Matti Santtila

Cardiorespiratory Responses Induced by Various Military Field Tasks

Typical military tasks include load carriage, digging, and lifting loads. To avoid accumulation of fatigue, it is important to know the energy expenditure of soldiers during such tasks. The purpose of this study was to measure cardiorespiratory responses during military tasks in field conditions. Unloaded (M1) and loaded (M2) marching, artillery field preparation (AFP), and digging of defensive positions (D) were monitored. 15 conscripts carried additional weight of military outfit (5.4 kg) during M1, AFP, and D and during M2 full combat gear (24.4 kg). Absolute and relative oxygen uptake (VO2) and heart rate (HR) of M1 (n = 8) were 1.5 ± 0.1 L min(-1), 19.9 ± 2.7 mL kg(-1) min(-1) (42 ± 7%…

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Diet Macronutrient Composition, Physical Activity, and Body Composition in Soldiers During 6 Months Deployment

Introduction: Optimal diet together with good physical fitness maintains readiness and military performance during longer deployments. The purpose of this study was to describe changes in dietary macronutrient and energy intake, total physical activity and body composition during a 6-month deployment in South Lebanon. Furthermore, associations of diet macronutrient intake and physical activity on body composition were also studied. - Materials and Methods: Forty male soldiers kept a 3-day food diary and their body composition was measured via bioimpedance and ultrasonography. Total physical activity was evaluated by accelerometers in a subgroup of participants. Measurements were conducted i…

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Aerobic fitness, energy balance, and body mass index are associated with training load assessed by activity energy expenditure

The present study examined whether activity energy expenditure related to body mass (AEE/kg) is associated with maximal aerobic fitness (VO(2max)), energy balance, and body mass index (BMI) during the 2 hardest weeks of the military basic training season (BT). An additional purpose was to study the accuracy of the pre-filled food diary energy intake. Energy expenditure (EE) with doubly labeled water, energy intake (EI), energy balance, and mis-recording was measured from 24 male conscripts with varying VO(2max). AEE/kg was calculated as (EE x 0.9-measured basal metabolic rate)/body mass. The reported EI was lower (P<0.001) than EE (15.48 MJ/day) and mis-recording of the pre-filled diary …

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Estimation of aerobic fitness among young men without exercise test

Summary Study aim: to develop and estimate the validity of non-exercise methods to predict VO2max among young male conscripts entering military service in order to divide them into the different physical training groups. Material and methods: fifty males (age 19.7 ± 0.3 years) reported their physical activity before military service by IPAQ and SIVAQ questionnaires. Furthermore, Jackson’s non-exercise method was used to estimate VO2max. Body mass and height were measured, body mass index calculated and VO2max measured directly in a maximal treadmill test. Subjects were randomly divided into two groups. The results of the Group 1 (N = 25) were used to develop a regression equation to estimat…

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Circulating IGF-I is associated with fitness and health outcomes in a population of 846 young healthy men

Abstract Context Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) is thought to mediate many of the beneficial outcomes of physical activity. While IGF-I has previously been shown to be positively related with aerobic fitness, few studies have examined IGF-I relationships with other fitness and health parameters. The robustness of IGF-I as a biomarker of fitness and health has yet to be fully determined. Objective To determine the association of circulating IGF-I with fitness, body composition and health parameters in young, healthy men. Design and subjects A cross-section of 846 young, healthy Finnish men (25 ± 5 yr, 180 ± 6 cm, 81 ± 13 kg). Subjects were divided into quintiles of IGF-I concentrations…

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Maximal Strength, Muscular Endurance and Inflammatory Biomarkers in Young Adult Men

The aim was to study associations of maximal strength and muscular endurance with inflammatory biomarkers independent of cardiorespiratory fitness in those with and without abdominal obesity. 686 young healthy men participated (25±5 years). Maximal strength was measured via isometric testing using dynamo-meters to determine maximal strength index. Muscular endurance index consisted of push-ups, sit-ups and repeated squats. An indirect cycle ergometer test until exhaustion was used to estimate maximal aerobic capacity (VO2max). Participants were stratified according to those with (102 cm) and those without abdominal obesity (102 cm) based on waist circumference. Inflammatory factors (C-react…

