Julio Fernández-garrido

Frailty and leucocyte count are predictors of all-cause mortality and hospitalization length in non-demented institutionalized older women.

Alteration in the immune system such as the number of white blood cells count (WBC) has been associated with frailty syndrome but their role in institutionalized older individuals have been rarely investigated. We evaluated the relationships between white blood cell subtypes, geriatric assessment, depression and frailty syndrome based on the criteria of physical phenotype. In particular, we aimed to analyze by a two-year follow-up and prospective study the predictive value of alterations in WBC, frailty and functional impairment in terms of hospitalizations and all-cause mortality in institutionalized older women. There was a significant and inverse correlation between the frailty score and…

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Frailty syndrome and pre-operative risk evaluation: A systematic review

Abstract Background Frailty is a geriatric syndrome characterized by the clinical presentation of identifiable physical alterations and decreased physiological reserve. The assessment of frailty syndrome has been recently related with post-surgical outcomes and overall mortality in older individuals. Design and data sources We performed searches in Pubmed, Embase, Scopus, SCIELO and IME (Spanish medical index) databases from their start dates to February 2014 for original papers about the identification of the relationship between frailty and pre-operative risk evaluation in people aged 65 and over. Review methods We followed criteria of systematic PRISMA guidelines. Two independent reviewe…

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Research in Medical–Surgical Nursing

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Prevalence of Sarcopenia in Community-Dwelling Older Adults in Valencia, Spain.

This study is an observational and cross-sectional study on the prevalence of sarcopenic disease in 202 autonomous older adults

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Effects of Leucine Administration in Sarcopenia: A Randomized and Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial

Treating sarcopenia in older individuals remains a challenge, and nutritional interventions present promising approaches in individuals that perform limited physical exercise. We assessed the efficacy of leucine administration to evaluate whether the regular intake of this essential amino acid can improve muscle mass, muscle strength and functional performance and respiratory muscle function in institutionalized older individuals. The study was a placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind design in fifty participants aged 65 and over (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT03831399). The participants were randomized to a parallel group intervention of 13 weeks&rsquo

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Salivary Testosterone and Cortisol as Biomarkers for the Diagnosis of Sarcopenia and Sarcopenic Obesity in Community-Dwelling Older Adults

Nowadays, the appearance of sarcopenia (S) or sarcopenic obesity (SO) is related to aging. According to the criteria of the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP), the feasibility of using salivary cortisol and testosterone levels was analyzed as diagnostic biomarkers of S or SO. One hundred and ninety non-institutionalized people aged &ge

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Special Issue “Mental Health Issues and Quality of Life in Older Individuals”

There are numerous biological, psychological, and social factors that have a more or less prominent impact on the mental health of older adults [...]

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The value of neutrophil and lymphocyte count in frail older women.

Increasing evidence suggests that systemic inflammation is associated with many pathophysiological processes including frailty in older adults. We evaluated the relationships between white blood cell subtypes, geriatric assessment, and frailty syndrome and in particular, how they correlate with individual frailty criteria (involuntary loss of weight, low energy or exhaustion, slow mobility, muscle weakness, and low physical activity) in frail older women. There was a significant and positive correlation between the frailty score and neutrophil count, but a significantly negative correlation was found when this score was compared to the lymphocyte count. These associations were significant o…

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Non-use of information and communication technology as a predictor of frailty in postmenopausal midlife and older women

Frailty is a clinically discernible state in which decreased physiological reserve and function result in a reduced ability to cope with stressors. Information and communication technology (ICT) has been proposed as an aid to help with frailty, yet the use of ICT by older people, particularly women, is an understudied area.To analyze the association between use of ICT (specifically internet functions and social media) and frailty status in postmenopausal midlife and elderly women.A cross-sectional study was designed to investigate whether frailty status is related to ICT use in postmenopausal midlife and older women. Community-dwelling women attending primary health care centers for health …

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Serum vitamin D and functional impairment in octogenarian women.

