A. Gottberg

On-line implementation and first operation of the Laser Ion Source and Trap at ISOLDE/CERN

13 pags.; 12 figs.; 2 tab.; Open Access funded by CERN

research product

Production and release of ISOL beams from molten fluoride salt targets

In the framework of the Beta Beams project, a molten fluoride target has been proposed for the production of the required 1013 18Ne/s. The production and extraction of such rates are predicted to be possible on a circulating molten salt with 160 MeV proton beams at close to 1 MW power. As a most important step to validate the concept, a prototype has been designed and investigated at CERN-ISOLDE using a static target unit. The target material consisted of a binary fluoride system, NaF:LiF (39:61 mol.%), with melting point at 649 °C. The production of Ne beams has been monitored as a function of the target temperature and proton beam intensity. The prototype development and the results of th…

research product

Billion-Fold Enhancement in Sensitivity of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for Magnesium Ions in Solution

Beta-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is highly sensitive compared to conventional NMR spectroscopy, and may be applied for several elements across the periodic table. Beta-NMR has previously been successfully applied in the fields of nuclear and solid-state physics. In this work, beta-NMR is applied, for the first time, to record an NMR spectrum for a species in solution. 31Mg b-NMR spectra are measured for as few as 10^7 magnesium ions in ionic liquid (EMIM-Ac) within minutes, as a prototypical test case. Resonances are observed at 3882.9 and 3887.2 kHz in an external field of 0.3 T. The key achievement of the current work is to demonstrate that beta-NMR is applicable for the…

research product

Charge radii, moments, and masses of mercury isotopes across the N=126 shell closure

Combining laser spectroscopy in a Versatile Arc Discharge and Laser Ion Source, with Penning-trap mass spectrometry at the CERN-ISOLDE facility, this work reports on mean-square charge radii of neutron-rich mercury isotopes across the $N = 126$ shell closure, the electromagnetic moments of $^{207}$Hg and more precise mass values of $^{206-208}$Hg. The odd-even staggering (OES) of the mean square charge radii and the kink at $N = 126$ are analyzed within the framework of covariant density functional theory (CDFT), with comparisons between different functionals to investigate the dependence of the results on the underlying single-particle structure. The observed features are defined predomina…

research product

Production of molecular sideband radioisotope beams at CERN-ISOLDE using a Helicon-type plasma ion source

In order to account for the increasing demand for strong molecular beams for nuclear physics experiments at ISOLDE, a new radioactive ion source concept based on an RE discharge in a magnetized plasma was developed at CERN. Experimental studies at the ISOLDE offline separator show that the optimum conditions for CO+ and CO2+ ion production are given when the ion source is operated with He plasma, in line with expectations based on their electron impact ionization cross-sections. At optimum tuning, ionization efficiencies of 2.5% and 4% were measured for CO+ and Ar+, respectively. The capability of the Helicon ion source prototype for ISOL operation was evaluated during two online runs at th…

research product

Study of exotic decay of Cs isotope close to the proton drip line

6 pags., 6 figs. -- 27th International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC2019) 29 July - 2 August 2019, Glasgow, UK

research product

First application of the Laser Ion Source and Trap (LIST) for on-line experiments at ISOLDE

The Laser Ion Source and Trap (LIST) provides a new mode of operation for the resonance ionization laser ion source (RILIS) at ISOLDE/CERN, reducing the amount of surface-ionized isobaric contaminants by up to four orders of magnitude. After the first successful on-line test at ISOLDE in 2011 the LIST was further improved in terms of efficiency, selectivity, and reliability through several off-line tests at Mainz University and at ISOLDE. In September 2012, the first on-line physics experiments to use the LIST took place at ISOLDE. The measurements of the improved LIST indicate more than a twofold increase in efficiency compared to the LIST of the 2011 run. The suppression of surface-ionize…

research product

Blurring the boundaries between ion sources: The application of the RILIS inside a FEBIAD type ion source at ISOLDE

For the first time, the laser resonance photo-ionization technique has been applied inside a FEBIAD-type ion source at an ISOL facility. This was achieved by combining the ISOLDE RILIS with the ISOLDE variant of the FEBIAD ion source (the VADIS) in a series of off-line and on-line tests at CERN. The immediate appli- cations of these developments include the coupling of the RILIS with molten targets at ISOLDE and the introduction of two new modes of FEBIAD operation: an element selective RILIS mode and a RILIS + VADIS mode for increased efficiency compared to VADIS mode operation alone. This functionality has been demonstrated off-line for gallium and barium and on-line for mercury and cadmi…

research product