect to the ingested dose, concomitant substances, the degree of observed symptoms and the length of hospital stay. RESULTS: The use of paracetamol in deliber…

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Plastic foil technique attenuates inflammation in mesenteric intravital microscopy.

Abstract Background. Interpretation of intravital microscopic observations is complicated by the “inflammatory”-type response to the trauma inflicted on the tissue by the surgical preparation. The present study evaluates different experimental conditions for prolonged observations of the mesenteric microcirculation in the rat. Methods. The mesentery was exteriorized through a median laparotomy and subjected to an organ bath or a modified plastic foil technique. Hemodynamic, metabolic, respiratory, and microcirculatory data were analyzed. Results. In contrast to the plastic foil technique, which yielded stable baseline values over a 5-h observation period, venular velocity and wall shear rat…

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Anti-Inflammatory Treatment with Standardized Human Serum Protein Solution Reduces Local and Systemic Inflammatory Response after Hemorrhagic Shock

<i>Objective:</i> Reperfusion after hemorrhagic shock leads to local and systemic inflammatory response. This study evaluates the effect of a short-term treatment with standardized human serum protein solution (SPS) on the local and systemic inflammatory response in the mesenteric microcirculation in the rat. <i>Methods:</i> Spontaneously breathing animals underwent median laparotomy and exteriorization of an ileal loop for intravital microscopy of the mesenteric microcirculation. Volume-controlled hemorrhagic shock was set by arterial blood withdrawal (2.5 ml/100 g body weight for 60 min), followed by reperfusion for 4 h. SPS (n = 10) or saline 0.9% (controls, n = 1…

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Shunting of the Microcirculation After Mesenteric Ischemia and Reperfusion Is a Function of Ischemia Time and Increases Mortality

Shunting of the microcirculation contributes to the pathology of sepsis and septic shock. The authors address the hypothesis that shunting of the microcirculation occurs after superior mesenteric artery occlusion (SMAO) and reperfusion, and explore functional consequences.Spontaneously breathing animals (rats) (n = 30) underwent SMAO for 0 (controls), 30 (SMAO_30) or 60 min (SMAO_60) followed by reperfusion (4 h) with normal saline. Leukocyte-endothelial interactions in mesenteric venules were quantified in an exteriorized ileal loop using intravital microscopy. Abdominal blood flow was recorded continuously, and arterial blood gases were analyzed at intervals. The above groups were matched…

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Subtherapeutic Anticoagulation Control under Treatment with Vitamin K-Antagonists—Data from a Specialized Coagulation Service

AbstractIn contrast to overanticoagulation, evidence on risk factors and outcome of subtherapeutic oral anticoagulation (OAC) with vitamin K-antagonists (VKAs) under optimum care is limited. We investigated the clinical phenotype, anticoagulation control, and clinical outcome of 760 VKA patients who received OAC therapy by a specialized coagulation service in the thrombEVAL study (NCT01809015). During 281,934 treatment days, 278 patients experience ≥ 1 episode of subtherapeutic anticoagulation control and had lower quality of OAC therapy compared to 482 patients without subtherapeutic international normalized ratio: 67.6%, interquartile range (IQR) 54.9%/76.8% versus 81.0%, IQR 68.5%/90.4%;…

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History of deep vein thrombosis is a discriminator for concomitant atrial fibrillation in pulmonary embolism.

Pulmonary embolism (PE) is the consequence of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in 70% of all cases. Although, PE and DVT are commonly related to risk factors of Virchow's triad, both entities are linked to cardiovascular risk factors, but risk factors seem differently important in both entities.We aimed to investigate clinical profile and outcome of patients with PE history stratified by concomitant DVT.Data from the observational multi-center thrombEVAL-study were analyzed.The sample (N=2,318) comprised 295 PE patients, of whom 69.2% (N=204) had DVT. Individuals without DVT were older and had higher prevalence of concomitant atrial fibrillation (AF), chronic lung diseases, coronary artery diseas…

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Early albumin infusion improves global and local hemodynamics and reduces inflammatory response in hemorrhagic shock.

Objective To evaluate the effects of an early, short-term albumin infusion on mesenteric microcirculation and global hemodynamics in hemorrhagic shock. Design A prospective, randomized study. Setting Animal laboratory at a university medical clinic. Subjects Seventeen Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 250–400 g. Interventions The rats underwent median laparotomy and exteriorization of an ileal loop for intravital microscopy of the mesenteric microcirculation. Volume-controlled hemorrhagic shock was provoked by arterial blood withdrawal (2.5 mL/100 g body weight for 60 mins), followed by a 4-hr reperfusion period. Albumin (20%) or 0.9% NaCl was administered intravenously as a continuous infusion …

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Relevance of Polypharmacy for Clinical Outcome in Patients Receiving Vitamin K Antagonists.