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Differences in Training Adaptations of Endurance Performance during Combined Strength and Endurance Training in a 6-Month Crisis Management Operation

Decreases in aerobic fitness during military operations have been observed in several studies. Thus, differences in training adaptations during a 6-month crisis-management operation were compared by using the change in endurance performance as the outcome measure. Sixty-six male soldiers volunteered for the study, consisting of pre−post assessments of blood biomarkers, body composition, physical performance, and the military simulation test (MST) performance. Physical training volume was self-reported. After the follow-up, the data were divided based on individual changes in endurance performance. Endurance performance was improved in the high-responder group (HiR, n = 25) and maintai…

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Comparison between direct and predicted maximal oxygen uptake measurement during cycling.

Predicted maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) measurements are based on the assumption of linear relationship between heart rate or power output and oxygen consumption during various intensities. To develop more reliable predicted test for soldiers, the purpose of the present study was to compare the results of direct measurements of VO2max to respective predicted values in cycling (military fitness test). The predicted mean (+/- SD) peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) value was 45.2 +/- 7.7 mL kg(-1) min(-1) during first week, whereas the respective direct value was 44.8 +/- 8.5 mL kg(-1) min(-1). During the ninth week, the predicted and measured mean (+/-SD) VO2max values were 47.4 +/- 6.7 mL kg(-1) …

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Physical Fitness and Body Anthropometrics Profiles of the Female Recruits Entering to Voluntary Military Service

Introduction. The physical fitness of male conscripts has decreased, and body mass increased during the last few decades, especially in Nordic countries. However, limited research-based reports are available concerning the physical fitness profiles of female recruits. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate changes in physical fitness and body composition of female recruits entering voluntary Finnish military service between the years 2005 and 2015. Materials and methods. Data were collected from the initial fitness tests performed in military units during the first two weeks of military service. A total of 3875 healthy female recruits (19.9±2.1 yr.) participated in the fitn…

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Associations of leisure time, commuting and occupational physical activity with fitness and clustered cardiovascular risk factor

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Physical training considerations for optimizing performance in essential military tasks

Physically demanding essential military tasks include load carriage, manual material handling and casualty evacuation. This narrative review characterizes the main physical attributes related to performance of these occupational tasks and reviews physical training intervention studies in military settings to improve performance in these military tasks. Load carriage performance requires both aerobic and neuromuscular fitness with greater emphasis on maximal strength and absolute maximal oxygen uptake, especially when carrying heavier loads. In manual material handling, maximal strength and power are strongly associated with discrete lifting, while muscular strength, muscular endurance and a…

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Physical fitness, BMI and sickness absence in male military personnel

Background In modern society, decreased physical activity and/or changes in quality and quantity of nutritional intake contribute to obesity and lifestyle diseases that result in economic costs, both to society and to individuals. Aims To measure physical fitness and body mass index (BMI) and to assess their association with sickness absence in male soldiers. Methods Data regarding BMI and physical fitness (aerobic endurance and muscle fitness) were collected for male Finnish military personnel and combined with sickness absence data collected in the year 2004. The duration and costs of sickness absence were obtained from the personnel administration. Results A total of 7179 male military p…

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Physical Fitness in Young Men between 1975 and 2015 with a Focus on the Years 2005–2015

Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to investigate changes in physical fitness and anthropometry of young men entering the military service in Finland during the years 1975–2015. Methods: The study included the fitness test results of 627,142 healthy young male conscripts (age 19.1 T 0.4 yr). Data included results of aerobic capacity, muscle fitness tests, and anthropometric characteristics. Results: The results show that the increase in mean body mass of young men has slowed down during the last 10 yr. However, the total increase in body mass was 6.8 kg (8.8%, P e 0.001) between 1993 and 2015. The mean distance achieved in the 12-min running test decreased by 337 m (12.2%, P e 0.…

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Low back pain during military service predicts low back pain later in life

