Paz Viguer

How we compensate for memory loss in old age: adapting and validating the Memory Compensation Questionnaire (MCQ) for Spanish populations.

Compensating entails using external strategies and mechanisms that help overcome or alleviate the decreasing memory function that comes with age. This study aims to adapt and validate the MCQ in the elderly Spanish population. A total of 403 elderly people aged between 65 and 92 in the city of Valencia (Spain) completed the questionnaire for the validation process. The factorial validity of the scale was tested using confirmatory factor analysis. The result showed a first order five-factor model with 23 items that met the criteria for model fit according to multiple fit indices. As a general conclusion, the adaptation into Spanish provided a reliable and valid measure of compensation in the…

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Association Between Group Identification at School and Positive Youth Development: Moderating Role of Rural and Urban Contexts.

These studies are framed within Social Identity Theory and the Positive Youth Development approach. The aim is: (1) to analyze the relationship between group identification at school and key positive development variables (such as self-esteem, self-efficacy, assertiveness, empathy, alexithymia, satisfaction with life, and academic performance); and (2) examine the moderator role of context (rural or urban areas of residence) and sex in these relationships. The samples were composed of 246 adolescents from a rural context (Study 1) and 156 students from rural and urban contexts (Study 2). As proposed in our hypotheses, the results show statistically significant relationships between group id…

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Un estudio longitudinal sobre la influencia del nacimiento de un hermano en la calidad del apego y la autonomía personal en niños de 3 a 5 años

Este estudio longitudinal analiza la influencia de la transicion “nacimiento de un hermano” sobre la calidad del apego infantil, la autonomia, y la aceptacion del nuevo hermano o hermana. Los parti...

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Positive Adolescent Development: Effects of a Psychosocial Intervention Program in a Rural Setting

The Positive Youth Development (PYD) approach identifies adolescents as resources to be empowered rather than problems to be solved. All adolescents have strengths and will fully develop when these strengths are integrated with healthy resources in the diverse environments where they live and interact. The objective of this study was twofold: (1) to present the Positive Development Program for Adolescents living in rural areas (DPAR Program) and (2) to pilot test the intervention program. The DPAR program was evaluated using a repeated-measures design before and after the intervention, with an intervention group and a control group. The sample consisted of 176 adolescents between 11 and 15 …

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Enhancing emotional intelligence at school: Evaluation of the effectiveness of a two-year intervention program in Spanish pre-adolescents

Abstract The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a two-year intervention program to promote emotional intelligence (EI) at school. Participants were 228 primary school pupils between 10 and 11 years old. This study evaluated the effects of the intervention using a pre- and post-experimental design with a control group and four evaluation moments. EI was assessed with the EQ-i:YV questionnaire by Bar-On and Parker (2000), adapted to Spanish by Ferrandiz, Hernandez, Bermejo, Ferrando, and Sainz (2012). The results showed the effectiveness of the intervention, highlighting an increase in all the EI dimensions of the Bar-On model: intrapersonal, interpersonal, st…

research product

Resilience and Coping as Predictors of Well-Being in Adults.

Well-being is one of the keys to successful and optimal development across the lifespan. Based on the idea that development involves changes in individuals' adaptive capacity to meet their needs over time, the changes that occur in the second half of life require effort to adapt to the new reality. This study used a structural model to test the effects of coping strategies and resilience on well-being in a sample of 305 mid-life adults. Several constructs were measured: coping strategies, resilience, and well-being. A final model was obtained with good fit indices; psychological well-being was positively predicted by resilience and negatively by emotional coping. Moreover, positive reapprai…

research product

Grandparent-grandchild relationships from the children's perspective: shared activities and socialization styles.

