Mechthild Graf-morgenstern
Erste Ergebnisse einer Kombinationstherapie mit Moclobemid und kognitiver Verhaltenstherapie bei Panikstörung mit Agoraphobie
In der Studie wird die Wirksamkeit von Moclobemid, kognitiver Verhaltenstherapie und einer Kombination aus beidem bei der Behandlung von Panikstorung mit Agoraphobie untersucht. Die Hypothesen sind, das sowohl Moclobemid als auch kognitive Verhaltenstherapie einer Behandlung mit Placebo uberlegen sind und das eine Kombinationstherapie zu den besten Resultaten fuhrt. Von insgesamt 123 ambulanten Patienten mit der Diagnose Panikstorung mit Agoraphobie erfullen 55 die Studienkriterien und werden randomisiert einer der vier folgenden Therapiebedingungen zugeordnet: 1) Moclobemid und kognitive Verhaltenstherapie, 2) Moclobemid und Clinical Management, 3) Placebo und kognitive Verhaltenstherapie …
Reduced N-acetyl aspartate (NAA) and increased myo-inositol (MI) levels have been reported in patients with dementia of Alzheimer type (DAT) in comparison with controls. We wished to assess the validity of these findings and to evaluate possible correlations of metabolite proportions with cognitive dysfunction in DAT. Twelve patients with DAT and 10 healthy age-matched controls were included. The severity of dementia was assessed using different scales including the Mini-Mental State Examination. MRS was performed with a conventional 1.5 Tesla scanner in a single voxel in the centrum semi-ovale (TE = 30 ms or TE = 136 ms; TR = 1500 ms). The evaluation of MRS results was limited by low inter…
Randomised placebo-controlled trial of moclobemide, cognitive–behavioural therapy and their combination in panic disorder with agoraphobia
BackgroundIn the treatment of panic disorder with agoraphobia, the efficacy of pharmacological, psychological and combined treatments has been established. Unanswered questions concern the relative efficacy of such treatments.AimsTo demonstrate that moclobemide and cognitive–behavioural therapy (CBT) are effective singly and more effective in combination.MethodFifty-five patients were randomly assigned to an eight-week treatment of: moclobemide plus CBT; moclobemide plus clinical management (‘psychological placebo’); placebo plus CBT; or placebo plus clinical management.ResultsComparisons between treatments revealed strong effects for CBT. Moclobemide with clinical management was not superi…
Medikamente zur Behandlung von sexuellen Störungen
Folgende Storungen sind im Rahmen der psychiatrischen Pharmakotherapie — weitgehend oder auch nur ansatzweise — zu beeinflussen: Erektionsstorungen bzw. Storungen der sexuellen Erregung bei der Frau, vermindertes sexuelles Verlangen, Ejaculatio praecox, gesteigertes sexuelles Verlangen und substanzinduzierte sexuelle Funktionsstorungen. Fur andere Diagnosen im Bereich sexueller Storungen sind keine pharmakotherapeutischen Studien bekannt.
Public Opinion on Psychotropic Drugs: An Analysis of the Factors Influencing Acceptance or Rejection
Widespread negative attitudes and irrational beliefs about psychotropic drugs held by the public affect patients' treatment compliance. This study was an attempt to identify factors influencing people's acceptance or rejection of psychotropic drugs. An opinion poll was taken by a representative group of 2,176 adults in Germany. In addition to their attitudes toward psychotropic and cardiac drugs and their ratings of perceived risks and benefits, they were also asked about their drug knowledge, their fear of losing self-control, and their fundamental political values. Our results show that even for the treatment of severe mental disease, psychotropic drugs generally are not well accepted com…