The aim of the present study was to assess associations between physician diagnosed unspecified low back pain (LBP) during compulsory military service and self-reported LBP and physical fitness measured on average four years after military service. From a total of 1155 persons who had been pass medical examination for military service and who had completed physically demanding military training between 1997 and 2007, 778 men participated in a refresher military training course and physical tests. In this study, the association between LBP during military service and LBP in later life in addition to the association between LBP and physical fitness were examined. A total of 219 out of 778 par…

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Effects of Basic Training on Acute Physiological Responses to a Combat Loaded Run Test

ABSTRACTThe purpose of the study was to examine the effects of an 8-week basic training (BT) with added strength training (ST) or endurance training (ET) on both the performance of a 3K-combat loaded run test and the acute neuromuscular and hormonal responses. All training groups improved (p < 0.001) their run-test times: ST by 12.4%, ET by 11.6%, and normal training (NT) by 10.2%. Significant acute decreases were observed in maximal isometric force of leg extensors (p < 0.01–0.05) in all subject groups following the run. Increases were observed in acute testosterone responses (p < 0.001) after the test in all groups both at pre- and post-training. However, ET and NT demonstrated lower (p <…

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Cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness in young adult Finnish men between 2003 and 2015

Introduction Physical fitness is strongly related to health and may offer valuable information about public health. We investigated trends in physical fitness, leisure-time physical activity (LTPA), and anthropometry of young healthy adult Finnish men in representative population-based samples between 2003 and 2015. Methods Three independent cross-sectional samples of 18- to 35-year-old Finnish men were assessed in 2003 (n = 889), 2008 (n = 803), and 2015 (n = 690). Cardiorespiratory (VO(2)max) and muscular fitness (1-minute sit-ups and push-ups), body mass, and height were measured. Self-reported LTPA was assessed. Results After adjusting for age, education, and smoking, cardiorespiratory …

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Impact on physical fitness of exercise promotion service utilizing social media

Summary Study aim: the purpose of the present study was to survey the impact of a social media platform on physical fitness, physical activity levels and daily sitting time. Material and methods: a total of 2039 users (1445 women and 594 men) of the social media service (HeiaHeia, Helsinki, Finland) voluntarily participated in the study by answering an online questionnaire provided by a survey. Results: about 63.8% of the participants reported that the service has advanced their perceived level of physical fitness, while 36.2% reported no impact on their fitness. Most participants (71.3%) with BMI over 25 reported that the service had helped them to improve their physical fitness. Participa…

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Training Load and Energy Expenditure during Military Basic Training Period

Purpose: To compare training load and energy expenditure during an 8-week military BT period among individuals having different fitness level using objective measurements in an authentic environment. Methods: Thirty-four voluntary male conscripts (age 19.1±0.3 years) were divided into three training groups (inactive, moderate, active) by their reported physical activity (PA) level evaluated by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) prior to military service. Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and heart rate (HR) were determined by maximal treadmill test in the beginning and after 4 and 7 weeks of BT. During BT, HR monitors and accelerometers were used to measure PA and energy …

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Diet Macronutrient Composition, Physical Activity, and Body Composition in Soldiers During 6 Months Deployment

Abstract Introduction Optimal diet together with good physical fitness maintains readiness and military performance during longer deployments. The purpose of this study was to describe changes in dietary macronutrient and energy intake, total physical activity and body composition during a 6-month deployment in South Lebanon. Furthermore, associations of diet macronutrient intake and physical activity on body composition were also studied. Materials and Methods Forty male soldiers kept a 3-day food diary and their body composition was measured via bioimpedance and ultrasonography. Total physical activity was evaluated by accelerometers in a subgroup of participants. Measurements were conduc…

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Effects of Combined Strength and Endurance Training on Body Composition, Physical Fitness, and Serum Hormones During a 6-Month Crisis Management Operation