Abstract Purpose Serum vitamin D deficiency has been associated with frailty in people aged 65 and over, however its relationship with functional impairment has not been investigated in octogenerian (aged 80–90 years) institutionalized women. Methods We assessed functional impairment in this latter group by measuring frailty syndrome and other geriatric and psychological assessment scales: the Tinetti gait and balance index to determine the risk for falls, the Barthel index to measure the basic activities of daily living, the Lawton index for instrumental activities, the mini-mental score examination test for cognitive impairment, the Yesavage scale for geriatric depression, and the Norton …

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Positive Effects of a Short-Term Intense Elastic Resistance Training Program on Body Composition and Physical Functioning in Overweight Older Women

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a resistance training program (RTP) in older overweight women (OOW) using two different types of elastic devices. Methods: This study was a randomized controlled trial with pre- and postintervention measures. Participants included OOW, aged 60–85 years, with no medical history of disease that would preclude them from engaging in physical exercise. Participants were randomly divided into the following groups: elastic tubes with handles group (ETG; n = 22), traditional elastic bands group ( n = 21), and control group (CG; n = 20). Exercise groups (EGs) performed the following supervised RTP: 8 weeks, twice weekly, six overall body exerci…

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Clinical features of prefrail older individuals and emerging peripheral biomarkers: A systematic review

Frailty is a geriatric syndrome characterized by the clinical presentation of identifiable physical alterations such as loss of muscle mass and strength, energy and exercise tolerance, and decreased physiological reserve. Individuals with one or two of these alterations are defined as prefrail. The clinical features of prefrail older individuals have been investigated to a lesser extent compared to the frail population, even though this intermediate stage may provide insights into the mechanisms involved in the physical decline associated with aging and it is considered to be potentially reversible. We performed searches in the Medline, Embase, Scopus, Cinahl, and Cochrane databases from Ja…

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Sleep Alterations in Non-demented Older Individuals: The Role of Cortisol

Background: Sleep alterations can impair quality of life and contribute to disease progression but they, and their features and contributing factors, are rarely analysed in institutionalised older individuals. In this study, we investigated sleep alterations, the factors involved, and the role of cortisol in sleep-related problems in institutionalised individuals. Methods: We conducted a descriptive cross-sectional study in participants living in nursing homes in Valencia (Spain); sleep alterations were determined based on two validated tools: the Athens insomnia scale and Oviedo sleep questionnaire. Plasma cortisol was measured in the morning and determined by high performance liquid chrom…

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Spanish Version of the Knowledge and Attitudes Survey Regarding Pain.

A variety of valid tools are available to assess staff knowledge and attitudes regarding pain, among which is the Knowledge and Attitudes Survey Regarding Pain. Although this instrument has been widely and successfully used, a valid and adapted Spanish version is yet to be developed. The purpose of this study was to validate the Spanish version of the Knowledge and Attitudes Survey Regarding Pain. After translating and back-translating this tool, we conducted a cross-cultural adaptation and construct validation with 102 participants, including nursing professionals (in palliative care, oncology, and intensive care) from five health centers and final-year nursing students. All participants w…

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Nursing Workload, Knowledge about Pain, and Their Relation to Pain Records

To study the relationship between frequency of pain assessment and nursing workload, and also to analyze the frequency of pain assessment and its relation to knowledge and attitudes toward pain on nursing professionals in intensive care unit.An ambispective study was conducted in a Spanish tertiary-level intensive care unit between October 2017 and April 2018. For measurement of workload, the Nursing Activities Score scale was used, and for measurement of pain knowledge, the Knowledge and Attitudes Survey Regarding Pain was used.There were 1,207 measurements among 41 nurses and 1,838 among 317 patients. The average nursing workload was high (70.97 points). We found statistically significant…

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Metabolic and Functional Profile of Premenopausal Women With Metabolic Syndrome After Training With Elastics as Compared to Free Weights.

