J. M. G. Levins

First on-line laser spectroscopy of radioisotopes of a refractory element

The first fully on-line isotope shift measurement of a radioactive refractory element is reported. Collinear laser-induced fluorescence measurements were made on the radioactive isotopes ${}^{170,172,173,174}\mathrm{Hf}$ produced with a flux of $2--3\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{3}$ ions per second from an ion-guide fed isotope separator. The method may be applied to all elements and isomers with lifetimes as short as 1 ms. The systematics of the new charge radii measurements are well reproduced by theory, with the maximum deformation in the chain occurring significantly below the midshell.

research product

On-line laser spectroscopy of refractory radioisotopes at the JYFL IGISOL facility

A major objective of the laser-IGISOL program has been realized with the first ever on-line observation of collinear laser induced fluorescence from an ion of a refractory element. The measurements demonstrate that the IGISOL can be operated in a mode that produces ion beams of good emittance with reasonable extraction efficiency. The technique has been used to study the neutron-deficient Hf isotopes.

research product

First collinear laser spectroscopy measurements of radioisotopes from an IGISOL ion source

Abstract The standard Doppler-free technique of collinear laser spectroscopy has been successfully applied to radioisotopes from the ion-guide isotope separator (IGISOL) at the University of Jyvaskyla. The laser resonance fluorescence signals for the 140,142,144 Ba radioisotopes show that the ion beam energy spread is less than 6 eV, allowing the laser technique to have both high resolution and a sensitivity comparable with the best obtained at conventional facilities.

research product

First measurement of radioisotopes by collinear laser spectroscopy at an ion-guide separator

The first successful application of an ion-guide separator (IGISOL) for collinear laser spectroscopy of radioisotopes has achieved an efficiency comparable with the best obtained with catcher-ionizer facilities. The ion beam energy spread was determined to be less than 6 eV, allowing laser fluorescence resonance signals for the Ba-140,Ba-142,Ba-144 radioisotopes to be detected with high resolution and sensitivity. Applications of this technique to measuring nuclear properties of refractory elements and short lived isomers promises to be particularly advantageous.

research product