Filomena Conti
Impact of Sarcopenia on Clinical Outcomes of Patients Undergoing Simultaneous Liver and Kidney Transplantation: A Cohort Study
International audience; Background: The impact of sarcopenia in patients undergoing simultaneous liver and kidney transplantation (SLKT) has not been fully delineated. The aim of this single-centre-cohort-study was to evaluate the impact of sarcopenia on the clinical outcomes. Methods: Between 2003 and 2018, 79 patients underwent SLKT. Sarcopenia was assessed via the total psoas muscle area (TPA) at the level of the 3rd. lumbar vertebra. Sarcopenia threshold was TPA < 1460 mm2 (women) and <1560 mm2 (men). We identified post-operative biliary, vascular and digestive complications. Survival analysis was performed by the Kaplan Meier method (log-rank test). Results: We included 43/79 SLK…
Acute liver failure and HELLP syndrome: A clinical case and literature review.
Summary Background HELLP syndrome is a pregnancy-related liver disease associated with increased maternal and foetal mortality. In rare cases, it can lead to the development of a subcapsular hepatic haematoma as well as its rupture. This rupture is life-threatening if not urgently treated. Method We describe a clinical case of HELLP syndrome involving a ruptured subcapsular liver haematoma and contextualise this with a literature overview. Clinical case A 39-year-old woman of 40 weeks’ gestation presented to her local Emergency Department with symptoms and serology classically associated with HELLP syndrome. However, she clinically deteriorated and developed a ruptured subcapsular haematoma…
Longterm Risk of Solid Organ De Novo Malignancies After Liver Transplantation: A French National Study on 11,226 Patients
IF 3.756; International audience; De novo malignancies are one of the major late complications and causes of death after liver transplantation (LT). Using extensive data from the French national Agence de la Biomédecine database, the present study aimed to quantify the risk of solid organ de novo malignancies (excluding nonmelanoma skin cancers) after LT. The incidence of de novo malignancies among all LT patients between 1993 and 2012 was compared with that of the French population, standardized on age, sex, and calendar period (standardized incidence ratio; SIR). Among the 11,226 LT patients included in the study, 1200 de novo malignancies were diagnosed (10.7%). The risk of death was app…
12-month follow-up analysis of a multicenter, randomized, prospective trial in de novo liver transplant recipients (LIS2T) comparing cyclosporine microemulsion (C2 monitoring) and tacrolimus.
The LIS2T study was an open-label, multicenter study in which recipients of a primary liver transplant were randomized to cyclosporine microemulsion (CsA-ME) (Neoral) (n = 250) (monitoring of blood concentration at 2 hours postdose) C2 or tacrolimus (n = 245) (monitoring of trough drug blood level [predose]) C0 to compare efficacy and safety at 3 and 6 months and to evaluate patient status at 12 months. All patients received steroids with or without azathioprine. At 12 months, 85% of CsA-ME patients and 86% of tacrolimus patients survived with a functioning graft (P not significant). Efficacy was similar in deceased- and living-donor recipients. Significantly fewer hepatitis C–positive pati…
Consequences of Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae and Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Carriage in Awaiting Liver Transplant Patients.
Infections in patients with cirrhosis are associated with liver-related complications (LRCs), especially in patients awaiting liver transplantation (LT). The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and extended spectrum beta-lactamase colonization on infections and LRCs for patients on the wait list and on infections after LT. We retrospectively included 250 of 483 patients with cirrhosis who were placed on the wait list for LT from December 2015 to January 2018. These patients were screened for MRSA or extended spectrum beta-lactamase–producing Enterobacteriaceae (ESBLE) at the time of wait-list placement and after LT. Of the patie…
Risk factors of de novo malignancies after liver transplantation: a French national study on 11004 adult patients.
International audience; Background: After liver transplantation (LT),de novo malignancies are one of the leading causes of late mortality. The aim of the present retrospective study was to identify the risk factors of de novo malignancies in a large cohort of LT recipients in France, using Fine and Gray competing risks regression analysis.Methods: The study population consisted in 11004 adults transplanted between 2000 and 2013, who had no history of pre-transplant malignancy, except primary liver tumor. A Cox model adapted to the identification of prognostic factors (competitive risks) was used.Results: From the entire cohort, one (or more)de novo malignancy was reported in 1480 L T recipi…
Biliary complications after liver transplantation: current perspectives and future strategies
Importance: Liver transplantation (LT) is a life-saving therapy for patients with end-stage liver disease and with acute liver failure, and it is associated with excellent outcomes and survival rates at 1 and 5 years. The incidence of biliary complications (BCs) after LT is reported to range from 5% to 20%, most of them occurring in the first three months, although they can occur also several years after transplantation.Objective: The aim of this review is to summarize the available evidences on pathophysiology, risk factors, diagnosis and therapeutic management of BCs after LT.Evidence Review: a literature review was performed of papers on this topic focusing on risk factors, classificatio…