C. Mongay
Thermometric study of the dissociation equilibria of the maleinimidodioxime
The values of the dissociation constants of the maleinimidodioxime are potentiometrically determined at various ionic strengths, and extrapolated to zero ionic strength (pK1T=10.41;pk2T=11.60). From these values and from the thermometric titration curves the enthalpies of neutralization (ΔHN1=−21.76,ΔHN2=−23.77 kJ/mol) and the thermodynamic parameters of dissociation of this substance at 25.0 °C are determined (ΔG1θ=59.41,ΔG2θ=66.23,ΔH1θ=34.06,ΔH2θ=32.05 kJ/mol;ΔS1θ=−85.06,ΔS2θ=−114.64 J/(K mol)).
A program for the simultaneous potentiometric determination of protonation constants and electrode calibration parameters
A program for the potentiometric determination of the protonation constants of mononuclear polyprotic substances is described. A maximum of twelve parameters can be determined simultaneously, including up to six protonation constants, four electrode calibration parameters, the protolysis constant of the solvent and the titrant concentration. Optimization is carried out by using the non-simplified Newton-Raphson method, which is potentiated by the Marquardt algorithm and a distance speeding-up coefficient. A direct search method is also used to improve the initial set of values. Variances are calculated very accurately, since the real Hessian function is used. Statistical weights and ionic s…
Determination of aluminum at the parts per billion level by solvent extraction and flame atomic emission spectrometry
A new method for the determination of aluminum at the parts per billion level, by N 2 O/ C 2 H 2 flame emission spectrometry with prior solvent extraction with acetylacetone or 8-hydroxyquinoline in 4-methylpentan-2-one, has been performed. The influence of extraction conditions and instrumental parameters on the sensitivity, precision, and dynamic range of the emission calibration curves have been studied. The limit of detection is between 5 and 10 ppb for both ligands, the variation coefficient being 0.2 and 3% at levels of 75 and 25 ppb, respectively. The method has been applied to the determination of Al in water and the results obtained are compared with those found by the standard add…
Vapor-phase introduction of alkyltin compounds in atomic absorption spectrophotometry
Abstract Different systems for the introduction of alkyltin compounds in atomic absorption spectrophotometry using the vapor-phase introduction approach have been compared. Samples and standards were introduced in both quartz cell and flame atomizer using a vertical and a horizontal reactor. The better sensitivity was obtained with the quartz cell and the horizontal reactor.
Some observations on the use of matrix modifiers in the determination of aluminum by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrophotometry
Abstract Some evidence demonstrating that the use of matrix modifiers is necessary to obtain good calibration lines in the determination of aluminum by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry is provided. It was found that the most sensitive results were obtained when Mg(NO 3 ) 2 was used instead of NH 4 H 2 PO 4 .
A comparative study of the application of the method of least-squares in the potentiometric determination of protonation constants.
Methods of simple and multiple linear regression applied to the potentiometric determination of protonation constants of diprotic and triprotic acids are studied critically. The best way of fitting the data, according to the order of magnitude of the constants, is established. The conclusions are checked by calculating the protonation constants of succinic and citric acids.