The objective of this study is to describe the relationships between grandchildren and their favourite grandparents, by studying the socialization styles used by latter and the shared activities undertaken. The participants were 360 children between 10 and 12 years old, who completed the grandparent-grandchild relationship questionnaire of Rico, Serra and Viguer (2001) and the socialization questionnaire of Rey and Ruiz (1990). The results demonstrate the importance of gender and family line in the selection of the favourite grandparent, differences being shown in the types of shared activities and in socialization styles. It is concluded that in the majority of cases the profile of the fav…

research product


This article presents a participatory action research that began with collaboration between the community and the university. An intervention was carried out in the form of Family Debate about Values and Living Together. Its objectives were to promote reflection and dialogue about values and living together in families and capture those families’ views on values and living together in the main contexts of socialization–family, school, and peers–and to apply that vision in the process of analyzing and transforming their reality. Participants in this study were 2,321 families living in the County of Bages in Barcelona province (Spain) with at least one child between 8 and 12 years of age. The…

research product

Effectiveness of instrumental reminiscence intervention on improving coping in healthy older adults

Reminiscence is a psychological intervention that uses the recall of past events, feelings, and thoughts to facilitate pleasure, quality of life, and adjustment to present life. The main goal of this study was to investigate the effect of a reminiscence intervention programme on coping strategies. One hundred fifty healthy older adults attended the reminiscence sessions. In order to evaluate the effects of the programme and find out if its effects lasted over time, we used an experimental design with pretest, posttest, and follow-up assessments, comparing a control group to the intervention group. Repeated-measures analysis of variance showed significant differences in problem-solving copin…

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A Follow-Up Study of a Reminiscence Intervention and Its Effects on Depressed Mood, Life Satisfaction, and Well-Being in the Elderly

The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which a reminiscence intervention reduces depressed mood and improves life satisfaction and psychological well-being. 160 healthy elderly people participated in a 10-session intervention. An experimental design with pretest and posttest evaluations was applied, comparing a control group to an intervention group to evaluate the effects of the program. Follow-up measures were also taken to find out whether the intervention's positive effects lasted over time. Mixed Model ANOVAs showed significant increases in the time-group interaction, life satisfaction, and psychological well-being measures, and decreases in depressed mood, after tr…

research product

Debate familiar sobre valores y convivencia: una investigación participativa para implicar a las familias en el análisis y la transformación de su realidade

ResumenSe presenta una investigacion accion participativa que utiliza la metodologia dialectica para implicar a las familias en la busqueda de conocimiento sobre la socializacion en valores y convivencia de la infancia actual y vincular el proceso de conocimiento de la realidad a los procesos de su transformacion. Para ello, se utiliza el Debate Familiar sobre Valores y Convivencia (DFVC) una herramienta que tiene como objetivo crear un espacio de reflexion y dialogo intrafamiliar y, a su vez, impulsar procesos de cambio. En el estudio han participado 1.154 familias de la comarca del Bages (Barcelona) que tienen al menos un hijo entre 8 y 12 anos. Los resultados muestran aspectos relevantes…

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Escuela e iguales como contextos de socialización en valores y convivencia: una investigación participativa a través de un debate familiar

ResumenEste articulo presenta un analisis de la socializacion en valores y convivencia en la escuela y con los iguales a partir del Debate familiar sobre valores y convivencia, un instrumento innovador que utiliza la metodologia dialectica para implicar a las familias en el analisis y la transformacion de su propia realidad. Han participado 1.154 familias de la comarca del Bages (Barcelona) que tienen al menos un hijo o hija entre 8 y 12 anos. El numero de ninos y ninas participantes es de 2.037. De los resultados se desprende la necesidad de promover el desarrollo de competencias emocionales y sociales en la infancia, de superar los obstaculos que conducen a la discriminacion y de adecuar …

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Effectiveness of an Emotional Intelligence Intervention and Its Impact on Academic Performance in Spanish Pre-Adolescent Elementary Students: Results from the EDI Program

There is clear agreement about the importance of promoting emotional intelligence in school through programs integrated in the academic curriculum. The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of the EDI program on the emotional intelligence trait and on general academic performance, as well as mathematics and language performance. The participants were 5th grade elementary school students between 10 and 11 years old. A quasi-experimental repeated-measures design was used, with a comparison group and four assessment points. The results showed, on the one hand, the effectiveness of a two-year intervention in improving emotional intelligence and, on the other hand, its positive influe…

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