R. Szatanik

Investigation of diffusion and electromigration of hydrogen in palladium and PdAg alloy

Abstract Diffusion and electromigration of hydrogen in PdH 0.1 , Pd 77 Ag 23 H 0.1 and Pd 50 Ag 50 H 0.1 alloy were measured by means of resistivity method. It is known that hydrogen migrates towards the cathode within the temperature range of 300–473 K in the PdH 0.1 and Pd 77 Ag 23 H 0.1 system. In Pd 50 Ag 50 H 0.1 , hydrogen migrates towards the cathode below 400 K, but towards the anode at higher temperatures. Its effective valency increases together with temperature. At the same time it satisfies the linear dependence on inverse specific resistance ρ : Z eff = Z i +( k / ρ ). The constants Z i and k have the following values: (1.05±0.01) and −(3.81±0.04)×10 −8 Ω m for hydrogen in PdH …

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The Influence of Magnetic Field on Annihilation of Positrons in Corroded Steel St-20

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Confinement-induced polymorphism in acetylsalicylic acid–nanoporous glass composites

We report on the experimental observation of confinement-induced new phase appearance in acetylsalicylic acid (ASA)–porous glass (PG) composites. In this study, ASA was embedded in PG host matrices of various pore widths (15–200 nm). The Raman spectra and positron annihilation lifetime measurements exhibit the existence of ASA nanocrystals in the PG matrix. The DSC data revealed that the melting temperature TM and excess specific heat decrease with decreasing the size of embedded ASA nanocrystals. The close inspection of the TM dependence versus diameter of filled pores has shown that the ASA crystallizes in polymorph II in confined matrix. Moreover, it was demonstrated that the ASA spatial…

research product

The influence of mechanical damaging on the lifetime of positrons In ultrahigh-molecular polyethylene

We study the influence of damaging of ultrahigh-molecular polyethylene [(PE-UHMW) Chirulen®1120] applied, among other materials, in the production of hip endoprostheses on the spectra of positrons lifetime in this material. Polyethylene samples were damaged by the impacts, rolling friction, and collisions with metal balls in a planetary mill. The changes in the parameters of the spectra of positrons lifetime related to the annihilation of orthopositronium (o-Ps) were analyzed depending on the mechanical energy transferred to the sample. On the basis of the Eldrup–Tao model, the changes in the radii of voids in which positroniums are formed and annihilated and the changes in the degree of fi…

research product

Positron Annihilation in Medical Substances of Insulin

Positrons lifetimes were measured in medical substances of insulin (human and animal), differing as far as the degree of purity and time of their activity in the organism are concerned. In all of the cases the spectrum of positron lifetime was distributed into three components, with the long-life component ranging from 1.8 to 2.08 ns and the intensity taking on values from 18 to 24%. Making use of Tao–Eldrup model, the average radius of the free volume, in which o-Ps annihilated, and the degree of filling in the volume were determined. It was found that the value of the long-life component for human insulin is higher than that of animal insulin. Moreover, the value of this component clearly…

research product

Positron Annihilation in Corroded Steels St20 and St3S

The paper deals with examining the lifetimes of positrons emitted from Na source in corroded St20 and St3S steels. Influence of the method of defecting the sample surfaces on the spectrum of positron lifetimes was investigated. Influence of temperature of initial annealing of samples, plastic deformation, electrolytic hydrogenation and corrosion in HCl vapors on trapping positrons in the examined steels was also determined.

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Positron Annihilation in Deformed and Hydrogenated Pd-23%atcu Alloy

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Structural phase transition in [(C2H5)4N][(CH3)4N]ZnCl4

The hybrid crystal [(C2H5)4N][(CH3)4N]ZnCl4 was studied using several experimental methods. DSC studies revealed the first order phase transition to the high temperature phase at about 496 K. This phase transition was confirmed in dielectric studies. Optical observation revealed the domain structure appearance characteristic for that of the phase transition between tetragonal and orthorhombic phases. This phase transition shows a lowering of symmetry as in the case of bromide analogs. Additionally, the optical studies showed the appearance of a number of cracks in the sample and in some cases, the samples became milky after cooling from the high temperature to the room temperature phase.

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Investigations into the Influence of Hydrogen and Defects on the Spectra of Lifetime of Positrons in Palladium

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Measurements of Positrons Lifetimes in Corroded Nickel

It is over twenty years now that the nuclear method of conducting investigations into defects in the volume and on the surface of solids, based on positron annihilation phenomenon, has been developing on a quite intensive scale [1-3]. The present work is an attempt at adopting positron annihilation to investigations of the phenomenon of pitting corrosion in metals. Pitting occurs mainly in environments containing chlorides and affects metals and alloys covered with passivating oxide layers. Research carried out for many years by the use of various methods . has proved that pittings, which could — after some time — take sizes as large as the tenth of the millimeter order, are formed in the p…

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The Influence of a Magnetic Field on the Formation of Corrosion Defects in Selected Metals and Steels, Analysed Using Positron Annihilation Method

The method of positron lifetime measurement was used to analyse the in uence of a magnetic eld on the kinetics of corrosion defect formation in near-surface layers of iron, titanium as well as S20 and S0H18N9 steel grades. The listed metals, which belong to ferroand paramagnetic materials, have di erent sensitivity to corrosion. It was found that not only the presence of a magnetic eld, but also its direction in uence the dimensions and the concentration of defects formed during corrosion.

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