J. L. Gasent-blesa
Power system consumption model using SPICE
Space missions have very stringent mass, volume and also power budgets. This requires very precise knowledge of the power consumption of the whole satellite, not only peak power but also static and long term dynamic power. This calculation becomes very complex if all the operational modes (long term dynamic changes) are taken into account, including the different environmental situations. The power budget of any Power Converter Module (PCM), which includes not only the DC/DC converter but also the distribution unit, depends on the power it delivers and on external factors like temperature and input voltage. We propose to use a linear SPICE model using electronic models of discrete component…
On the design of a multiple-output DC/DC converter for the PHI experiment on-board of solar orbiter
Power converters for experiments that have to fly on board space missions (satellite, launchers, etc.) have very stringent requirements due to its use in a very harsh environment. The selection of a suitable topology is therefore not only based on standard requirements but additional more strict ones have also to be fulfilled. This work shows the design procedure followed to build the Power Converter Module (PCM) for the Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (SO/PHI), experiment on board the Solar Orbiter Satellite. The selected topology has been a Push-Pull, for a power level of approximately 35 W and with seven output voltages. Galvanic isolation is needed from primary to secondary, but no…
Failure Rate Measurement on Silicon Diodes Reverse Polarized at High Temperature
This paper calculates the failure rate on reversed polarized silicon diodes with the aim to justify, experimentally, the rules of the European Space Agency (ESA) which are referred to the component life’s extension, the reliability increase and the end of life performance enhancement, by using oversized devices (derating rules). In order to verify the derating rules, 80 silicon diodes are used, which are reverse polarized in a high temperature environment. The diodes are divided in 4 groups of 20 diodes, applying a different voltage to each group, in order to relate the failure rate to the applied derating rule. The experiment described in this paper is developed using a temperature acceler…
Scientific simulations and optimization of the XGIS instrument on board THESEUS
The XGIS (X and Gamma Imaging Spectrometer) is one of the three instruments onboard the THESEUS mission (ESA M5, currently in Phase-A). Thanks to its wide field of view and good imaging capabilities, it will efficiently detect and localize gamma-ray bursts and other transients in the 2-150 keV sky, and also provide spectroscopy up to 10 MeV. Its current design has been optimized by means of scientific simulations based on a Monte Carlo model of the instrument coupled to a state-of-the-art description of the populations of long and short GRBs extending to high redshifts. We describe the optimization process that led to the current design of the XGIS, based on two identical units with partial…
The Intangible Cultural Landscape of the Banda Primitiva de Llíria
AbstractThe Banda Primitiva de Llíria is presented as an open heritage resource, which has been built on the uses, values and symbols assigned to it by the local town of Llíria and its inhabitants over the musical society’s two centuries of history. This work focuses on analysing how this musical phenomenon contributes to positioning creativity and cultural industries at the centre of local development, reinforcing the identity elements of Llíria and the Valencian Region. It intends to support the safeguarding, respect and awareness of one of the oldest civic bands in Spain, providing greater visibility and creating positive recognition of the fundamental importance of this form of intangib…
Stability improvement of isolated multiple-output DC/DC converter using coupled inductors
Coupling output inductors is a very popular solution when designing a multiple-output DC/DC system. Space-borne circuits are one of the areas where a custom DC/DC converter design with coupled inductors could be preferred to have a detailed design of all variables. Output voltage regulation can be improved using coupled output inductors on a multiple-output DC/DC converter, and, as demonstrated in this paper, it provides an enhanced stability. This paper presents the small signal analysis of a push-pull converter with seven outputs having all its output inductors coupled together and compares it theoretically to the uncoupled version to demonstrate the stability improvement. The theoretical…
Thermal Analysis of the Solar Orbiter PHI Electronics Unit
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