J. Sandmann
Erste Ergebnisse einer Kombinationstherapie mit Moclobemid und kognitiver Verhaltenstherapie bei Panikstörung mit Agoraphobie
In der Studie wird die Wirksamkeit von Moclobemid, kognitiver Verhaltenstherapie und einer Kombination aus beidem bei der Behandlung von Panikstorung mit Agoraphobie untersucht. Die Hypothesen sind, das sowohl Moclobemid als auch kognitive Verhaltenstherapie einer Behandlung mit Placebo uberlegen sind und das eine Kombinationstherapie zu den besten Resultaten fuhrt. Von insgesamt 123 ambulanten Patienten mit der Diagnose Panikstorung mit Agoraphobie erfullen 55 die Studienkriterien und werden randomisiert einer der vier folgenden Therapiebedingungen zugeordnet: 1) Moclobemid und kognitive Verhaltenstherapie, 2) Moclobemid und Clinical Management, 3) Placebo und kognitive Verhaltenstherapie …
Fluvoxamine or placebo in the treatment of panic disorder and relationship to blood concentrations of fluvoxamine.
A six-week double-blind placebo-controlled trial of fluvoxamine was undertaken in 46 patients suffering from panic disorder with or without agoraphobia diagnosed by DSM-III-R guidelines. Average daily dosage of fluvoxamine was 160 mg, with a highest permitted dose of 300 mg/day. Weekly evaluation included a diary in which the number, severity, and duration of full-blown and limited panic attacks and the duration and severity of anticipating fear, CAS, GAS, CGI, HAM-D, adverse effects and the number of capsules not taken were noted. Fluvoxamine was not significantly superior to placebo with regard to the main outcome criterion, i.e., the reduction in the number of panic attacks, but it was s…
The release of choline from phospholipids mediated by beta-adrenoceptor activation in isolated hearts.
The resting efflux of choline into the perfusate (Tyrode's solution) of isolated hearts was equal to the rate, at which choline was liberated from phospholipid degradation (Lindmar et al. 1986). Infusion of isoprenaline (2 X 10(-7) mol/l), forskolin (1-3 X 10(-6) mol/l) or 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX; 3 X 10(-4) mol/l) for 40 min markedly enhanced the efflux of choline. The increase was linear during the experimental period and, in the case of isoprenaline, was blocked by 3 X 10(-7) mol/l atenolol. In the guinea-pig heart, IBMX at a threshold concentration of 10(-4) mol/l shifted the concentration-response curve for the effect of forskolin on the efflux of choline to the left by one l…
Characterization of choline efflux from the perfused heart at rest and after muscarine receptor activation.
The resting efflux of choline from perfused chicken hearts varied from 0.4 to 2.6 nmol/g min, but was constant for at least 80 min in the individual experiments. The rate of choline efflux was found to be equal to the rate of choline formation in the heart, which, from the following reasons, was essentially due to hydrolysis of choline phospholipids. Cardiac content of choline phospholipids (7,200 nmol/g) was much higher than that of acetylcholine (5.5 nmol/g). Resting release of acetylcholine was 0.016 nmol/g min and, after inhibition of cholinesterase, only about 0.1 nmol/g min. Resting efflux of choline was reduced by mepacrine, a phospholipase A2 inhibitor, by perfusion with a Ca2+-free…
Psychopharmacological Drugs as Represented in the Press: Results of Systematic Analysis of Newspapers and Popular Magazines
The representation of mental diseases and psychopharmacological drugs in the media, especially in the press, is thought to be of great impact on people's opinions on the subject. During the course of one year, all articles about psychopharmacological drugs and cardiac drugs published in nineteen German newspapers were collected. All statements, together with related aspects, reasons for prescription, individual details of the patient, effects and side-effects, were registered and classified according to a key. The results show that, in contrast to 13% of the articles about cardiac drugs, half of the reports about psychopharmacological drugs deal primarily with the problems of side-effects a…
Uptake and metabolism of [3H]choline by the rat phrenic nerve-hemidiaphragm preparation
A whole nerve-muscle preparation (about 160 mg) or an end-plate preparation (about 25 mg) of the rat phrenic nerve-hemidiaphragm were incubated with [3H]choline, to investigate choline uptake and choline metabolism. Choline uptake was measured from the disappearance of choline from the incubation medium during the loading period and from the retention of tritium in the tissue after the loading and washout period. Based on the results obtained with both methods the end-plate preparation takes up three times as much choline than the whole nerve-muscle preparation or a small muscle strip that was cut outside the end-plate region and had a similar size as the end-plate preparation. Choline upta…