Ch. Hain
Erste Ergebnisse einer Kombinationstherapie mit Moclobemid und kognitiver Verhaltenstherapie bei Panikstörung mit Agoraphobie
In der Studie wird die Wirksamkeit von Moclobemid, kognitiver Verhaltenstherapie und einer Kombination aus beidem bei der Behandlung von Panikstorung mit Agoraphobie untersucht. Die Hypothesen sind, das sowohl Moclobemid als auch kognitive Verhaltenstherapie einer Behandlung mit Placebo uberlegen sind und das eine Kombinationstherapie zu den besten Resultaten fuhrt. Von insgesamt 123 ambulanten Patienten mit der Diagnose Panikstorung mit Agoraphobie erfullen 55 die Studienkriterien und werden randomisiert einer der vier folgenden Therapiebedingungen zugeordnet: 1) Moclobemid und kognitive Verhaltenstherapie, 2) Moclobemid und Clinical Management, 3) Placebo und kognitive Verhaltenstherapie …
Seroquel (ICI 204 636), a putative "atypical" antipsychotic, in schizophrenia with positive symptomatology: results of an open clinical trial and changes of neuroendocrinological and EEG parameters.
Preclinical data indicated that seroquel (ICI 204 636), a dibenzothiazepine with 5-HT2 and D2-like receptor antagonistic properties, might be an effective antipsychotic agent, causing fewer extrapyramidal side effects than typical neuroleptics. In the present study, 12 patients suffering from schizophrenia or schizophreniform disorder with predominantly positive symptomatology were treated in an open clinical trial for 4 weeks with seroquel at a maximum dosage of 750 mg/day. The drug was generally well tolerated, and virtually no adverse extrapyramidal side effects such as acute dystonia, parkinsonism or akathisia were observed. Total scores for BPRS (item score 0–6; baseline: 42.0±2.3; mea…
Reaction time paradigms in subjects at risk for schizophrenia.
Abstract Deviant response patterns in experimental reaction time paradigms in schizophrenic probands are well documented. Although simple reaction times are strongly influenced by the current psychopathological status of the proband (e.g. florid psychotic patients versus remitted patients) these influences are less clear for measures obtained from more complex reaction time paradigms. These include the crossover paradigm (reaction time to stimuli presented after constant preparatory intervals in comparison to reaction time to stimuli presented after irregular preparatory intervals) and the modality shift paradigm (reaction time to a stimulus (light or tone) when the modality of the stimulus…