Christian Hundt
CUDA-Accelerated Alignment of Subsequences in Streamed Time Series Data
Euclidean Distance (ED) and Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) are cornerstones in the field of time series data mining. Many high-level algorithms like kNN-classification, clustering or anomaly detection make excessive use of these distance measures as subroutines. Furthermore, the vast growth of recorded data produced by automated monitoring systems or integrated sensors establishes the need for efficient implementations. In this paper, we introduce linear memory parallelization schemes for the alignment of a given query Q in a stream of time series data S for both ED and DTW using CUDA-enabled accelerators. The ED parallelization features a log-linear calculation scheme in contrast to the naive …
Suffix Array Construction on Multi-GPU Systems
Suffix arrays are prevalent data structures being fundamental to a wide range of applications including bioinformatics, data compression, and information retrieval. Therefore, various algorithms for (parallel) suffix array construction both on CPUs and GPUs have been proposed over the years. Although providing significant speedup over their CPU-based counterparts, existing GPU implementations share a common disadvantage: input text sizes are limited by the scarce memory of a single GPU. In this paper, we overcome aforementioned memory limitations by exploiting multi-GPU nodes featuring fast NVLink interconnects. In order to achieve high performance for this communication-intensive task, we …
Automatische Detektion der primär sklerosierenden Cholangitis (PSC) anhand von 3D-MRCP Datensätzen mittels Deep Learning
parSRA: A framework for the parallel execution of short read aligners on compute clusters
The growth of next generation sequencing datasets poses as a challenge to the alignment of reads to reference genomes in terms of both accuracy and speed. In this work we present parSRA, a parallel framework to accelerate the execution of existing short read aligners on distributed-memory systems. parSRA can be used to parallelize a variety of short read alignment tools installed in the system without any modification to their source code. We show that our framework provides good scalability on a compute cluster for accelerating the popular BWA-MEM and Bowtie2 aligners. On average, it is able to accelerate sequence alignments on 16 64-core nodes (in total, 1024 cores) with speedup of 10.48 …
Accelerating metagenomic read classification on CUDA-enabled GPUs.
Metagenomic sequencing studies are becoming increasingly popular with prominent examples including the sequencing of human microbiomes and diverse environments. A fundamental computational problem in this context is read classification; i.e. the assignment of each read to a taxonomic label. Due to the large number of reads produced by modern high-throughput sequencing technologies and the rapidly increasing number of available reference genomes software tools for fast and accurate metagenomic read classification are urgently needed. We present cuCLARK, a read-level classifier for CUDA-enabled GPUs, based on the fast and accurate classification of metagenomic sequences using reduced k-mers (…
Nowadays, a growing number of servers and workstations feature an increasing number of GPUs. However, slow communication among GPUs can lead to poor application performance. Thus, there is a latent demand for efficient multi-GPU communication primitives on such systems. This paper focuses on the gather, scatter and all-to-all collectives, which are important operations for various algorithms including parallel sorting and distributed hashing. We present two distinct communication strategies (ring-based and flow-oriented) to generate transfer plans for their topology-aware implementation on NVLink-connected multi-GPU systems. We achieve a throughput of up to 526 GB/s for all-to-all and 148 G…
The widespread use of digital sensor systems causes a tremendous demand for high-quality time series analysis tools. In this domain the majority of data mining algorithms relies on established distance measures like Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) or Euclidean distance (ED). However, the notion of similarity induced by ED and DTW may lead to unsatisfactory clusterings. In order to address this shortcoming we introduce the Gliding Elastic Match (GEM) algorithm. It determines an optimal local similarity measure of a query time series Q and a subject time series S. The measure is invariant under both local deformation on the measurement-axis and scaling in the time domain. GEM is compared to ED and…
Deep Learning für die automatische Bestimmung von klinisch relevanten Herzparametern mittels Kardio-MRT
Deep Semantic Segmentation von 4D DCE MRT Untersuchungen der Lunge zum Erheben Klinischer Biomarker bei Chronisch Obstruktiver Lungenerkrankung
MetaCache: context-aware classification of metagenomic reads using minhashing.
