Lidia De Tienda Palop
El papel de las emociones y la literatura en la deliberación pública: la figura del <em>equlibrio perceptivo</em> de Martha C. Nussbaum
This article argues that literature can play a key role in the processes of ethical deliberation; therefore it can be regarded as an extremely useful tool to justify public decision-making. In order to support this thesis I examine Nussbaum’s proposal of perceptive equilibrium as a method to conduct the public deliberation processes which integrates the emotions in its structure. Finally, I analyse one of the possible applications of the proposed method: introducing narrative texts, both historical and fictional, in the curricula as a method for ethical deliberation.
La aventura de innovar en la Filosofía
Los diversos capítulos que componen este volumen tienen su origen en la realización del II Congreso internacional sobre Innovación Educativa en Filosofía realizado en la Universidad de Valencia los días 19, 20 y 21 de octubre de 2016. Este libro recoge aquellas contribuciones referidas a propuestas didáctica en la enseñanza de la filosofa. Como codirector del Congreso y tras las evaluaciones recibidas por parte de los asistentes puedo decir que el resultado fue muy satisfactorio. El enclave del congreso propició que docentes de la filosofía de diferentes niveles expusieran sus ideas y propuestas acerca de la innovación educativa en la filosofía y ello dio lugar a un fecundo debate. Tras esc…
Juicio moral y democracia. Retos de la ética y la filosofía política.
Este libro recoge una selección de las contribuciones que se presentaron en el IV Congreso Internacional de Bioética, titulado “Juicio Moral y Democracia”, celebrado en Valencia, del 7 al 9 de noviembre de 2016. El presente libro se titula “Juicio Moral y Democracia”, y contiene un buen número de interesantes colaboraciones que abordan ambos términos desde una amplia diversidad de perspectivas. El juicio moral es una opinión meditada sobre la bondad o maldad de las intenciones, los actos y las consecuencias de los actos de un ser humano o de un grupo de seres humanos. Así pues, aunque en este libro hemos centrado nuestra atención en el juicio moral como tarea fundamentadora. Lo contrario de…
Three Liberal Conceptions of Self-Realization: Creativity, Authenticity and Flourishing
The concept of self-realization, in its most contemporary sense, owes much to an idea, which arose with the Enlightenment, as the culmination of the process of the rebirth of the subject in the fifteenth century. However, the notion of self-realization is complex because it entails a combination of two apparently antagonistic elements: freedom and normativity. In this chapter, I intend to clarify this concept by examining the theses of three authors—J. S. Mill, Taylor and Nussbaum—in whose work the idea of self-realization appears in a significant way. The three philosophers underline some common elements that together with the concepts of project and imagination held by Ortega shed light o…
Bullfighting: The Legal Protection of Suffering
Bullfighting has been recently accepted as Cultural Heritage by the Spanish Government. There is a current initiative to declare bullfighting as Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) and include it in the UNESCO list. The proponents of such initiatives contend that bullfighting should be protected and promoted on the grounds that it is an artistic activity, part of the national culture. In this chapter, I discuss the moral arguments and legal aspects that can be pitted against such a cruel practice. More specifically, I will examine the serious obstacles to the legal protection of such practices, which cause suffering and aim at killing nonhuman animals based on cultural or artistic reasons.
The role of emotions and literature in public deliberation: the figure of Martha C. Nussbaum ‘s perceptive equilibrium
This article argues that literature can play a key role in the processes of ethical deliberation; therefore it can be regarded as an extremely useful tool to justify public decision-making. In order to support this thesis I examine Nussbaum’s proposal of perceptive equilibrium as a method to conduct the public deliberation processes which integrates the emotions in its structure. Finally, I analyse one of the possible applications of the proposed method: introducing narrative texts, both historical and fictional, in the curricula as a method for ethical deliberation.