BACKGROUND Although polypharmacy is associated with a negative clinical outcome in various settings and commonly observed in patients receiving oral anticoagulation therapy, evidence on the relevance for the clinical outcome of anticoagulated patients is currently limited. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of polypharmacy on the clinical outcomes among patients taking phenprocoumon. DESIGN Prospective cohort study. SETTING Regular medical care. PARTICIPANTS Information on 2011 individuals receiving vitamin K antagonists was available for analysis from the prospective multicenter thrombEVAL study. MEASUREMENTS Data were obtained from clinical visits, computer-assisted interv…

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Critical single proximal left arterial descending coronary artery stenosis to mimic chronic myocardial ischemia: a new model induced by minimal invasive technology.

<i>Background/Aims:</i> The present report examines a new pig model for progressive induction of high-grade stenosis, for the study of chronic myocardial ischemia and the dynamics of collateral vessel growth. <i>Methods:</i> Thirty-nine Landrace pigs were instrumented with a novel experimental stent (GVD stent) in the left anterior descending coronary artery. Eight animals underwent transthoracic echocardiography at rest and under low-dose dobutamine. Seven animals were examined by nuclear PET and SPECT analysis. Epi-, mid- and endocardial fibrosis and the numbers of arterial vessels were examined by histology. <i>Results:</i> Functional analysis showed a…

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Specialized Management of Oral Anticoagulation Therapy Improves Outcome in Patients with Chronic Renal Insufficiency

Oral anticoagulation (OAC) is effective at preventing and treating thromboses and thromboembolism in patients with normal renal function. We aimed to research the impact of severe renal failure (RF) on patient outcome and to determine the potential benefit of caring for these patients in a specialized coagulation service (CS). A total of 1516 usual medical care patients and 756 CS-managed patients of the thrombEVAL multicenter (21 centers), prospective, cohort study (NCT01809015) were analyzed in a 3-year follow-up. Patients with RF (serum creatinine &gt

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Reducing Patient Radiation Dose With Image Noise Reduction Technology in Transcatheter Aortic Valve Procedures

X-ray radiation exposure is of great concern for patients undergoing structural heart interventions. In addition, a larger group of medical staff is required and exposed to radiation compared with percutaneous coronary interventions. This study aimed at quantifying radiation dose reduction with implementation of specific image noise reduction technology (NRT) in transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) procedures. We retrospectively analyzed 104 consecutive patients with TAVI procedures, 52 patients before and 52 after optimization of x-ray radiation chain, and implementation of NRT. Patients with 1-step TAVI and complex coronary intervention, or complex TAVI procedures, were excluded…

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Cost-effectiveness of a Telemedicine-based Coagulation Service versus Routine Medical Care for the Management of Patients Receiving Vitamin K-antagonists - Results from the thrombEVAL Study

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The relevance of depressive symptoms for the outcome of patients receiving vitamin K antagonists: results from the thrombEVAL cohort study.

Abstract Aims Although depressive symptoms are highly prevalent in patients receiving oral anticoagulation (OAC), the relevance of depression for the outcome of anticoagulated individuals is unknown. Methods and results We analysed data from the multicentre cohort study thrombEVAL (NCT01809015) investigating the efficacy of OAC with vitamin K antagonists. There was an independent study monitoring, and an independent review panel assessed the endpoints. Out of n = 1558 participants, information about depressive symptoms, as measured by the two-item screener of the patient health questionnaire (PHQ-2), was available in n = 1405 individuals. The mean follow-up period was 28.04 months, with a s…

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Activated complement contributes significantly to reperfusion injury after ischemia. This study explores functional consequences of C1-esterase inhibitor (C1-INH) treatment after superior mesenteric artery occlusion (SMAO)/ reperfusion using intravital microscopy. Thirty anesthetized, spontaneously breathing, male Sprague-Dawley rats underwent SMAO for 60 min followed by reperfusion (4 h). C1-esterase inhibitor (100 and 200 IU/kg body weight) or saline (0.9%) was given as a single bolus before reperfusion. Sham-operated animals (n = 10) without SMAO served as controls.Systemichemodynamicsweremonitoredcontinuously,arterial bloodgasesanalyzedintermittently, andleukocyte/ endothelial interacti…

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