Aina Kratovska

Protection of Azidothymidine-Induced Cardiopathology in Mice by Mildronate, a Mitochondria-Targeted Drug

Azidothymidine, a nucleoside-analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI), is a commonly used antiretroviral drug in AIDS treatment, however its use is limited by severe toxic side effects due to its influence on mitochondria that result in myopathy, particularly affecting the cardiac muscle. We suggest that effective protection of azidothymidine- induced cardiopathology can be expected from drugs that are capable of targeting mitochondria. Therefore the present study in mice was carried out with mildronate, a cardioprotective drug of the aza-butyrobetaine class, which previously has been shown to act as a highly potent protector of mitochondrial processes. In our study, saline (control)…

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Mildronāta pretiekaisuma un antiapoptotiskie efekti antiretrovirālā preparāta azidotimidīna hepato- un neirotoksicitātes modelī pelēm

Azidotimidīns (AZT) ir viens no antiretrovirālajiem preparātiem, ko izmanto cilvēka imūndeficīta vīrusa (HIV) infekcijas terapijā. Tomēr tā pielietojumu ierobežo medikamenta toksiskie blakusefekti, kas saistīti ar AZT spēju izraisīt mitohondriju darbības traucējumus. Darba mērķis bija pārbaudīt hipotēzi, vai mildronāts kā mitohondrijus protektējošs preparāts spēj mazināt anti-HIV medikamenta azidotimidīna (AZT) izraisītās izmaiņas aknu un galvas smadzeņu audos. Eksperimenta pelēm divas nedēļas intraperitoneāli ievadīti: 0,9% nātrija hlorīds (kontroles grupa); AZT (50 mg/kg); midronāts per se (50, 100 vai 200 mg/kg); AZT un mildronāta (minētās devās) kombinācijas. Eksperimenta beigās izolēto…

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Endoscopic hemostasis followed by preventive transarterial embolization in high-risk patients with bleeding peptic ulcer: 5-year experience

Abstract Background Upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) due to peptic ulcer disease is one of the leading causes of death in patients with non-variceal bleeding, resulting in up to 10% mortality rate, and the patient group at high risk of rebleeding (Forrest IA, IB, and IIA) often requires additional therapy after endoscopic hemostasis. Preventive transarterial embolization (P-TAE) after endoscopic hemostasis was introduced in our institution in 2014. The aim of the study is an assessment of the intermediate results of P-TAE following primary endoscopic hemostasis in patients with serious comorbid conditions and high risk of rebleeding. Methods During the period from 2014 to 2018, a tota…

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Distinct influence of atypical 1,4-dihydropyridine compounds in azidothymidine-induced neuro- and cardiotoxicity in mice ex vivo.

This study demonstrates the effective protection by compounds of atypical 1,4-dihydropyridine (DHP) series cerebrocrast, glutapyrone and tauropyrone against neuro- and cardiotoxicity caused by the model compound azidothymidine, a well-known mitochondria-compromising anti-HIV drug. In previous in vitro experiments, we have demonstrated distinct effects of these DHP compounds to influence mitochondrial functioning. In the present in vivo experiments, DHP compounds were administered intraperitoneally in mice daily for 2 weeks, per se and in combinations with azidothymidine at doses: azidothymidine 50 mg/kg; cerebrocrast 0.1 mg/kg; glutapyrone 1 mg/kg; and tauropyrone 1 mg/kg. At the end of the…

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