Pihlainen, K, Kyröläinen, H, Santtila, M, Ojanen, T, Raitanen, J, and Häkkinen, K. Effects of combined strength and endurance training on body composition, physical fitness, and serum hormones during a 6-month crisis management operation. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2020-Very few studies have examined the impact of training interventions on soldier readiness during an international military operation. Therefore, the present study investigated the effects of combined strength and endurance training on body composition, physical performance, and hormonal status during a 6-month international military deployment consisting of typical peacekeeping tasks, e.g., patrolling, observation, a…

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High-Intensity Functional Training Induces Superior Training Adaptations Compared With Traditional Military Physical Training

Helén, J, Kyröläinen, H, Ojanen, T, Pihlainen, K, Santtila, M, Heikkinen, R, and Vaara, JP. High-intensity functional training induces superior training adaptations compared with traditional military physical training. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000–000, 2023—This study examined the effectiveness of concurrent strength and endurance training with an emphasis on high-intensity functional training (HIFT) during military service. Voluntary male conscripts (aged 18–28 years) were placed in either an experimental (EXP: n = 50–66) or a control (CON: n = 50–67) group. The training for the EXP group included HIFT using body mass, sandbags, and kettlebells. The CON group trained according to the cur…

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Physical Fitness Profiles of Young Men

Obesity in youth has increased during the last 10 years in Western countries. Several studies have investigated physical activity and its effects on obesity and health, showing that regular physical activity combined with improved physical fitness reduces the risk of obesity and several metabolic problems (e.g. diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, heart disease) and also improves overall health. However, there is only limited scientific information available concerning the changes in the physical fitness profiles of youth. It is obvious that only slight changes observed in endurance-type physical activity can also be observed in aerobic capacity. Today and in the future, a major public he…

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Waist circumference and BMI are independently associated with the variation of cardio-respiratory and neuromuscular fitness in young adult men.

To test two hypotheses: (1) cardiorespiratory (CRF) and neuromuscular (NMF) fitness is associated with body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC), independent of each other and of leisure-time physical activity; (2) individuals with high CRF and NMF have lower WC for a given BMI, compared with those with low CRF and NMF. Cross-sectional study. Men participating in refresher training organized by the Finnish Defence Forces. A total of 951 men (mean age 29.1, s.d. 4.2 years; BMI 25.3 kg/m2, s.d. 3.8; WC 91, s.d. 11 cm). Body mass index, WC, maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), height of vertical jump, number of push-ups and sit-ups during a 1-min test, static back extension endurance, isom…

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A Randomized Controlled Trial Protocol for Using an Accelerometer-Smartphone Application Intervention to Increase Physical Activity and Improve Health among Employees in a Military Workplace

Physical activity is beneficial for improving health and reducing sick leave absences. This article describes a protocol for an intervention using an interactive accelerometer smartphone application, telephone counselling, and physical activity recordings to increase the physical activity of workers in the military and improve their health. Under the protocol, employees from six military brigades in Finland will be randomly assigned to intervention and control groups. The intervention group’s participants will use accelerometers to measure their daily physical activities and their quality of sleep for six months. They will receive feedback based on these measurements via a smartphone applic…

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Associations of Physical Fitness and Body Composition Characteristics With Simulated Military Task Performance

Pihlainen, K, Santtila, M, Hakkinen, K, and Kyrolainen, H. Associations of physical fitness and body composition characteristics with simulated military task performance. J Strength Cond Res 32(4): 1089-1098, 2018-The purpose of this study was to evaluate the associations of physical fitness and body composition characteristics with anaerobic endurance performance, tested in the combat load using the occupationally relevant military simulation test (MST). Eighty-one male soldiers, deployed to a crisis management operation in the Middle East, volunteered for the study and participated in a test battery consisting measurements of muscle strength, body composition characteristics, endurance ca…

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Changes in physical fitness and anthropometrics differ between female and male recruits during the Finnish military service

IntroductionMilitary training programmes are often similar for male and female recruits despite sex differences in physical performance that may influence training adaptations during military service. The present study aimed to compare changes in physical fitness and anthropometrics between Finnish female and male recruits during military service.MethodsA total of 234 690 male and 3549 female recruits participated in fitness tests at the beginning and end of military service between 2005 and 2015. Anthropometric measurements were body mass, height, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC). Fitness tests consisted 12 min running, standing long jump, and sit-ups and push-ups.Results…

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Physical training considerations for optimizing performance in essential military tasks.

