Mark A. Nearing
Soil erosion modelling: a global review and statistical analysis
40 Pags.- 10 Figs.- 2 Tabls.- Suppl. Informat. The definitive version is available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00489697
Testing a theoretical resistance law for overland flow on a stony hillslope
Overland flow, sediments, and nutrients transported in runoff are important processes involved in soil erosion and water pollution. Modelling transport of sediments and chemicals requires accurate estimates of hydraulic resistance, which is one of the key variables characterizing runoff water depth and velocity. In this paper, a new theoretical power–velocity profile, originally deduced neglecting the impact effect of rainfall, was initially modified for taking into account the effect of rainfall intensity. Then a theoretical flow resistance law was obtained by integration of the new flow velocity distribution. This flow resistance law was tested using field measurements by Nearing for the …
Soil erosion modelling: A bibliometric analysis.
16 Pags.- 12 Figs.- 8 Tabls.
Testing a theoretical resistance law for overland flow under simulated rainfall with different types of vegetation
Abstract In this paper a recently theoretically deduced flow resistance equation, based on a power-velocity profile, was tested using data collected for overland flow under simulated rainfall carried out in plots with vegetation. The available data were obtained exploring a wide range of rainfall intensities (from 60 to 181 mm h−1) and slopes (from 3.6 to 39.6%), and with four different types of vegetation. The database, including measurements of flow velocity, water depth, cross sectional flow area, wetted perimeter and bed slope, was divided in four datasets (one for each vegetation type), which allowed the calibration of the relationship between the velocity profile parameter Γ, the slop…
Scales and erosion
Testing a new rill flow resistance approach using the Water Erosion Prediction Project experimental database
In this paper, a recently theoretically deduced rill flow resistance equation, based on a power‐velocity profile, was tested using the Water Erosion Prediction Project database. This database includes measurements of flow velocity, water depth, cross section area, wetted perimeter, and bed slope that were made in rills shaped on experimental sites distributed across the continental United States. In particular, three different experimental conditions (only rainfall, only flow, and rain with flow) were examined, and for each condition, the theoretically based relationship for estimating the Γ function of the power velocity profile was calibrated. The results established that (a) the Darcy‐We…