Patrizia Winter
Identification of minor affective disorders and implications for psychopharmacotherapy.
Five hundred general practice patients with functional complaints were studied with the Polydiagnostic Interview (PODI) to see whether DSM-IIIR criteria were able to specify affective disorders satisfactorily. Almost one third of the patients received the diagnosis of depression not otherwise specified (NOS). When Research Diagnostic Criteria were applied to these patients more than 70% received specific diagnoses. A modification of DSM-IIIR algorithms enabled us to further specify diagnoses in subjects with depression NOS. On the 17-item Hamilton Depression Scale many of these patients reached scores of 13 or more which is severe enough to justify a therapy trial with antidepressants.
Center differences and cross-national invariance in help-seeking for panic disorder. A report from the cross-national collaborative panic study.
Help-seeking behaviour for treatment of panic disorder was investigated in the sample of the Cross-National Collaborative Panic Study Second Phase. A total of 1168 patients were entered into this trial in 14 countries. Although there were significant center differences in prior treatment and utilization of health services there were also similarities. Treatment had been provided mainly by general practitioners. Drug treatment consisted mostly of prescription of classical tranquilizers and had a longer duration than treatment by psychotherapy. Patients with agoraphobic avoidance, past major depression and longer duration of illness used medical and psychiatric treatment facilities more inten…
Differentiation between major and minor depression
Though the concept of Major Depression was generated by clinicians using depressed inpatients as models, a polydiagnostic study in 600 psychiatric inpatients with heterogenous psychological disturbances revealed that all six competing operational definitions of Major Depression (including DSM-III-R and ICD-10) were too restrictive to serve as a general concept of depression. Another polydiagnostic study in 500 primary care outpatients showed that more than two-thirds of all non-chronic depressed cases were below the severity threshold of Major Depression: these patients are classified as Depression Not Otherwise Specified (NOS) by DSM-III-R. Loosening of the over-restrictive time criteria w…