Abstract Motivation Metagenomic shotgun sequencing studies are becoming increasingly popular with prominent examples including the sequencing of human microbiomes and diverse environments. A fundamental computational problem in this context is read classification, i.e. the assignment of each read to a taxonomic label. Due to the large number of reads produced by modern high-throughput sequencing technologies and the rapidly increasing number of available reference genomes corresponding software tools suffer from either long runtimes, large memory requirements or low accuracy. Results We introduce MetaCache—a novel software for read classification using the big data technique minhashing. Our…
Massively parallel computation of atmospheric neutrino oscillations on CUDA-enabled accelerators
Abstract The computation of neutrino flavor transition amplitudes through inhomogeneous matter is a time-consuming step and thus could benefit from optimization and parallelization. Next to reliable parameter estimation of intrinsic physical quantities such as neutrino masses and mixing angles, these transition amplitudes are important in hypothesis testing of potential extensions of the standard model of elementary particle physics, such as additional neutrino flavors. Hence, fast yet precise implementations are of high importance to research. In the recent past, massively parallel accelerators such as CUDA-enabled GPUs featuring thousands of compute units have been widely adopted due to t…
Vollautomatische, lappenbasierte Segmentierung von MR-Pefusionsmessungen in COPD Patienten mit Methoden des maschinellen Lernens
WarpCore: A Library for fast Hash Tables on GPUs
Hash tables are ubiquitous. Properties such as an amortized constant time complexity for insertion and querying as well as a compact memory layout make them versatile associative data structures with manifold applications. The rapidly growing amount of data emerging in many fields motivated the need for accelerated hash tables designed for modern parallel architectures. In this work, we exploit the fast memory interface of modern GPUs together with a parallel hashing scheme tailored to improve global memory access patterns, to design WarpCore -- a versatile library of hash table data structures. Unique device-sided operations allow for building high performance data processing pipelines ent…
Unified Parallel C++
Abstract Although MPI is commonly used for parallel programming on distributed-memory systems, Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) approaches are gaining attention for programming modern multi-core CPU clusters. They feature a hybrid memory abstraction: distributed memory is viewed as a shared memory that is partitioned among nodes in order to simplify programming. In this chapter you will learn about Unified Parallel C++ (UPC++), a library-based extension of C++ that gathers the advantages of both PGAS and Object Oriented paradigms. The examples included in this chapter will help you to understand the main features of PGAS languages and how they can simplify the task of programming par…
MetaCache-GPU: Ultra-Fast Metagenomic Classification
The cost of DNA sequencing has dropped exponentially over the past decade, making genomic data accessible to a growing number of scientists. In bioinformatics, localization of short DNA sequences (reads) within large genomic sequences is commonly facilitated by constructing index data structures which allow for efficient querying of substrings. Recent metagenomic classification pipelines annotate reads with taxonomic labels by analyzing their $k$-mer histograms with respect to a reference genome database. CPU-based index construction is often performed in a preprocessing phase due to the relatively high cost of building irregular data structures such as hash maps. However, the rapidly growi…
WarpDrive: Massively Parallel Hashing on Multi-GPU Nodes
Hash maps are among the most versatile data structures in computer science because of their compact data layout and expected constant time complexity for insertion and querying. However, associated memory access patterns during the probing phase are highly irregular resulting in strongly memory-bound implementations. Massively parallel accelerators such as CUDA-enabled GPUs may overcome this limitation by virtue of their fast video memory featuring almost one TB/s bandwidth in comparison to main memory modules of state-of-the-art CPUs with less than 100 GB/s. Unfortunately, the size of hash maps supported by existing single-GPU hashing implementations is restricted by the limited amount of …
Ultra-Fast Detection of Higher-Order Epistatic Interactions on GPUs
Detecting higher-order epistatic interactions in Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) remains a challenging task in the fields of genetic epidemiology and computer science. A number of algorithms have recently been proposed for epistasis discovery. However, they suffer from a high computational cost since statistical measures have to be evaluated for each possible combination of markers. Hence, many algorithms use additional filtering stages discarding potentially non-interacting markers in order to reduce the overall number of combinations to be examined. Among others, Mutual Information Clustering (MIC) is a common pre-processing filter for grouping markers into partitions using K-Means…
FeatherCNN: Fast Inference Computation with TensorGEMM on ARM Architectures
Deep Learning is ubiquitous in a wide field of applications ranging from research to industry. In comparison to time-consuming iterative training of convolutional neural networks (CNNs), inference is a relatively lightweight operation making it amenable to execution on mobile devices. Nevertheless, lower latency and higher computation efficiency are crucial to allow for complex models and prolonged battery life. Addressing the aforementioned challenges, we propose FeatherCNN – a fast inference library for ARM CPUs – targeting the performance ceiling of mobile devices. FeatherCNN employs three key techniques: 1) A highly efficient TensorGEMM (generalized matrix multiplication) routine is app…
