Florent Lheureux

Development of a scale of perceived stressors specific to ICU: the PS-ICU scale

International audience

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La relation soignant–soigné dans la littérature académique : tendances générales, limites et perspectives futures

Resume Objectifs Realiser un examen descriptif et critique des recherches sur la relation soignant–soigne (RSS), incluant les principales problematiques etudiees, les approches theoriques et methodologiques employees, les antecedents et consequences consideres, etc. Methodes Une recherche bibliographique par mots cles a ete effectuee sur huit bases de donnees ( n resultats = 2714). Apres elimination des articles non conformes, 1416 articles ont ete classes selon neuf criteres dans differentes categories. Les principales tendances representatives de la litterature ont ete identifiees. La frequence avec laquelle les variables associees a la RSS ont ete considerees dans les memes articles (co-…

research product

Identification of stress factors in intensive care units: Is a specific stress scale necessary?

International audience; Background: Intensive care units (ICUs) are a health environment particularly affected by suffering at work. These units treat patients with serious medical conditions with an immediate life-threatening risk in an emergency situation. As a result, caregivers are confronted intensively and repeatedly with an extreme clinic. Currently, many tools used to assess caregiver stress are not as close as possible to the professional experience and do not take into account the subjective perception of stressors. The objective of this qualitative study is to rely directly on the way professionals perceive their work, and to identify the specificity of stress factors in ICU. Met…

research product

Not all high-alexithymia individuals are risk-takers: private self-consciousness moderates the relationship between alexithymia and risk-taking behaviours

This article concerns the influence which alexithymia exerts on risk-taking. In particular, alexithymia is seen as a factor which encourages risk-taking as it allows high-alexithymia individuals to feel emotions which are sufficiently intense to compensate for their deficit of emotional awareness. In this connection, we make the hypothesis that alexithymia’s influence is moderated by private self-consciousness (SC). This is because private SC increases the likelihood that high-alexithymia individuals become aware of their risk-taking tendency and that this tendency is discrepant with their pro-safety standards (‘putting someone in danger is bad’) or self-schemas (‘I am a responsible person’…

research product

Impact psychologique de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur les soignants en réanimation

Alors que l’infection à SARS-COV-2 s’est rapidement propagée au niveau mondial, on a assisté à une mobilisation massive des soignants auprès des personnes infectées. En réanimation, les conditions de travail déjà habituellement difficiles se sont durcies, avec une augmentation forte de la charge de travail, une nécessaire et indispensable réorganisation des soins, des décisions complexes relatives à l’admission des patients et une modification de l’accueil des familles. Le tout dans un climat d’incertitude générale et d’insécurité personnelle. Cet article propose une mise au point sur l’impact psychologique de cette crise sur les soignants en réanimation et les possibles dispositifs d’accom…

research product

When the social discourse on violation behaviors is challenged by the perception of everyday life experiences: Effects of non-accident experiences on offending attitudes and habits

International audience; The aim of this article is to introduce the concept of the Non-Accident Experience (NAE) with regard to violations of traffic safety regulations. An NAE refers to the fact of not having been involved in an accident following the adoption of a behaviour socially recognised as promoting its occurrence. We hypothesise that this type of experiences has a strong effect on attitudes (valence and strength) and habits with regard to traffic offences such as speeding and drink-drive. An empirical study was conducted to test the relevance of this set of hypotheses. 543 French drivers participated to a survey designed to measure all these theoretical constructs. As expected, th…

research product

Me, an entrepreneur? Entrepreneurial identity, outgroup social identification, attitudes and intentions towards business creation / ¿Yo, un emprendedor? Identidad emprendedora, identificación social con el exogrupo, actitudes e intenciones respecto a la creación de empresas

This article aims to further investigate the role of social identity processes in the formation of entrepreneurial intentions (EI). We investigate the general hypothesis that social identification with entrepreneurs is positively associated with EI and its antecedents such as attitude, perceived social norm (subjective norm) and perceived behavioural control (self-efficacy), considered as mediators. In particular, the role of three dimensions of social identification (affects, ties and self-typicality) was empirically studied in a sample of students that answered a questionnaire. Results from regression analyses show that the affects dimension is positively linked to attitude and the percei…

research product

Impact psychologique de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur les soignants

research product