Eva Elisa Schneider
Mania risk is characterized by an aberrant optimistic update bias for positive life events
Abstract Background Early cognitive models of mania posit that a cognitive triad consisting of unrealistically optimistic beliefs about the self, world and future may predispose vulnerable individuals to develop manic symptoms. Hypomanic personality traits (HYP) pose such a vulnerability factor in the etiopathogenesis of mania. Methods To test the cognitive tenet of overly optimistic views of the future, 24 individuals with high-HYP and 24 age- and sex-matched controls (low-HYP) performed a belief update paradigm, during which they estimated their personal chances to experience future positive and negative life events. Afterwards, they were presented with the statistical likelihood of each …
Altered neural responses to social fairness in bipolar disorder
Highlights • Bipolar disorder is characterized by impaired processing of social fairness. • BD patients exhibit increased rejection of moderate unfairness in Ultimatum Game. • BD patients display decreased response to moderate unfairness in anterior insula. • BD patients deactivate posterior and middle insula in response to unfairness. • Trait impulsivity positively correlated with deactivations in posterior insula.
Measuring stress in clinical and nonclinical subjects using a German adaptation of the Perceived Stress Scale
ANTECEDENTES/OBJETIVO: El estrés se percibe de manera diferente entre los individuos, lo que podría ser particularmente cierto para los sujetos no clínicos y clínicos. Por esta razón, probamos una adaptación alemana de la Perceived Stress Scale de 10 ítems (PSS-10) para el ajuste del modelo y la invarianza de la medición en una gran muestra clínica y no clínica. MÉTODO: Realizamos (1) un análisis factorial confirmatorio múltiple (CFA) en 1.248 sujetos no clínicos y 575 pacientes ambulatorios, (2) invarianza de medición con CFA multigrupo, (3) correlaciones con constructos relevantes y (4) cálculos de la consistencia interna para la escala general y las subescalas Desvalidez y Autoeficacia. …