Physically demanding essential military tasks include load carriage, manual material handling and casualty evacuation. This narrative review characterizes the main physical attributes related to performance of these occupational tasks and reviews physical training intervention studies in military settings to improve performance in these military tasks. Load carriage performance requires both aerobic and neuromuscular fitness with greater emphasis on maximal strength and absolute maximal oxygen uptake, especially when carrying heavier loads. In manual material handling, maximal strength and power are strongly associated with discrete lifting, while muscular strength, muscular endurance and a…

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Effects of baseline fitness and BMI levels on changes in physical fitness during military service.

Objectives The purpose of the present study was to investigate how aerobic fitness, muscle fitness and body mass index (BMI) change in relation to their baseline levels during 6-12 months of military service. Design Retrospective longitudinal follow-up study. Methods The study group consisted of 249 279 healthy young male conscripts (age 19.1 ± 0.4 yrs.) who completed their military service between the years 2005-2015. Anthropometrics (body mass, height, BMI), aerobic fitness (12-minute running test) and muscle fitness (sit-ups, push-ups, standing long jump) were measured. Results A 12-minute running test improved by 5% (107 ± 292 m), standing long jump 1% (2.1 ± 16.2 cm), 1-min sit-ups 19%…

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Associations of Maximal Strength and Muscular Endurance with Cardiovascular Risk Factors

The aim was to study the associations of maximal strength and muscular endurance with single and clustered cardiovascular risk factors. Muscular endurance, maximal strength, cardiorespiratory fitness and waist circumference were measured in 686 young men (25±5 years). Cardiovascular risk factors (plasma glucose, serum high- and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure) were determined. The risk factors were transformed to z-scores and the mean of values formed clustered cardiovascular risk factor. Muscular endurance was inversely associated with triglycerides, s-LDL-cholesterol, glucose and blood pressure (β=-0.09 to - 0.23, p0.05), and positively with s-HDL choles…

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Basal Endogenous Steroid Hormones, Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin, Physical Fitness, and Health Risk Factors in Young Adult Men.

Purpose: Few large-scale population-based studies have adequately examined the relationships between steroid hormones, health status and physical fitness. The purpose of the study was to describe the relationship of serum basal endogenous steroid hormones (testosterone, TES; empirical free testosterone, EFT; cortisol, COR) and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) to body composition, cardiovascular risk factors, and physical fitness in young healthy men. Methods: Male reservists (25 ± 4 years, N = 846) participated in the study. Basal TES, EFT, COR, and SHBG were measured in morning fasted blood. Stepwise regression analyses were used to examine associations between individual hormones to fo…

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Greater levels of cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness are associated with low stress and high mental resources in normal but not overweight men

Background: The aim of the present study was to investigate how cardio respiratory (CRF) and muscular fitness (MF) together with leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) influence stress symptoms and mental resources among normal-weight and overweight men, because it is not known how body weight affects this association. Methods: In a cross-sectional study, 824 men (mean ± SD: age 25 ± 5 y, weight 81 ± 13 kg, BMI 25 ± 4 kg/m2 ) underwent CRF and MF tests and completed LTPA and stress questionnaires. For the analysis, the subjects were divided into BMI groups (normal vs. overweight) and CRF / MF / LTPA (low, moderate, high) tertiles. Results: Normal-weight men with low CRF reported 12 % (p = 0.…

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Optimising training adaptations and performance in military environment.

Abstract Objectives Worldwide decreases in physical fitness and increases in body fat among youth have set challenges for armed forces to recruit physically capable soldiers. Therefore, knowledge of optimizing physical adaptation and performance through physical training is vital. In addition, maintaining or improving physical performance among professional soldiers in various military environments is crucial for overall military readiness. The present review focuses on the effects of military training on physical performance by searching for optimal methods to do it. Design and methods Review article based on selected literature searches using the main keywords ‘physical performance’ and ‘…

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Serum hormones in soldiers after basic training: effect of added strength or endurance regimens.

