S. B. Nielsen
Many-Body Quantum Dynamics from the Density
We present a local control scheme to construct the external potential v that, for a given initial state, produces a prescribed time-dependent density in an interacting quantum many-body system. This numerical method is efficient and stable even for large and rapid density variations irrespective of the initial state and the interactions. It can at the same time be used to answer fundamental v-representability questions in density functional theory. In particular, in the absence of interactions, it allows us to construct the exact time-dependent Kohn-Sham potential for arbitrary initial states. We illustrate the method in a correlated one-dimensional two-electron system with different intera…
Analytic density functionals with initial-state dependence and memory
We analytically construct the wave function that, for a given initial state, produces a prescribed density for a quantum ring with two non-interacting particles in a singlet state. In this case the initial state is completely determined by the initial density, the initial time-derivative of the density and a single integer that characterizes the (angular) momentum of the system. We then give an exact analytic expression for the exchange-correlation potential that relates two non-interacting systems with different initial states. This is used to demonstrate how the Kohn-Sham procedure predicts the density of a reference system without the need of solving the reference system's Schr\"odinger …