F. Schwellnus
On-line implementation and first operation of the Laser Ion Source and Trap at ISOLDE/CERN
13 pags.; 12 figs.; 2 tab.; Open Access funded by CERN
Ultra Trace Determination Scheme for26Al by High-Resolution Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry using a Pulsed Ti:Sapphire Laser
We propose an ultra trace analysis approach for 26Al by high-resolution Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry (RIMS) using a pulsed narrow band-width Ti:Sapphire laser. For ensuring efficient ionization and high isotopic selectivity in RIMS of Al, we developed an injection seeded pulsed Ti:Sapphire laser with high repetition rate operation at up to 10 kHz. The laser produced an output power of 2 W and a spectral band-width of ~20 MHz with a repetition rate of 7 kHz. A first demonstration of its performance was done by detecting stable 27Al using RIMS.
The laser ion source and trap (LIST) – A highly selective ion source
A combined structure consisting of a laser ion source and a linear Paul trap (LIST) has been designed to produce radioactive ion beams of high purity and optimal temporal and spacial brilliance at on-line isotope separator (ISOL) facilities. The functionality of the LIST was experimentally demonstrated in off-line tests using the RISIKO off-line mass separator together with an all solid state Ti:sapphire laser system at the University of Mainz. Two different ion trap designs were tested extracting the performance of these devices regarding ionization efficiency and selectivity as well as time structure and transverse emittance of the produced ion beam. The results of these measurements are …
Determination of the first ionization potential of technetium
Using resonance ionization spectroscopy the first-ionization potential of actinium has been determined by analyzing different Rydberg series in two-color resonant laser excitation. Three individual Rydberg series were investigated, converging toward the ionic ground state and toward the first- and second-excited state of the actinium ion, respectively. A combined analysis of the convergence limits leads to a consistent value for the first-ionization potential of Ac of $43\phantom{\rule{0.16em}{0ex}}394.45\phantom{\rule{0.16em}{0ex}}(19)\phantom{\rule{0.28em}{0ex}}{\text{cm}}^{\ensuremath{-}1}$, equivalent to $5.380\phantom{\rule{0.16em}{0ex}}226\phantom{\rule{0.16em}{0ex}}(24)$ eV.
Optical spectroscopy and performance tests with a solid state laser ion source at HRIBF
An ISOLDE-type hot-cavity laser ion source based on high-repetition-rate Ti:Sapphire lasers has been set up at the Holifield radioactive ion beam facility. To assess the feasibility of the all-solid-state laser system for applications at advanced radioactive ion beam facilities, spectroscopy and performance tests have been conducted with this source. The results of recent studies on excitation schemes, source efficiency, beam emittance and ion time structure are presented.
The laser ion source trap for highest isobaric selectivity in online exotic isotope production
The improvement in the performance of a conventional laser ion source in the laser ion source and trap (LIST) project is presented, which envisages installation of a repeller electrode and a linear Paul trap/ion guide structure. This approach promises highest isobaric purity and optimum temporal and spatial control of the radioactive ion beam produced at an online isotope separator facility. The functionality of the LIST was explored at the offline test separators of University of Mainz (UMz) and ISOLDE/CERN, using the UMz solid state laser system. Ionization efficiency and selectivity as well as time structure and transversal emittance of the produced ion beam was determined. Next step aft…
Study of Low Work Function Materials for Hot Cavity Resonance Ionization Laser Ion Sources
The selectivity of a hot cavity resonance ionization laser ion source (RILIS) is most often limited by contributions from competing surface ionization on the hot walls of the ionization cavity. In this article we present investigations on the properties of designated high-temperature, low-work function materials regarding their performance and suitability as cavity material for RILIS. Tungsten test cavities, impregnated with a mixture of barium oxide and strontium oxide (BaOSrO on W), or alternatively gadolinium hexaboride (GdB6) were studied in comparison to a standard tungsten RILIS cavity as being routinely used for hot cavity laser ionization at ISOLDE. Measurement campaigns took place …