The aim of this study was to compare the effects of a strength training program (STP) using free weights (FW) versus elastic tubing (ET) in 62 premenopausal, sedentary women diagnosed with metabolic syndrome (MS). Participants were randomly assigned to the FW or ET experimental group (EG) or a control group whose members remained sedentary. Members of each EG followed their assigned STP for 12 weeks, and biomarkers (BMs) related to MS and motor function (MF) parameters were evaluated. Both EGs showed a significant reduction in C-reactive protein level and a positive trend in the other BMs. Almost all MF parameters increased significantly in both EGs. No positive changes were found in the C…

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Learning Environments in Health and Medical Studies: The Mediating Role of Emotional Intelligence

The conventional approach to sustainability is being extended through approaches such as the psychology of sustainability and sustainable development. Under such approaches, the analysis of sustainability also involves understanding improvements in people&rsquo

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Effect of a Prebiotic Formulation on Frailty Syndrome

Aging can result in major changes in the composition and metabolic activities of bacterial populations in the gastrointestinal system and result in impaired function of the immune system. We assessed the efficacy of prebiotic Darmocare Pre (R) (Bonusan Besloten Vennootschap (BV), Numansdorp, The Netherlands) to evaluate whether the regular intake of this product can improve frailty criteria, functional status and response of the immune system in elderly people affected by the frailty syndrome. The study was a placebo-controlled, randomized, double blind design in sixty older participants aged 65 and over. The prebiotic product was composed of a mixture of inulin plus fructooligosaccharides …

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P120: The value of neutrophil and lymphocyte count in frail older women

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Frailty syndrome is associated with changes in peripheral inflammatory markers in prostate cancer patients undergoing androgen deprivation therapy.

To evaluate the role of peripheral inflammation (leukocyte differential count, the proinflammatory cytokines IL-beta, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-8, and the inflammatory markers fibrinogen and C-reactive protein [CRP]) in frailty syndrome in patients with prostate cancer (CaP) undergoing antiandrogen therapy (ADT).A total of 46 men between 51 and 92 years of age with CaP and receiving ADT were classified as frail, prefrail or robust according to the Fried scale. A geriatric assessment was performed, based on the Minimental State Examination for cognitive function, the Barthel index for basic activities of daily living, the Yesavage scale for geriatric depression, and the Athens insomnia scale. In addit…

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Determinants of Knowledge of Pain among Nurses in a Tertiary Hospital in Spain.

Poorly controlled pain in patients is related to several complications, such as increased nosocomial infections and mortality, where nurses play a crucial role.To analyze determinants of pain as well as nurses' knowledge and attitudes towards pain in the inpatient services of a tertiary center in the Spanish public health network.The Knowledge and Attitudes Survey Regarding Pain questionnaire was administered to all nurses in the center from January to March 2019. Additional sociodemographic variables, such as gender, age, employment status, work experience, professional group, and academic degree, were collected and analyzed. Item Response Theory was used for discriminant analysis of each …

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Brain-derived neurotrophic factor correlates with functional and cognitive impairment in non-disabled older individuals.

We used a complete battery of geriatric and psychometric tests to evaluate whether plasma-borne brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a master molecule in neuroplasticity, is associated with the severity of functional and cognitive impairment in non-disabled older individuals. There was a significant positive correlation between BDNF plasma concentrations and the Barthel index, a measurement of the ability of individuals to perform the activities of daily living (p=0.03) and the concentration subcategory measured with the mini mental state examination (MMSE) test (p = 0.01). Furthermore, plasma BDNF inversely and significantly correlated with the blood eosinophil count (p = 0.01), the t…

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Can a Prebiotic Formulation Reduce Frailty Levels in Older People?

Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine whether a prebiotic formulation reduces frailty index (FI) levels in older people. Design: We conducted secondary analysis of a placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind design study. Setting/Participants: The study included non-demented people over the age of 65 who were living in nursing homes and were able to walk. Fifty participants completed the study (75.3±7.3 years, 70% females). Intervention: Participants were randomly assigned to either a group who received daily Darmocare Pre® (inulin and fructooligosaccharides) for 13 weeks or a placebo group (maltodextrin). Measurement: The primary outcome in this secondary analysis was chan…

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