David Winter
Do the contact angle and line tension of surface-attached droplets depend on the radius of curvature?
Results from Monte Carlo simulations of wall-attached droplets in the three-dimensional Ising lattice gas model and in a symmetric binary Lennard-Jones fluid, confined by antisymmetric walls, are analyzed, with the aim to estimate the dependence of the contact angle $(\Theta)$ on the droplet radius $(R)$ of curvature. Sphere-cap shape of the wall-attached droplets is assumed throughout. An approach, based purely on "thermodynamic" observables, e.g., chemical potential, excess density due to the droplet, etc., is used, to avoid ambiguities in the decision which particles belong (or do not belong, respectively) to the droplet. It is found that the results are compatible with a variation $[\Th…
Force-induced diffusion in microrheology
We investigate the force-induced diffusive motion of a tracer particle inside a glass-forming suspension when a strong external force is applied to the probe (active nonlinear microrheology). A schematic model of mode-coupling theory introduced recently is extended to describe the transient dynamics of the probe particle, and used to analyze recent molecular-dynamics simulation data. The model describes non-trivial transient displacements of the probe before a steady-state velocity is reached. The external force also induces diffusive motion in the direction perpendicular to its axis. We address the relation between the transverse diffusion coefficient D(perpendicular) and the force-depende…
Heterogeneous nucleation at a wall near a wetting transition: a Monte Carlo test of the classical theory
While for a slightly supersaturated vapor the free energy barrier ΔF(hom)(*), which needs to be overcome in a homogeneous nucleation event, may be extremely large, nucleation is typically much easier at the walls of the container in which the vapor is located. While no nucleation barrier exists if the walls are wet, for incomplete wetting of the walls, described via a nonzero contact angle Θ, classical theory predicts that nucleation happens through sphere-cap-shaped droplets attracted to the wall, and their formation energy is ΔF(het)(*) = ΔF(hom)(*)f(Θ), with f(Θ) = (1-cosΘ)(2)(2+cosΘ)/4. This prediction is tested through simulations for the simple cubic lattice gas model with nearest-nei…
Finite-size scaling analysis of the anisotropic critical behavior of the two-dimensional Ising model under shear
The critical behavior of the two-dimensional Ising Model with non-conserved order parameter in steady-state shear is studied by large-scale Monte Carlo simulations. Studying the structure factor S(qx,qy) in the disordered phase, the ratio of correlation length exponents νx/νy in the two lattice directions (x,y) is estimated, and the critical temperature is determined as a function of the shear rate as Tc() − Tc(0) ∝ with ≈0.45. Critical exponents β≈0.37, γ≈1.1, ; ν⊥≈0.46, ν∥≈1.38 are roughly compatible with anisotropic hyperscaling.
Active nonlinear microrheology in a glass-forming Yukawa fluid.
A molecular dynamics computer simulation of a glass-forming Yukawa mixture is used to study the anisotropic dynamics of a single particle pulled by a constant force. Beyond linear response, a scaling regime is found where a force-temperature superposition principle of a Peclet number holds. In the latter regime, the diffusion dynamics perpendicular to the force can be mapped on the equilibrium dynamics in terms of an effective temperature, whereas parallel to the force a superdiffusive behavior is seen in the long-time limit. This behavior is associated with a hopping motion from cage to cage and can be qualitatively understood by a simple trap model.
Monte Carlo Test of the Classical Theory for Heterogeneous Nucleation Barriers
Flat walls facilitate the condensation of a supersaturated vapor: Classical theory of heterogeneous nucleation predicts that the free energy barrier $\Delta F_{\rm het}^*$ which needs to be overcome for the formation of sphere-cap shaped nucleation seeds is smaller than the barrier $\Delta F^*_{\rm hom}$ for spherical droplets in the bulk by a factor $0<f(\theta)<1$, which only depends on the contact angle $\theta$. In this letter we compute both $\Delta F^*_{\rm hom}$ and $\Delta F^*_{\rm het}$ from Monte Carlo simulations and test the theory for the lattice gas model (for which $\theta$ can be readily controlled). Even though the theory is only based on macroscopic arguments, it is shown …