Michael Gänsicke

Fragile-X carrier females: evidence for a distinct psychopathological phenotype?

The present study examined 35 mothers (29 premutation carriers) of children with fragile-X syndrome in measures of intelligence and psychiatric disorders by comparing them with two control groups: a) 30 mothers of children in the general population and b) 17 mothers of non-fra-X retarded children with autism. Premutation carriers had a higher frequency of affective disorders than mothers from the general population. Preliminary data indicate that normally intelligent premutation carriers of the fra-X genetic abnormality have a similar frequency of affective disorders (DSM-III-R criteria [APA, 1987]) than mothers of autistic children. Neither carriers of the premutation nor carriers of the f…

research product

Amygdala-hippocampal atrophy and memory performance in dementia of Alzheimer type.

The aim of the present study was to examine the involvement of brain structures, especially the amygdala-hippocampal complex, in dementia of Alzheimer type (DAT), and to assess the relation of amygdala-hippocampal atrophy with memory dysfunction. 14 patients with DAT and 10 healthy age-matched controls were examined with different neuropsychologic tests including the UCLA-Auditory Verbal Learning Test. MRI was performed with a conventional 1.5-tesla scanner. Atrophy was found in many brain structures of demented subjects in comparison with healthy age-matched controls. The volumes of amygdala-hippocampal complexes and of the temporal lobes of demented subjects were more reduced than the tot…

research product

Personality patterns in subjects at risk for affective disorders.

The main conclusions of this study on the familial links between personality patterns and affective disorders are: (1) The personality features with the greatest degree of symptomatic overlap with unipolar depression were more common among the first-degree relatives of probands with this diagnosis: thus dysthymic temperament and neuroticism are enhanced in this group of relatives compared to controls. Likewise personality features with a high degree of symptomatic overlap with bipolar affective disorder were more common among the first-degree relatives of probands with this diagnosis. Thus levels of dysthymic and cyclothymic temperament were elevated in this group of relatives compared to c…

research product

Intra- and Interhemispheric Electroencephalogram Coherence in Siblings Discordant for Schizophrenia and Healthy Volunteers

Former studies had pointed to an increased electroencephalogram (EEG) coherence in schizophrenics, but it remained unsolved whether this deviation represents the premorbid state or is only a consequence of the current or previous schizophrenic episodes. To clarify this question, we tested the hypothesis that subjects at elevated risk also reveal higher coherences compared to healthy controls. For that, intra- and interhemispheric EEG coherences were investigated in untreated schizophrenics, their healthy siblings, and healthy controls. Differences were only found regarding the intrahemispheric coherences. Both in schizophrenics and, even though to a lesser degree, in their siblings signific…

research product

Asymmetrie des Planum temporale bei Zwillingen und Schizophrenen

Anhand eines Zwillingskollektivs und einer Gruppe ersterkrankter Schizophrener (zehn eineiige und zehn zweieiige Zwillingspaare, 38 ersterkrankte Schizophrene, 15 Kontrollen) wird ein moglicher genetischer Einflus auf Grose und Windungsmuster des Planum temporale untersucht. MRT: FLASH-3D-T1-gewichtete Datensatze aus koronaren 3-mm-Schichten; 3D-Rekonstruktion mit ISG-Workstation Allegro. Gemessen wurden Lange und Flache des Planum temporale und Lange des Heschlschen Gyrus. Der Windungsverlauf wurde nach qualitativen Kriterien beurteilt. Schizophrene zeigen im Gegensatz zu gesunden Kontrollen, eineiigen und zweieiigen Zwillingen vor allem bei der Lanlge und weniger bei der Flache des Planum…

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