

Pratiche sessuali a "rischio" in un campione di lavoratori sessuali italiani. Dai copioni sessuali tradizionali all'attore sessuale neoliberale?

Rinaldi CBacio M


Health (social science)risky sexHealth Policysexual scriptmale sex workerSettore SPS/08 - Sociologia dei Processi Culturali e Comunicativimale sex workerssexual scriptsHIV/AIDSmale sex workers; sexual scripts; HIV/AIDS; condom; safe sex; risky sexSettore SPS/07 - Sociologia GeneraleSettore SPS/12 - Sociologia Giuridica della Devianza e Mutamento Socialesafe sexcondom


In this article, we deal with the so-called ‘risky sexual behaviours’ and the spread of HIV/AIDS among the community of MSM (men who have sex with other men). For a long time, both the sociological analysis and the medical and epidemiological approach studied the behaviour of the gay population as “inherently” more problematic in terms of spreading the human immunodeficiency virus. For these studies, even more dangerous are those men who sell sex and sexual services. Starting from a sample of twenty-one male sex workers in Italy and of the use or misuse of condoms during encounters with their male clients, this contribution will try to understand how ‘risky sexual practices’ (like barebacking or doing sex without a condom) are written and re-written. From the sexual script theory to the recent advancement in medicine in the fight against HIV/AIDS (like TasP and PrEP) that shape and reshape how sex is performed, moving from the “gay plague” to the “Truvada whore” and from traditional sexual scripts to the neoliberal sexual actor.
