Pedro Fernández De Córdoba
Delta excitation in K+-nucleus collisions
We present calculations for \Delta excitation in the (K^+,K^+) reaction in nuclei. The background from quasielastic K^+ scattering in the \Delta region is also evaluated and shown to be quite small in some kinematical regions, so as to allow for a clean identification of the \Delta excitation strength. Nuclear effects tied to the \Delta renormalization in the nucleus are considered and the reaction is shown to provide new elements to enrich our knowledge of the \Delta properties in a nuclear medium.
Spatial soliton formation in photonic crystal fibers
We demonstrate the existence of spatial soliton solutions in photonic crystal fibers (PCF's). These guided localized nonlinear waves appear as a result of the balance between the linear and nonlinear diffraction properties of the inhomogeneous photonic crystal cladding. The spatial soliton is realized self-consistently as the fundamental mode of the effective fiber defined simultaneously by the PCF linear and the self-induced nonlinear refractive indices. It is also shown that the photonic crystal cladding is able to stabilize these solutions, which would be unstable otherwise if the medium was entirely homogeneous.
Introductory Quantum Physics Courses using a LabVIEW multimedia module
We present the development of a LabVIEW multimedia module for introductory Quantum Physics courses and our experience in the use of this application as an educational tool in learning methodologies. The program solves the Time Dependent Schrodinger Equation for arbitrary potentials. We describe the numerical method used for solving this equation, as well as some mathematical tools employed to reduce the calculation time and to obtain more accurate results. As an illustration, we present the evolution of a wave packet for three different potentials: the repulsive barrier potential, the repulsive step potential, and the harmonic oscillator. This application has been successfully integrated in…
A generalized finite difference method using Coatmèlec lattices
Generalized finite difference methods require that a properly posed set of nodes exists around each node in the mesh, so that the solution for the corresponding multivariate interpolation problem be unique. In this paper we first show that the construction of these meshes can be computerized using a relatively simple algorithm based on the concept of a Coatmelec lattice. Then, we present a generalized finite difference method which provides a numerical solution of a partial differential equation over an arbitrary domain, using the generated meshes. The accuracy and mesh adaptivity of the method is evaluated using elliptical equations in several domains.
Reconstruction and analysis of genome-scale metabolic model of a photosynthetic bacterium
Abstract Background Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 is a cyanobacterium considered as a candidate photo-biological production platform - an attractive cell factory capable of using CO2 and light as carbon and energy source, respectively. In order to enable efficient use of metabolic potential of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803, it is of importance to develop tools for uncovering stoichiometric and regulatory principles in the Synechocystis metabolic network. Results We report the most comprehensive metabolic model of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 available, iSyn669, which includes 882 reactions, associated with 669 genes, and 790 metabolites. The model includes a detailed biomass equation which encompasses…
A transfer matrix method for the analysis of fractal quantum potentials
The scattering properties of quantum particles on fractal potentials at different stages of fractal growth are obtained by means of the transfer matrix method. This approach can be easily adopted for project assignments in introductory quantum mechanics for undergraduates. The reflection coefficients for both the fractal potential and the finite periodic potential are calculated and compared. It is shown that the reflection coefficient for the fractal has a self-similar structure associated with the fractal distribution of the potential.
Forward-backward equations for nonlinear propagation in axially invariant optical systems
We present a novel general framework to deal with forward and backward components of the electromagnetic field in axially-invariant nonlinear optical systems, which include those having any type of linear or nonlinear transverse inhomogeneities. With a minimum amount of approximations, we obtain a system of two first-order equations for forward and backward components explicitly showing the nonlinear couplings among them. The modal approach used allows for an effective reduction of the dimensionality of the original problem from 3+1 (three spatial dimensions plus one time dimension) to 1+1 (one spatial dimension plus one frequency dimension). The new equations can be written in a spinor Dir…
Aequorin-expressing yeast emits light under electric control
In this study, we show the use of direct external electrical stimulation of a jellyfish luminescent calcium-activated protein, aequorin, expressed in a transgenic yeast strain. Yeast cultures were electrically stimulated through two electrodes coupled to a standard power generator. Even low (1.5. V) electric pulses triggered a rapid light peak and serial light pulses were obtained after electric pulses were applied periodically, suggesting that the system is re-enacted after a short refraction time. These results open up a new scenario, in the very interphase between synthetic biology and cybernetics, in which complex cellular behavior might be subjected to electrical control.
The role of age and emotional valence in word recognition: an ex-gaussian analysis
[Otro] Cie¿om práce je posúdi¿ vplyv veku a emo¿nej valencie na znovupoznávanie slov v rámci ex-Gaussových distribu¿ných komponentov. Dvom vekovým skupinám sme administrovali test znovupoznávania slov, v ktorom sme manipulovali emo¿nou valenciou. U mladších respondentov sa prejavili štatisticky signifikantné rozdiely pri negatívnych slovách v experimentálnej podmienke a v podmienke s distrakciou. U starších respondentov sme v odpove¿ových ¿asoch nezistili jasnú tendenciu. Vzh¿adom na ex-Gaussovský parameter ¿, ktorý sa v literatúre ¿asto spája s nárokmi na pozornos¿, vekovo podmienené rozdiely v emo¿nej valencii nemali žiaden vplyv na negatívne slová. Ak sa zameriame na emo¿nú valenciu v ob…
Self-Trapped Localized Modes in Photonic Crystal Fibers
We demonstrate the existence of self-trapped localized modes in photonic crystal fibers. We analyze these solutions in terms of the parameters of the photonic crystal cladding and the nonlinear coupling.
Nodal solitons and the nonlinear breaking of discrete symmetry
We present a new type of soliton solutions in nonlinear photonic systems with discrete point-symmetry. These solitons have their origin in a novel mechanism of breaking of discrete symmetry by the presence of nonlinearities. These so-called nodal solitons are characterized by nodal lines determined by the discrete symmetry of the system. Our physical realization of such a system is a 2D nonlinear photonic crystal fiber owning C6v symmetry.
Vortex solitons in photonic crystal fibers
We demonstrate the existence of vortex soliton solutions in photonic crystal fibers. We analyze the role played by the photonic crystal fiber defect in the generation of optical vortices. An analytical prediction for the angular dependence of the amplitude and phase of the vortex solution based on group theory is also provided. Furthermore, all the analysis is performed in the non-paraxial regime.
Yeast cultures with UCP1 uncoupling activity as a heating device
7 páginas, 5 figuras, 3 tablas -- PAGS nros. 300-306