Bacio M
Becoming Male Sex Worker, Doing Masculinities. Socio-Sexual Interactions and Gender Production in Men Selling Sex to Men in Italy and Sweden
Although masculinity is a powerful concept in both sociology and gender studies, previous research forgot to analyse sex work under this perspective. Even though the actors involved are men, and previous studies have highlighted the importance of masculinity not only in the relation man-to-woman but also in the “gay world”, there is a lack of attention in male sex working. Then, the aim of this paper is to analyse sex work under the perspective of masculinity in order to understand what type of relationships are created between sex workers and their clients and which role it is played by masculinity, how the relation is shaped by it. Moreover, we explain how doing sex work is also a way to …
This paper analysis sexual scripts theory in relation to gay men courtship, love relationships, and casual sex. The aim is to understand how gay masculinity is evolving in the 21st Century. Previous research has reinforced the concept that gay men follow heterosexual masculinity and scripts in their relationships with other men. Here, analysing data from the most used gay dating app ‘Grindr’, we try to understand the balance among the different needs gay men in Italy express in their daily lives: from friendship to love, from casual sex to long-term relationships. Indeed, applying the heterosexual cultural script to gay men is problematic because hegemonic masculinity is also reinforced in …
Social suffering as structural and symbolic violence. LGBT experiences in the Face of AIDS film archive
The chapter aims to summarize the main sociological approaches that acknowledge the link that exists between AIDS and the stigmatization of nonnormative sexual conducts and then we will address the issue of structural violence and how it can be discerned in the impact of HIV/AIDS on oppressed and marginalized groups on a global scale, as manifested in the Face of AIDS film archive.
Male Sex Working and Masculinity: Finding ‘Check and Balance’ Between Stigmatisation and Homosexualisation
Abstract in conference proceedings
Copioni omosessuali, relazioni emotive e sesso on-line. Giovani e Social Media
Il saggio vuole proporre una riflessione storico sociale sui principali mutamenti che hanno interessato i “copioni” sessuali e, in particolare, le relazioni romantiche e il corteggiamento tra maschi omosessuali nell’età contemporanea. Attraverso il riferimento all’interazione dialettica esistente tra dimensione culturale, interpersonale e intrapsichica offerta dalla teoria dei co-pioni sessuali (sexual scripts), l’analisi presenta le principali trasformazioni della maschilità omosessuale e dei suoi copioni, dalla loro costituzione a partire da assunti prevalentemente “eteronormativi” sino allo sviluppo di copioni alternativi che mettono in discussione le norme di genere, i modelli intimi e …
POSTFAZIONE (Ri)pensare le maschilità
studies on masculinity
The concept of hegemonic masculinity, formulated by Raewyn Connell more than three decades ago, has been the driving force behind the expanding field of masculinities studies. Hegemonic Masculinity: Formulation, Reformulation, and Amplification provides the first comprehensive overview of the concept-from its original conception to how it has evolved over time. The book also examines some of the most powerful ways the concept is being used in contemporary gender studies. Hegemonic Masculinity describes the development of the concept, the actual formulation and initial applications of the concept, the eventual reformulation and subsequent applications of that reformulation, and finally, the …
Pratiche sessuali a "rischio" in un campione di lavoratori sessuali italiani. Dai copioni sessuali tradizionali all'attore sessuale neoliberale?
In this article, we deal with the so-called ‘risky sexual behaviours’ and the spread of HIV/AIDS among the community of MSM (men who have sex with other men). For a long time, both the sociological analysis and the medical and epidemiological approach studied the behaviour of the gay population as “inherently” more problematic in terms of spreading the human immunodeficiency virus. For these studies, even more dangerous are those men who sell sex and sexual services. Starting from a sample of twenty-one male sex workers in Italy and of the use or misuse of condoms during encounters with their male clients, this contribution will try to understand how ‘risky sexual practices’ (like barebacki…
SEX WORK IS (ALSO) A MALE THING. The long journey towards legitimisation
This chapter aims at re- shaping the representations, theories, rhetoric, organisation, and types of male sex work as a complex, uncomfortable, and controversial phenomenon located at the crossroads of masculinity and socio- sexual change – something in between traditional models, new configurations, and new normativities.