Introduction Military personnel are often exposed to training programs and operational situations that involve multiple stressors such as caloric deficit, sleep deprivation, and prolonged physical effort, which may disturb body homeostasis, as indicated by hormonal responses.Therefore, we investigated the effects of three training regimens on serum basal hormone concentrations before and after the 8-wk basic training (BT) period, and whether possible changes in serum basal concentrations are related to changes in endurance and strength performance. Methods Serum hormone levels were measured in 3 groups of 24 male military conscripts before and after 3 different types of training programs: n…

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Optimising Training Adaptations and Performance in Military Environment

Abstract Objectives Worldwide decreases in physical fitness and increases in body fat among youth have set challenges for armed forces to recruit physically capable soldiers. Therefore, knowledge of optimizing physical adaptation and performance through physical training is vital. In addition, maintaining or improving physical performance among professional soldiers in various military environments is crucial for overall military readiness. The present review focuses on the effects of military training on physical performance by searching for optimal methods to do it. Design and methods Review article based on selected literature searches using the main keywords ‘physical performance’ and ‘…

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Elevated concentration of oxidized LDL together with poor cardiorespiratory and abdominal muscle fitness predicts metabolic syndrome in young men

Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is associated with increased oxidized LDL (ox-LDL), systemic inflammation, and poor cardiorespiratory fitness. We examined affiliations of these factors and the effect of muscular fitness on MetS in young healthy men.Physical fitness, ox-LDL, tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and serum lipids were measured in a nationally representative sample of Finnish young men with and without MetS. Participants (mean age 25.1years) performed tests of maximal oxygen uptake (VO₂max) and muscle fitness, and were divided into MetS (n=54, IDF 2007 criteria) and non-MetS (n=790). Age, smoking and leisure-time physical activity were used as covariates (ANCOVA).The …

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Optimal Physical Training During Military Basic Training Period

The goal for military basic training (BT) is to create a foundation for physical fitness and military skills of soldiers. Thereafter, more advanced military training can safely take place. Large differences in the initial physical performance of conscripts or recruits have led military units to develop more safe and effective training programs. The purpose of this review article was to describe the limiting factors of optimal physical training during the BT period. This review revealed that the high volume of low-intensity physical activity combined with endurance-type military training (like combat training, prolonged physical activity, and field shooting) during BT interferes with optimal…

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Effects of added endurance or strength training on cardiovascular and neuromuscular performance of conscripts during the 8-week basic training period

 The present series of studies investigated changes in Finnish conscripts’ body composition, aerobic fitness and muscle endurance profiles during the last three decades. A second aim was to examine the effects of added endurance (ET) or strength training (ST) on cardiovascular and neuromuscular performance as well as hormonal responses of conscripts during an 8-week basic training (BT) period when compared to the current standardized (NT) programme. The third aim was to study the effects of these three different training programmes on a novel 3K combat running performance test. The present results showed that aerobic fitness and muscle endurance of 20 year old men in Finland has decreased a…

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Both poor cardiorespiratory and weak muscle fitness are related to a high concentration of oxidized low-density lipoprotein lipids

Good physical fitness is associated with favorable serum lipids. Oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL) could be even more atherogenic than serum lipids. We studied the association of ox-LDL and serum lipids with physical fitness. Healthy young (mean age 25 years) men (n=846) underwent maximal oxygen uptake (VO(2max)) and muscle fitness index (MFI) tests and completed a leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) questionnaire. Age (ANCOVA1), age+waist circumference+systolic blood pressure+fasting blood glucose+smoking (ANCOVA3) were used as covariates. The groups with the lowest VO(2max), MFI and LTPA had 23%, 16% and 8% higher concentrations of ox-LDL than the groups with the highest VO(2max…

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Aerobic Fitness Does Not Modify the Effect of FTO Variation on Body Composition Traits

