

The Intangible Cultural Landscape of the Banda Primitiva de Llíria

Mª ÁNgeles Carabal-montagudPau Alcocer-torresVirginia Santamarina-camposJ. L. Gasent-blesa


Intangible cultural heritagemedia_common.quotation_subjectCultural landscapeIdentity (social science)MusicalCreativityCollective actionValencianlanguage.human_languageAestheticslanguageSociologyCreative citymedia_common


AbstractThe Banda Primitiva de Llíria is presented as an open heritage resource, which has been built on the uses, values and symbols assigned to it by the local town of Llíria and its inhabitants over the musical society’s two centuries of history. This work focuses on analysing how this musical phenomenon contributes to positioning creativity and cultural industries at the centre of local development, reinforcing the identity elements of Llíria and the Valencian Region. It intends to support the safeguarding, respect and awareness of one of the oldest civic bands in Spain, providing greater visibility and creating positive recognition of the fundamental importance of this form of intangible cultural heritage for social cohesion and development, in an environment that is transformed into one of collective action, shared culture and creativity.
