Carlos Segura
Pre-service teachers’ flexibility and performance in solving Fermi problems
AbstractFermi problems are real-context estimation tasks that are suitable for introducing open-ended problems in primary school education. To ensure their effective introduction in the classroom, teachers must have adequate proficiency to deal with them. One of the key aspects of problem-solving proficiency is flexibility, but there are few studies on flexibility in solving real-context problems. This study, based on an analysis of the errors made by 224 prospective teachers when solving a Fermi problem sequence, establishes performance levels. In addition, we define levels of flexibility in using multiple solutions across the sequence, which allows us to address the main objective: to stu…
Analysis of the Relationship Between Context and Solution Plan in Modelling Tasks Involving Estimations
In this chapter we analyse students’ written solution plan of a sequence of modelling tasks involving estimations. Our research objective is to statistically analyse whether there is a relation between the solution plan and the characteristics of the context of the real estimation task. From previous work, we have identified some task variables that are directly related to the context. In this study we have designed a sequence of modelling tasks and we have analysed the productions of N = 224 Spanish pre-service primary school teachers. The results show that there is a relationship between the variables of the task and the solution plan used by the students in each case. From the results of…
Una propuesta para trabajar la proporción desde el arte
[EN] We present a proposal addressed to students of the first courses of ESO. Through these activities, pupils will work concepts related with proportionality. Our proposal is developed along art history, the students will acquire skills related with proportionality through the uses the artists have done throughout history. Through a route beginning in ancient Egypt and ending in today Athens, students will act as the artists, architects or even tour guides to deal with technical problems and solve them mathematically. Some of the activities have been already implemented in the project Estalmat CV (a mathematic stimulation program for talented students) and later adapted to a conventional c…
Avances de investigación en educación matemática
El fomento de la flexibilidad y adaptabilidad en resolución de problemas matemáticos favorece el desarrollo de la competencia matemática. En este estudio se describe y justifica el diseño de una secuencia de tareas de modelización que permite analizar la flexibilidad inter-tarea en los estudiantes. El objetivo central del estudio es analizar si los estudiantes son capaces de adaptar sus planes de resolución según aspectos relativos al contexto de la tarea, cambiando de estrategia de una tarea a otra, si estos aspectos varían. En el estudio han participado 110 estudiantes del grado de Maestro/a en Educación Primaria; los resultados permiten conocer en qué medida son flexibles los estudiantes…
Supporting mathematical modelling by upscaling real context in a sequence of tasks
AbstractCreating and developing mathematical models to solve real-world problems is a complex task and students often have difficulties in tackling it successfully. The design and implementation of sequences that help students autonomously develop their ability to solve modelling tasks could be a useful scaffolding tool to foster modelling learning. In this paper we present a sequence of estimation tasks in a real context based on what we have called the upscaling technique, which consists of scaling the accessibility and knowledge of the context used. A study with two samples of grade 10 students, experimental and control, has allowed us to find out whether this sequence promotes success i…
Studying and improving Mathematics instruction in secondary schools in Spain study group (grupo de estudio SiMiS1 )
El objetivo de este artículo es presentar y justificar el diseño de POEMat.ES, una pauta de observación de acciones del profesor de matemáticas en clase. POEMat.ES ha sido desarrollado por un grupo de investigadores con perfiles diversos en cuanto a experiencia docente e investigadora, a fin de sistematizar la observación de la práctica de enseñanza para entender e interpretar con precisión el proceso de enseñanza de matemáticas en educación secundaria en el contexto español. El diseño de POEMat.ES se ha basado en modelos específicos del conocimiento del profesor de matemáticas. La construcción del instrumento se aborda desde dos aproximaciones complementarias: se proponen categorías de obs…
Comparing Mathematics Early Years Education in Spain, Portugal and Slovenia
This work aims to examine how the learning of mathematics in early childhood is developed in different policies, particularly within the processes of formal education and care in early years institutions. A comparative analysis of early mathematics education policies across countries must consider cultural differences, teaching practice, structural differences and institutional framework conditions, as well as the initial training and professional knowledge of teachers and educators. Extracted from the official country regulations, the following pages include some of the main characteristics of the national systems of early childhood education and care (ECEC) in Portugal, Slovenia and Spain…
Towards the realization of a basic professional profile model for Science, Technology and Mathematics (STEM) teachers
[EN] In this work it is both discussed and provided a framework of speci c competences that may serve asa guide for setting up an ongoing process in the professional development of Science, Technology andMathematics (STEM) teachers. The fundamentals of the TPACK model serve to base the theoreticalbackground of this scheme, to which we have incorporated an additional feature which means to considerthe linguistic (L) dimension, thus transforming it into the TPACLK model. The di erent detailed profes-sional STEM capacities have been classi ed into six main sections. The two rst points discussed establishthe STEM disciplinary and didactic capacities; the third section corresponds to the role of…