Purpose Poor physical fitness and obesity are risk factors for all cause morbidity and mortality. We aimed to clarify whether common genetic variants of key energy intake determinants in leptin (LEP), leptin receptor (LEPR), and fat mass and obesity-associated (FTO) are associated with aerobic and neuromuscular performance, and whether aerobic fitness can alter the effect of these genotypes on body composition. Methods 846 healthy Finnish males of Caucasian origin were genotyped for FTO (rs8050136), LEP (rs7799039) and LEPR (rs8179183 and rs1137101) single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and studied for associations with maximal oxygen consumption, body fat percent, serum leptin levels, wa…

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Cardiorespiratory and Muscular Fitness are Associated with Cardiovascular Risk Related to Obesity in Young Men

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Physical Fitness and Body Anthropometrics Profiles of the Female Recruits Entering to Voluntary Military Service.

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Training-Induced Acute Neuromuscular Responses to Military Specific Test during a Six-Month Military Operation

Limited data are available regarding strength and endurance training adaptations to occupational physical performance during deployment. This study assessed acute training-induced changes in neuromuscular (electromyography

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Evaluation of occupational physical load during 6-month international crisis management operation

Objectives Generally, operational military duties are associated with a variety of stressors, such as prolonged physical activity (PA). However, limited information is available on the occupational workload or changes in PA during international military operations. Thus, the aim of the study was to investigate the changes in body composition, stress biomarkers, PA, and heart rate (HR) responses of 79 male soldiers during a 6-month international crisis management operation. Material and Methods Measurements were conducted 3 times in South-Lebanon during the operation. Body composition was assessed by the bioelectrical impedance method. Blood samples were analyzed for serum testosterone, sex-…

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Impact of a social media exercise service on individuals and employees

Summary Study aim: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the impact of a social media exercise platform (HeiaHeia, Helsinki, Finland) on the level of physical activity, physical fitness, wellbeing and body weight of the service users. Material and methods: The subject group consisted of 2862 individuals who voluntarily participated in a web survey. Their age, gender, body mass index, physical fitness level and activity information were self-reported. Results: Most of the service users (78.1%) exercised more than three times a week. About 75% of the users reported that they were in good or excellent physical fitness, while about 50% were overweight. More than half (64.6%) of th…

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Association of physical fitness with health-related quality of life in Finnish young men

Abstract Background Currently, there is insufficient evidence available regarding the relationship between level of physical fitness and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in younger adults. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of measured cardiovascular and musculoskeletal physical fitness level on HRQoL in Finnish young men. Methods In a cross-sectional study, we collected data regarding the physical fitness index, including aerobic endurance and muscle fitness, leisure-time physical activity (LTPA), body composition, health, and HRQoL (RAND 36) for 727 men [mean (SD) age 25 (5) years]. Associations between HRQoL and the explanatory parameters were ana…

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Changes in Cardiovascular Performance During an 8-Week Military Basic Training Period Combined with Added Endurance or Strength Training

ABSTRACT The purpose of the present study was to examine the changes in cardiovascular performance (VO2 max) and maximal strength development during an 8-week basic training (BT) combined with emphasized endurance training (ET) or strength training (ST) among 72 conscripts. The emphasized ST and ET programs combined with BT improved VO2 max by 12.0% (p < 0.01) and 8.5% (p < 0.05), while the increase in the control group (normal training) was 13.4% (p < 0.001). Body fat and waist circumference decreased in all groups. Normal training did not increase maximal strength of leg extensors but both ST (9.1%; p < 0.05) and ET (12.9%; p < 0.01) did. In conclusion, the current BT program including a …

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Association of physical fitness with health-related quality of life in Finnish young men

Abstract Background Currently, there is insufficient evidence available regarding the relationship between level of physical fitness and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in younger adults. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of measured cardiovascular and musculoskeletal physical fitness level on HRQoL in Finnish young men. Methods In a cross-sectional study, we collected data regarding the physical fitness index, including aerobic endurance and muscle fitness, leisure-time physical activity (LTPA), body composition, health, and HRQoL (RAND 36) for 727 men [mean (SD) age 25 (5) years]. Associations between HRQoL and the explanatory parameters were ana…

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