SAUCE: A web application for interactive teaching and learning of parallel programming
Abstract Prevalent hardware trends towards parallel architectures and algorithms create a growing demand for graduate students familiar with the programming of concurrent software. However, learning parallel programming is challenging due to complex communication and memory access patterns as well as the avoidance of common pitfalls such as dead-locks and race conditions. Hence, the learning process has to be supported by adequate software solutions in order to enable future computer scientists and engineers to write robust and efficient code. This paper discusses a selection of well-known parallel algorithms based on C++11 threads, OpenMP, MPI, and CUDA that can be interactively embedded i…
cuBool: Bit-Parallel Boolean Matrix Factorization on CUDA-Enabled Accelerators
Boolean Matrix Factorization (BMF) is a commonly used technique in the field of unsupervised data analytics. The goal is to decompose a ground truth matrix C into a product of two matrices A and $B$ being either an exact or approximate rank k factorization of C. Both exact and approximate factorization are time-consuming tasks due to their combinatorial complexity. In this paper, we introduce a massively parallel implementation of BMF - namely cuBool - in order to significantly speed up factorization of huge Boolean matrices. Our approach is based on alternately adjusting rows and columns of A and B using thousands of lightweight CUDA threads. The massively parallel manipulation of entries …
S-Aligner: Ultrascalable Read Mapping on Sunway Taihu Light
The availability and amount of sequenced genomes have been rapidly growing in recent years because of the adoption of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies that enable high-throughput short-read generation at highly competitive cost. Since this trend is expected to continue in the foreseeable future, the design and implementation of efficient and scalable NGS bioinformatics algorithms are important to research and industrial applications. In this paper, we introduce S-Aligner–a highly scalable read mapper designed for the Sunway Taihu Light supercomputer and its fourth-generationShenWei many-core architecture (SW26010). S-Aligner employs a combination of optimization techniques to o…
Verwendung eines 3D Neuronalen Netzwerkes zur Lebervolumenbestimmmung im 3T MRT
A 3D Deep Neural Network for Liver Volumetry in 3T Contrast-Enhanced MRI.
To create a fully automated, reliable, and fast segmentation tool for Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MRI scans using deep learning. Datasets of Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced liver MR images of 100 patients were assembled. Ground truth segmentation of the hepatobiliary phase images was performed manually. Automatic image segmentation was achieved with a deep convolutional neural network. Our neural network achieves an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of 0.987, a Sørensen-Dice coefficient of 96.7 ± 1.9 % (mean ± std), an overlap of 92 ± 3.5 %, and a Hausdorff distance of 24.9 ± 14.7 mm compared with two expert readers who corresponded to an ICC of 0.973, a Sørensen-Dice coefficient of 95.2 ± 2.8 %, and…
Deep semantic lung segmentation for tracking potential pulmonary perfusion biomarkers in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): The multi‐ethnic study of atherosclerosis COPD study
Background Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Identification of imaging biomarkers for phenotyping is necessary for future treatment and therapy monitoring. However, translation of visual analytic pipelines into clinics or their use in large-scale studies is significantly slowed by time-consuming postprocessing steps. Purpose To implement an automated tool chain for regional quantification of pulmonary microvascular blood flow in order to reduce analysis time and user variability. Study type Prospective. Population In all, 90 MRI scans of 63 patients, of which 31 had a COPD with a mean Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung …
SAUCE: A Web-Based Automated Assessment Tool for Teaching Parallel Programming
Many curricula for undergraduate studies in computer science provide a lecture on the fundamentals of parallel programming like multi-threaded computation on shared memory architectures using POSIX threads or OpenMP. The complex structure of parallel programs can be challenging, especially for inexperienced students. Thus, there is a latent need for software supporting the learning process. Subsequent lectures may cover more advanced parallelization techniques such as the Message Passing Interface (MPI) and the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) languages. Unfortunately, the majority of students cannot easily access MPI clusters or modern hardware accelerators in order to effectivel…
Advanced C++11 Multithreading
Abstract The previous chapter introduced the basic concepts of multithreading using the C++11 threading API starting with basic spawn and join approaches, while finishing with non-trivial synchronization based on mutexes and condition variables. However, the major bottleneck of application performance is usually caused by contention for a shared resource. In case of mutex-based programming all participating threads usually try to acquire the same lock in parallel which effectively serializes the program for lightweight operations such as increment/decrement or updates of a single scalar value. Fortunately, modern CPUs provide dedicated commands that allow for the efficient execution of unin…